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Xpost: I need a TIN WHISTLE for Classical Conversations.

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Getting info from my director has been. . . like pulling teeth, so I thank you for the information! I will check with the local music store and also Amazon.


Here's another question - are you CCers on CCConnected yet? My director keeps telling us that it isn't available yet, even though the blogs are saying differently. I'm getting frustrated in that regard. I want to see what's available there before I buy more materials. (Half a Hundred Acre Wood blog has soooo many good ideas!)


Anyway, thanks again. That relieves my stress a bit.

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Tammy, those of us that were already on CCConected still are, but it was closed to new registrations while the IT team works on the new Portal. I understand it will be up and running very quickly. Honestly though, unless you are tutoring, you shouldn't need it much before the first few weeks.


Oh, and no one posts materials for sale there. It's purely a forum for asking questions about how to use or supplement materials and largely it's for tutoring ideas.


Sorry you have had trouble getting info!

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Getting info from my director has been. . . like pulling teeth, so I thank you for the information! I will check with the local music store and also Amazon.


Here's another question - are you CCers on CCConnected yet? My director keeps telling us that it isn't available yet, even though the blogs are saying differently. I'm getting frustrated in that regard. I want to see what's available there before I buy more materials. (Half a Hundred Acre Wood blog has soooo many good ideas!)


Anyway, thanks again. That relieves my stress a bit.


I'm a director and I want to address the CC Connected issue. Your director has to enter all of her families into the portal and it's a time intensive, un-intuitive process. It just opened within the past week and she may have other things she needs to spend her time doing right now. Since your community is about to start, she is probably busier than at any other time of the year and has had to put off entering families.

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Thanks for the information. I just need to chill. Just because her timeline isn't the same as mine, doesn't make her wrong. She is a very sweet person who has gone out of her way to make the new families feel welcome. (Our community has doubled from 8 kids to 16 this year.)


Thank you again for the info and for talking me down.

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