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How much does an 18yog have to weigh to give blood?

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I ask because my niece went to give blood today but was deferred because she doesn't weigh enough. This girl is NOT skinny--not overweight, but definitely not skinny! She's 5'3" and weighs 115-120 lbs. I know that people over 18 have to weigh at least 110 lbs, and the Red Cross says that there are additional weight requirements for 17yo & 18yo donors. I looked on the Red Cross website, but it doesn't specify. Does anyone here know?

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I remember it being 110 when I gave in high school and was under 18. I wonder if it's changed.


I know she weighs 115-120, and she is 18yo, and they turned her away because she doesn't weigh enough. At the Red Cross website, it says women giving double red cells have to be at least 5'5" and weigh 150 lbs. But I'm sure she was just planning to be a "normal" donor.

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I know she weighs 115-120, and she is 18yo, and they turned her away because she doesn't weigh enough. At the Red Cross website, it says women giving double red cells have to be at least 5'5" and weigh 150 lbs. But I'm sure she was just planning to be a "normal" donor.


I found this...https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:q3i8JGt7nMIJ:communityservice.wustl.edu/Documents/Height%2520and%2520Weight%2520Requirements.pdf+red+cross+weight+requirements+chart&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjd3qO5wlz68adgAre3NnFVnPVm7Fa3YPqC-P3yh6QuujZGZQKBhs780niN03SIrw6tb4J2M_Jx0AzYgpZy1d81kUy_8-jOnEkMCpyeZG73BQlsCv48zsJa6qHws2caUGEqfXp3&sig=AHIEtbQh2zfdpY50_8__isYvv8jma-UYAw&pli=1


According to that, I wouldn't have been eligible :001_huh:

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I remember it being 110 when I gave in high school and was under 18. I wonder if it's changed.




I remember my dad making me stand on a scale to prove I weighed enough to give. This would have been 15+ years ago, though, so I honestly don't know if the policy has changed since then.




Oh, wow, yeah. That is new. I wouldn't have been eligible either. I don't know many teenaged girls who would be! :001_huh:

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I remember my dad making me stand on a scale to prove I weighed enough to give. This would have been 15+ years ago, though, so I honestly don't know if the policy has changed since then.





Oh, wow, yeah. That is new. I wouldn't have been eligible either. I don't know many teenaged girls who would be! :001_huh:


That is strange! The shorter you are, the more you have to weigh? Does anyone know the rationale? I'd think someone 4'11 and 110lbs would have more blood to spare than someone who is 5'6 and weighs 110lbs. :confused:

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I tried to give blood not long ago. I am 4' 10" and 103 pounds. I am 30, but regardless of height or age they won't take my blood. It is because their collection bags are pre filled with anticoagulant so they cannot take a smaller amount of blood (messes up the ratio). The minimum weight around here is 120.

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The shorter you are, the lower your overall blood volume thus if they take X amount from my dd (4'10") and that same amount from her friend (5'3") it will impact my dd more than it will the taller girl. So if my dd weighs more, she can more easily cope physically with the blood loss. :001_smile:


I donated blood for my own surgery at 16. You had to weigh 110lbs waaaay ;) back then and no one checked. I passed out. Then they brought up the weight issue! :001_huh:


As an Army brat raised in Germany, I am no longer allowed to donate. I found that out 2 years ago at a blood drive at my church. I was stunned. Apparently, the military's source for meat in the late '70s - early'80s was was possibly tainted with mad cow. So, I could be a carrier! Oy!

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I don't know. I recently wanted to bank blood for my dd (we have same type) for her operation and I was told that it was illegal to do so. :001_huh: I haven't researched it yet but I find the idea seriously disturbing.


My dad (all those years ago) wasn't allowed to bank blood for me, either. What we were told is that parents will lie and conceal health issues to donate their own blood for their dc. It sounds logical, but when you think about it, all blood is screened and all donors are screened. If there is something "tainted" about the parent's blood, wouldn't it be detected in the screening? And if not, do I want *any* donated blood???

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My dad (all those years ago) wasn't allowed to bank blood for me, either. What we were told is that parents will lie and conceal health issues to donate their own blood for their dc. It sounds logical, but when you think about it, all blood is screened and all donors are screened. If there is something "tainted" about the parent's blood, wouldn't it be detected in the screening? And if not, do I want *any* donated blood???


weird. You can donate for a specific person here. It is totally allowed. I have known people who have done it.

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weird. You can donate for a specific person here. It is totally allowed. I have known people who have done it.


Yes, designated donations. IIRC, (which is a stretch! :tongue_smilie: ) he could donate for my mom or a friend, it was just parents who couldn't donate for their child. :confused:


If anyone has any more information on this, please share. :D

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Yes, designated donations. IIRC, (which is a stretch! :tongue_smilie: ) he could donate for my mom or a friend, it was just parents who couldn't donate for their child. :confused:


If anyone has any more information on this, please share. :D


My dh has donated for my dd. It is allowed. Maybe someone was misinformed?:confused:

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My dh has donated for my dd. It is allowed. Maybe someone was misinformed?:confused:


Maybe it is a state thing?? She lives in another state. I never researched it before. I just assumed that it would allowed and was surprised when I was told that it would not. We also asked if she could bank for herself but there wasn't enough time.

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