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Sonlight Core G changes?


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If I get an older IG how much has Core G (formerly 6) changed in the last few years?


Would you recommend a certain year and above?


I am trying to buy used as I really don't plan to follow it exactly, I mostly need it for a reference.


Thank you!,



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Well, someone gifted me a 2011 Core G. Then I've spent a day plus reading through and trying to understand it. No wonder they re-did it, I'm wondering why it took them this long. I took everything out of the order it was in, and moved the notes and maps behind the particular weeks they go along with. The papers won't match up completely, because the notes will cover more than a weeks time frame, but I just had to put it behind the first week it was referenced. I'm hoping I can keep up with things better that way. I'm so happy for the gift, but I had no idea Sonlight had been organized the way it was. If you are just saving a little bit of money, I'd try the new.



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My problem is that I won't be using it all, probably just 1/4-1/2 of it as we have some other things to focus on this year.


I do know I could sell it when I am through, but I really just wanted to find it used.


I really wish you could just buy the schedule separately.


So, yours is from THIS year and it is still not easy to read?




Well, someone gifted me a 2011 Core G. Then I've spent a day plus reading through and trying to understand it. No wonder they re-did it, I'm wondering why it took them this long. I took everything out of the order it was in, and moved the notes and maps behind the particular weeks they go along with. The papers won't match up completely, because the notes will cover more than a weeks time frame, but I just had to put it behind the first week it was referenced. I'm hoping I can keep up with things better that way. I'm so happy for the gift, but I had no idea Sonlight had been organized the way it was. If you are just saving a little bit of money, I'd try the new.



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Get the used guide. I haven't used the new ones, but for no more than you will use it isn't worth it. I've used Core 6 and really liked it. It has had very few changes until the makeovers this year and I'm not sure if it was even included in that.

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My problem is that I won't be using it all, probably just 1/4-1/2 of it as we have some other things to focus on this year.


I do know I could sell it when I am through, but I really just wanted to find it used.


I really wish you could just buy the schedule separately.


So, yours is from THIS year and it is still not easy to read?




Most of the guides were reone in 2012, including rearranging the notes behind the schedule. I love he new IG's and if you are using it as is I think they are worth it. That said for next year I am doing a sonlight/TQ combo and went ahead and bought a used core D IG since I will only be using parts of it. I am curious to know how if at all the content/ questions were changed.

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They took out the Genevieve Foster books in the 2012 edition. Now they have the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia AND The Usborne History Encyclopedia scheduled. I don't know why they did that. One encyclopoedia is enough.

I liked the version with the Foster books and actually prefer my book notes all together by book and not by the day so I went ahead and bought a 2011 IG even though we won't get to it for a couple of years.

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I have the new Core G and Core H which has not been updated yet. Both have their pluses and minuses. It is handy to have your books already sorted within the weeks UNLESS you get behind and things go willy-nilly. I had a friend loan me the notes from the Foster books that got removed and we will insert them. You can get corresponding schedules for SOTW and the Kingfisher through Core Foundations http://corefoundations.wordpress.com/scheds-english-and-history/. If you arent going to follow the schedule to the letter, I'd get the old version used. HTH

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