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No frills math for a 2e?


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I am searching for a no frills math program for my dyslexic/dysgraphic gifted son. He is 7. We did singapore last year, but between the weird names and colorful and busy workbook pages he got distracted. He gets caught up on small details like not being able to pronounce a name correctly in a word problem. Any suggestions?

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Math Mammoth is pretty boring. :lol:


I would just make sure you are selective about which problems he does. You likely won't need all of them, and you might not even need all sections (because it is incremental). So look ahead at the material and see what you think he actually needs, then circle the problems for him to do.


The methods taught in MM are basically the same as those in Singapore. I switched from MM to Singapore because my son needed a little more "fun". So it would make sense to go the other direction for your son. ;)


Also, don't be afraid to take the workbook in YOUR hand and teach the material at the white baord, skipping some of the incremental stuff. Then assign practice problems. I sometimes did that, since DS didn't need the incremental teaching. The curriculum is very easy to accelerate. In one calendar year, we did 1A-4A at ages 6-7. Then we slowed down, since we had found "where he was" (still going faster pace than you're supposed to, but not skipping a bunch of stuff).

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Singapore U.S. edition has a much more visually "clean" look, but you'd still have the same issue with names in the word problems. Would he care if you crossed out the names in the problems and replaced them with easy-to-read names like Tom, Max, Ann, etc.?


Yes, yes it would lol.


Excellent suggestions. I will check out MM!

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My son had similar issues with Singapore. We switched to computer based math with EPGY. There's one problem at a time on the screen in front of the student and it's not full of colorful little cutesy-wootsy drawings and characters... though I can't remember the kinds of names they use in the word problems; I can recall it's a variety - some non-anglo-saxon names.

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My dd who is dyslexic prefers Math U See. She said she wanted math to be math with much less reading on the page. She has used it for alpha through pre-algebra now and it really works for her. Sister uses Singapore. Though she can read well now she still likes the format of Math U See.

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Another vote for MM. My son makes quick intuitive leaps so we do jump around some but the lack of distractions is great. My son doesn't need manipulatives to understand anything, which is good because I have never been able to use manipulatives without him getting totally distracted playing with them.

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MUS worked great for ODS. I have a few attention issues myself and the boring black and white was wonderful for us. I also love the mastery style - it allowed us to move the pace we needed. That's helpful for a wide range of students. Just be warned, if you have a gifted math student, to budget for more than one level! ODS started in Alpha at the start of first grade and started Alg I by the end of 3rd grade. (We abandoned MUS at Algebra I however. That's where it no longer met his needs and we went over to AoPS instead Intro to Algebra which has worked well. But AoPS is not laid out quite as simply as MUS. It would be hard to be laided out as simply as MUS!)

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