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exercise thread 7/22-7/28

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Jumping in...

Today: kettlebells. (25lbs on everything)

Warmed up with a TGU on each side

Cardio circuit- 20 swings, 10 squats, 10 clean and press, 10 reverse lunges. Repeat 6 times with 30 seconds in between.

Butt and Hams conditioning: 15 single arm swings, squat-thrust-burpee x 10, squat-hop x 10, 30 second plank. Repeat 3 times with 2 min rest between.


I have my grandfathers funeral (out of town) tomorrow- so I planned it for rest- and really tried to blow it out today.


Tuesday will be W6D1 of C25k.


Wednesday- kettlebells- but I haven't decided what I am doing yet.


(quick intro: I have been dieting since November (lchf) and began kettlebells and running about 3 months ago. I have lost 50lbs, with another 15 to go. Another poster encouraged me to start posting here with y'all. So here I am :)

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Jumping in...

Today: kettlebells. (25lbs on everything)

Warmed up with a TGU on each side

Cardio circuit- 20 swings, 10 squats, 10 clean and press, 10 reverse lunges. Repeat 6 times with 30 seconds in between.

Butt and Hams conditioning: 15 single arm swings, squat-thrust-burpee x 10, squat-hop x 10, 30 second plank. Repeat 3 times with 2 min rest between.


I have my grandfathers funeral (out of town) tomorrow- so I planned it for rest- and really tried to blow it out today.


Tuesday will be W6D1 of C25k.


Wednesday- kettlebells- but I haven't decided what I am doing yet.


(quick intro: I have been dieting since November (lchf) and began kettlebells and running about 3 months ago. I have lost 50lbs, with another 15 to go. Another poster encouraged me to start posting here with y'all. So here I am :)



Welcome! What a great job getting fit. Wow.


Care to share your diet plan?

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Welcome! What a great job getting fit. Wow.


Care to share your diet plan?


Oh thanks!!!

Through the holidays I just tried to really cut my carbs and overall intake. Being the holidays- I knew not to set the bar too high. I cut my sweet tea- now its water only... That was big. I was able to loose 20 or so from Nov-Jan.*


In February, I reduced the rest of my carbs- except my morning coffee with cream and sugar (hey- a girls gotta have the java!)... But I did cut my double cream and sugar to a single each. I allowed myself one cheat day a week- whatever I wanted. It always results in a "hangover" on Monday, and a pound or two gained back- but it helps me keep my sanity. :)


Somewhere around April or May, I started doing kettlebells here at home. My struggle, like most homeschooling mothers I am sure, is how to fit and the gym when homeschooling. *If I am going to get sweaty I really want to make it count- not just I walk around the park. Lol! A trainer friend of mine recommended kettlebells to me- she said she had never seen as quick results in her years of training as with these tools. I truly have seen the results since then. I have gone from 213 very mushy, jiggly, wrinkly, flappy pounds to 162.2... I have quad and glute firmness- and even some definition(!), nearly all backfat is gone as is my chicklet (what I call that chunk of *something* in the side-bOOk/armpit/arm area that bulges when you wear a sleeveless shirt). And my biggest goal- seeing my clavicle again- has been achieved! While my abs are definitely much better- I still have a ways to go there. But I am happy to report that I have gone from a 16- pushing 18 dress size, to a very comfortable size 10 :)*

I am just shy of 5'10- but small framed. So my height can *carry* that old 213 weight- but it is totally not good naked. Soooo bad. I had an apron dude.*


All that said... I truly believe that diet is 90-95% of the game. The exercise helps- and definitely firms up the jiggly places- but as far as the scale goes- its pretty much just staying away from grains, sugar, and starches. And I hate to say it (given the recent Fat American Epic Thread) but upping my fat intake has caused me to drop the weight like I am breathing. In other words - Paleo (low carb, high protein and fat) really has worked for *me*. Nothing and I mean nothing (I have tried so many in the last 10 years) has been able to get it off, keep it off, and keep taking it off like this has.*

My days look like this usually: I eat breakfast as late as possible (the later the better in my case- curbs mid morning snacks)- omelet cooked in olive oil with sautéed onion and spinach, apples cooked in butter, water to drink. Lunch was steamed broccoli (like 2 or so cups) with butter and cheese. Dinner was steak and greens- sautéed. And the nice part is that I don't walk around starving All. The. ****. Time. For snacks- if I am really dying- I will microwave a strip or two of bacon... Or if right after a workout- then a berry and some heavy cream- i allow those carbs only after workouts. I also use heavy cream (just a tsp) in my coffee.*


Sorry for the epic post! I am so thrilled to have found a combination that finally works- I obviously can't shut up! *But thank you for asking (I am sure you regret it now- lol!).

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Unscripted, thanks for sharing what has been successful for you.


I'm always looking for what to help my dh. We already eat low carb compared to most others. It keeps coming back to my dh drinking wine daily and beer on weekends. He won't cut those. As a result the weight doesn't drop even with though he barely eats carbs foodwise.


