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A Momentous Day for our family.

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Today, my oldest, 15, started her first college classes (three this year along with high school classes). She texted me excitedly, saying she had left half an hour early so she could find the right building. She and I lack the "navigation" gene.


My son, 13, started his first three high school classes, and will also have some middle school classes.


And it's my birthday...I'm, um, getting up there! My son likes to call me "elderly". Gee, thanks!


We really have no one to celebrate with today so I am telling YOU! ;) I hope that is ok.

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Kleine Hexe: Happy birthday!




It is so bittersweet when our kids grow up. My oldest is only 11, and it pierces my heart to think of him being a teen.


It will be here before you blink.


Enjoy today! Yes, it is bittersweet. Lots of growing pains, and not needing me to do stuff anymore!

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Happy Birthday! :party: Of course we will celebrate your excitement with you!!


I can relate to your feelings, as my 15yo earlier this year started her first university class, too. Except it is by Open University, so online, and not having to navigate her way around campus! Although she went for a week-long block study period to the campus, and LOVED it! I'm so excited for her, and she is thrilled for herself, too!


Glad your day is a good one!

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Happy Birthday!


Recently, my 12 year old received some baseball cards from a neighbor. He was so excited because they were sooooo old ... from way back in the 80s! :lol:


Congrats to your kids on their classes! :)



Oh my gosh. The 80's were...yesterday. Well, it seems so. But my Mom always told me that the years zip by faster and faster, the older you get. I think she is right.



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Happy birthday to ya! :party::cheers2::party:


Thank you! My son and husband gave me World War II movies...you know, from back "when you were young". :tongue_smilie: No, seriously, I'm a WWII buff.


And my husband gave me a Richard Marx CD! Extra points if you remember who Richard Marx is. I loved him, back in the day!

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