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The natural shampoo ppl (baking soda, vinegar).

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Okay, so last night I washed my face with baking soda and water. That was perfect it was a good scrub and I felt nice and squeeky clean afterward. It was a wee bit more of a scrub than I would want on an ongoing basis though so tonight I'll try more water, less baking soda. I followed that up with a light olive oil massage over my face, neck, et c. I dabbed it off with a towel leaving my face with just a light covering of the oil. My face felt great last night and felt great again when I woke this morning!


This morning I showered and used the baking soda (almost) all over including my hair. I wanted a light exfoliation so I used about the same mix as last night. In the future, I'll use a weeker solution. I followed the baking soda, vinegar idea for my hair. I was concerned about combing it afterward but it combed beautifully, no snarls! I was suprised by that. I'll know a bit better if I liked it this evening . . . will my hair stay clean looking all day? we'll see.


Here is my problem. My hair smells of vinegar. To be sure it's a light waft but still, I don't like that. I don't want to smell of anything. I only wear perfum on Sundays and other special days and then only a tiny drop on my finger tip to dot behind my ears. That's it! Unless you're hugging/snuggling me, kissing my neck, or picking your nose with my finger, I'd rather not have a noticeable aroma. KWIM?


How can I get rid of the scent of vinegar w/o trying to cover it up? A wee dab of essential oil in lieu of perfume is grand at times but I don't want to try to over ride the vinegar with the e.o. and end up reeking of both. I just want to neutralize the vinegar odor, not try to cover it up.


Any suggestions?

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Well, I use shampoo bars for my hair, and since we have hard water, use an acid rinse afterwards. I was using vinegar infused with herbs (which helps with the smell), but have ended up using lemon juice instead (about 1 T diluted in a rinse). Maybe that would be an option? I haven't noticed a real difference between vinegar and lemon juice.


Here's a page from the place I get my shampoo bars with info on vinegar rinse recipes and what herbs help with different things:


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Well, I use shampoo bars for my hair, and since we have hard water, use an acid rinse afterwards. I was using vinegar infused with herbs (which helps with the smell), but have ended up using lemon juice instead (about 1 T diluted in a rinse). Maybe that would be an option? I haven't noticed a real difference between vinegar and lemon juice.



I am conditioner-only for the most part. Occasionally my hair does get oily, and I mix a little lemon juice with my conditioner. It works nicely, and my hair only smells of the conditioner afterward.

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I followed that up with a light olive oil massage over my face, neck, et c.


Have you ever seen Liz Earle's book, "New Vital Oils?" I borrowed it from the library and loved it so much I had to buy a copy. She explains all about oils for health and nutrition. So, I wouldn't use a light olive oil, because it's been so refined. I'd find something else with the nutrients left in it. I know grapeseed oil is light, but it doesn't have many nutrients so she recommends mixing it with something else. Anyway, very good book!



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How much vinegar are you using? And what type?

I would use natural apple cider vinegar rather than cheap white vinegar. I use lemon juice though, instead.

And, 1 tablespoon of vinegar/lemon juice to about a litre of water. That's very dilute- maybe you are using too much, and that's why there's too much smell?

And are you rinsing again AFTER putting the dilute rinse through your hair? You are meant to. I think the smell would be quite faint, and would disappear quite quickly, if you did this.

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Here is my problem. My hair smells of vinegar.


I don't do it now, but my mother always rinsed my hair with vinegar and I remember wondering why I didn't smell like a pickle afterward! What kind of vinegar are you using?

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Hey guys,


I'm definately going to check out the book, Rosie!


I'm using Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and I rinsed and rinsed! I did use it straight. I'll try diluting it this morning. Thanks! I don't know why I didn't realize that!


Either the scent grew fainter and fainter as the day wore on OR I just got used to it. HOWEVER, at the gym last night it just re-activated when I began to get hot and sweaty. Icky!

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If you used only 1 or 2 drops of essential oil (rubbed into the palms and then distributed throughout the hair), I wouldn't think that would be overpowering. Certainly it would depend upon which essential oil you use. Mild oils like lemon, lime, ylang ylang, patchouli (your dh may like that one...A LOT..LOL) possess lighter aromas.


