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what animal is this?

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Our border collie is going nuts outside. He has the type of bark that means that an animal is outside. We usually get deer but this sounded closer than the fruit trees. I was ignoring it until I heard a yelping noise and I worried that he was hurt. I went outside and called him to the porch. I didn't see any injury (all his shots are up to date since we live in the country). He tries to corner snakes so I had thought it was a snake at that point.


I'm hearing a weird shuffling, huffing noise under the front porch steps. It sounds like something is moving around and making loud huffing noises. I am not hearing any growls, barks, squeals, etc but whatever it is, it's bigger than a snake. I thought perhaps a small dog except no barking noise. I'm scared to go down and peek under the porch. (A cornered animal doesn't sound like the smartest thing to go look at). I tried throwing food near the porch, but it doesn't seem interested.


This isn't a hissing noise, but a snuffling, huffing type noise. We are in the woods. It could be anything.


Any thoughts? I've brought my dog inside and left a note for hubby to be careful going out the front. Another thing, we had a huge thunderstorm today (severe enough to cancel all the local ball games which never happens). I wonder if it's an animal of some sort that took refuge under our porch.

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I went back outside but I don't hear anything else. I suppose after bringing in the dog and turning out the lights, whatever it was ran away.


I double-checked Trouble (our dog) and he doesn't seem to have any injuries so I don't think it was a porcupine. Maybe armadillo?

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Armadillo! Those little guys are loud! They will truly make you think a bear is lurking right outside your window. That would be my first guess.


However, you mentioned fruit trees. If the fruit is ripe/near ripe, I would also suspect an opossum, especially with the dog yelping - 'possum are pretty feisty.


You need a critter cam.:D

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I'm not sure what it was, but I looked under there today and there was nothing there. The ground was torn up and I saw small indentations that looked like it may have been paw prints but nothing else.


I thought bear cub at first, but the animal I heard couldn't have been bigger than a medium sized dog, at most.


We do have fruit trees but they are a bit away from the house. I originally thought deer since they come eat the fruit (literally off the tree).


Whatever it was I think took refuge under our porch due to the heavy storms moving through.

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My vote!


Is your yard, flower beds or garden all rooted up? We have an armadillo right now that is tearing up everything and eating our garden.


Armadillo! Those little guys are loud! They will truly make you think a bear is lurking right outside your window. That would be my first guess.


However, you mentioned fruit trees. If the fruit is ripe/near ripe, I would also suspect an opossum, especially with the dog yelping - 'possum are pretty feisty.


You need a critter cam.:D

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