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Runners, please help me

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I started a modified C2K5 2 weeks ago today. I start by doing various stretches, then a 5 min warm up walk, then I run 3 minutes, walk 2 min and repeat. When I'm done I do a 5 min cool down walk. I am up to five sets of 3 min run/2 min walk. I am not taking a day off in between though.


I am fine as far as breathing and heart rate, but my legs are killing me from the front of my upper legs down to my knees. Like on a scale of 1-10 they are @ a 6-7 type of pain. After I am finished they ache for @ 10 minutes or so, but once I am showered I am usually fine.


I am pretty heavy so maybe once I lose some weight this will stop or is this normal? Before starting I was a couch potato so I am sure it's just from being completely out of shape. :blush5:

Edited by Quiver0f10
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It took me a year to work up to running. My weight trainer believes C25K sets many people up for joint problems. That, from a true couch start, it needs more cross training and a slower build up. That muscle builds faster than ligaments and joints strengthen. People follow what the muscle can do and injure a joint, ligament, tendon, etc...


I would say:

-stretch after running, not before. You don't stretch cold muscles.

-take rest days and/or do cross training. Swimming, weights, elliptical, yoga, etc.... Something low impact to work muscles and joints in a different way.

-Reduce running mileage and build up VERY slowly.


ETA: A year to work up to running very far. I began exercising last summer. I did, mostly, lots of walking. Hill walking, slow walking, very fast walking.... Lots of variety. With a little running. At the beginning of this summer I could run a mile and was doing lots of other exercise, too. Now, I'm able to add mileage a little faster without pain. I can do 3-4 miles and I joined a half-marathon training group that starts in a few weeks. If all goes well, I'll do a half at the end of November.

Edited by snickelfritz
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TAKE the day of rest between!! Recovery is just as important in fitness (AND weight loss!) as the exercise. You will plateau and get frustrated without working rest days into your body's schedule--you may have already plateaued, honestly, since you're just starting.


Love yourself through the process of this major change. :)

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Good job working out!


I would suggest you stretch AFTER the 5 minute warm-up, not before. Stretching when the muscle is "cold" always leads to injury for me.


Also, you may be pushing a bit too hard. Try to slow down the running speed a little & see if that helps.

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I did c25k last year after having my last baby and only did it 3 days a week. You might be overdoing it for your fitness level. If you want to get more workouts in, you could take a walk instead. Overdoing it will get you injured. Once you finish c25K, you can start increasing the work as your body can handle. I was able to successfully start training for a half-marathon when I finished. It was a conservative training plan, but it got us to run the whole thing at our pace. This year we are able to ramp it up quite a bit. The whole thing takes time. Nice work on getting started!

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Those are your quadriceps. They are big muscles working hard. It is unlikely you are injuring yourself there. Probably just muscle fatigue.


If they feel ok afterwards, you are likely fine.


Stretch them after your run for a couple minutes by standing on one leg, bending then other knee, and grabbing that foot, pulling it gently towards your butt. Do this with each leg a couple times.


Downhills are hard on the quads, and hard on you in general. If you are running on hills, avoid running downhill as much as possible.


Take short mincing steps. This is easier on your legs in general.


Happy running!

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Take a day off between your running sessions. If you want to exercise on your off days, swim or do some other exercise that is not running.


For some people who are not elite athletes, for example me, running several days in a row can lead to an injury that takes a very long time to heal :glare:.


If you need to repeat a week, that is totally fine. Everybody's body responds differently. It doesn't matter if it takes you longer than 8 weeks to complete the program. It's better to take longer and complete the 5K than to push beyond your limits and give up.


You can do it!

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If you have never ever run or exercised before, I would highly suggest a running/walking course. You will learn so much about proper technique and methods to avoid injuries, proper nutrition, hydration, stretching and stengthening exercises, etc. The Running Room (mostly in Canada and a few places in the States) offers wonderful courses and they are very inexpensive. You will also meet a lot of nice people to train with, chat with and help motivate you to continue on your wonderful running journey. :001_smile: All the best!

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