If cost isn't an option, I second the apple cider vinegar and lemon juice ideas. BTW, I like to use diluted lemon juice as a facial toner/fruit acid exfoliator after cleansing at night. A 1:1 water to juice ratio works great. I then soak a cotton ball and rub it on my face. It may sting a bit (careful if you have sensitive skin...a 2:1, water to juice ratio may be better).


It is also luxurious to use sugar and olive oil as a scrub for the body and face. You can choose to leave it on or rinse immediately. AHHHH.





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I've been using baking soda and apple cider vinegar on my hair for about 2 months now, and love it. The very first time I did it I had a very faint vinegar smell, even after my hair dried. I tried diluting it more (about 1 Tbsp vinegar to 2-3 C water) and have not had any smell after my hair dries. (while it is wet I have a very faint vinegar smell if I hold it up to my face) I have worked out, gotten sweaty and still no smell. I'd try diluting it more, and rinsing it well.

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Someone please enlighten me about all of this! Does it not dry out your hair? I need to have this info so I can try all of these goodies. PLEASE share with me, now - please!!


Darnit -- I thought the link was here but must be on another thread. And of course I can't find it now. If you search "baking soda" and probably add "hair" to it, you'll find the thread. I did last night.


And then proceeded to try it. I was working all day and I figured my hair was so oily and sweaty it would never work. We'll see how this works out, but I was pretty amazed last night and this morning. And my big fear was being able to comb it out and it was easier to do than when I used conditioner.


I have very fine hair, but a lot of it, and only wash it when it needs it -- not every day like I did when I was working and coating it with the equivalent of Elmer's glue to get it to hold a style. After I quit messing with it, I found out that all the perming and coloring and blow drying had damaged my hair to the point where the guy who cut it said 50% of it was only half an inch long. So it was easy to get more hair -- don't kill it anymore!


So after ten years of just leaving it pretty much alone, all I do now is wash it and let it air dry. So we'll see how much difference the baking soda/vinegar makes. I think I used too much vinegar -- the ends seem dry. They feel fine, maybe it's just my imagination.


Hum -- just realized I wasn't much help! Sorry! :lol:

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Someone please enlighten me about all of this! Does it not dry out your hair? I need to have this info so I can try all of these goodies. PLEASE share with me, now - please!!


That was easier than I thought -- teach me to give up so easily.


I didn't find the original thread, but I found this:


Another Thread


and this:


How to do it


Hope the link works and hope it helps!

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Just to let you know that not everyone will mind if you go about smelling like vinegar.


I used a vinegar rinse one morning (out of desperation--no conditioner in the house) and went to work. It became obvious pretty fast that I'd used too much--one of the library patrons, a Middle Easterner, said my perfume reminded him of one of his favorite foods from back home! :lol:

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Kris, let me introduce you to my best friend. He comes in handy when you need the "Elmer's Glue" effect to hold a hairstyle.


"Kris, meet Aquanet."

"Aquanet, this is Kris."


LOL. I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but I will not go out in public w/o a good spray of Aquanet on my fine hair.





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Kris, let me introduce you to my best friend. He comes in handy when you need the "Elmer's Glue" effect to hold a hairstyle.


"Kris, meet Aquanet."

"Aquanet, this is Kris."


LOL. I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but I will not go out in public w/o a good spray of Aquanet on my fine hair.








Used to buy that stuff by the case! I don't know how long it took me to realize that "nice shine" was actually varnish. Maybe if I had limited it to just one good spray, instead of a dozen. :D

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I was telling dh about this thread (I'm thinking of trying the baking soda) and he had some suggestions to make my shower scientific as well as hygienic:


Put on the baking soda and then fill a bathing cap with vinegar and pop it on your head! You can do the same idea with a surgical glove and have an inflatable chicken head!

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I was telling dh about this thread (I'm thinking of trying the baking soda) and he had some suggestions to make my shower scientific as well as hygienic:


Put on the baking soda and then fill a bathing cap with vinegar and pop it on your head! You can do the same idea with a surgical glove and have an inflatable chicken head!



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