Well, I can't force him to cut things out of his diet.



I bought a new dvd, Ballet Body by Leah Sarago. I hope I like it. I bought it to celebrate this darn heart monitor coming off. I've been wearing it every single day for a month. Let me tell how annoying it is to workout with wires and blackberry sized monitors hanging off you. Then I can only shower every other day so working out, getting sweaty, and then not being able to shower makes me feel gross. Plus, the sweat also makes the sticky pads on my skin even more irritating. My poor skin is red, raw, and sore. All that to say I can't wait to get this off! It should come off sometime this week! Then I'm planning on upping my exercise again as I've slacked off. Hence, the pretty new dvd to celebrate. :D

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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All of this DVD for knees (works glutes, and leg muscles) (30 minutes):



Phase 1 of this DVD (30 minutes)




I did abs and arms segments from this DVD (25 minutes):



All of this DVD for knees (works glutes, and leg muscles) (30 minutes):



Low-intensity walk on treadmill for an hour.

Edited by nestof3
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:lol: I bought the same one! I haven't tried it yet. I bought several videos on a splurge for different things -- knees, back, belly dancing, cardio, arms/abs, etc.


I'm trying this one tomorrow:



and then this one:



I wanted some extra videos with short strength training/circuit training on days I use the treadmill. I also wanted some stretching videos to add at night when I feel like it. So I bought:






I bought a new dvd, Ballet Body by Leah Sarago. I hope I like it. I bought it to celebrate this darn heart monitor coming off. I've been wearing it every single day for a month. Let me tell how annoying it is to workout with wires and blackberry sized monitors hanging off you. Then I can only shower every other day so working out, getting sweaty, and then not being able to shower makes me feel gross. Plus, the sweat also makes the sticky pads on my skin even more irritating. My poor skin is red, raw, and sore. All that to say I can't wait to get this off! It should come off sometime this week! Then I'm planning on upping my exercise again as I've slacked off. Hence, the pretty new dvd to celebrate. :D

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I have the JM 6 week 6 pack one. I don't know if I'll do it anymore. Now that I've read that crunches are just not that great for you. They are not good for your spine and they are not good for the abdominal split I have. I'll be sticking to pilates and yoga for ab work.

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Dawn, how do you like Tracey Mallet? I was looking at her dvds yesterday.


The one I used yesterday is good. I'll let you know what Phase 2 is like when I do it. Overall, Phase 1 is not as intense as Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones, but that is 45 minutes, I think, and though I do sometimes do only half it, I still wanted some variety to keep me interested. I would say it's more cardio than the No More Trouble Zones, which is a nice change.


She has a fun, pleasant personality. I had a little trouble with some of the moves because I am working out in a small room. I had to modify a little.


I started the Body Barre one today, but I chose a different one because I felt impatient learning new moves. She goes over each exercise very well. It's different than the circuit training I had been doing.


I appreciated Tamilee Webb because she is older, not a specimen of perfection, and yet she was a wonderful teacher.


I guess you can see I am looking for variety.

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I have the JM 6 week 6 pack one. I don't know if I'll do it anymore. Now that I've read that crunches are just not that great for you. They are not good for your spine and they are not good for the abdominal split I have. I'll be sticking to pilates and yoga for ab work.


Really? I like crunches, so that's frustrating. I go to a yoga class with a friend sometimes, and I enjoy that as well.

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Oh thanks!!!

Through the holidays I just tried to really cut my carbs and overall intake. Being the holidays- I knew not to set the bar too high. I cut my sweet tea- now its water only... That was big. I was able to loose 20 or so from Nov-Jan.*


In February, I reduced the rest of my carbs- except my morning coffee with cream and sugar (hey- a girls gotta have the java!)... But I did cut my double cream and sugar to a single each. I allowed myself one cheat day a week- whatever I wanted. It always results in a "hangover" on Monday, and a pound or two gained back- but it helps me keep my sanity. :)


Somewhere around April or May, I started doing kettlebells here at home. My struggle, like most homeschooling mothers I am sure, is how to fit and the gym when homeschooling. *If I am going to get sweaty I really want to make it count- not just I walk around the park. Lol! A trainer friend of mine recommended kettlebells to me- she said she had never seen as quick results in her years of training as with these tools. I truly have seen the results since then. I have gone from 213 very mushy, jiggly, wrinkly, flappy pounds to 162.2... I have quad and glute firmness- and even some definition(!), nearly all backfat is gone as is my chicklet (what I call that chunk of *something* in the side-bOOk/armpit/arm area that bulges when you wear a sleeveless shirt). And my biggest goal- seeing my clavicle again- has been achieved! While my abs are definitely much better- I still have a ways to go there. But I am happy to report that I have gone from a 16- pushing 18 dress size, to a very comfortable size 10 :)*

I am just shy of 5'10- but small framed. So my height can *carry* that old 213 weight- but it is totally not good naked. Soooo bad. I had an apron dude.*


All that said... I truly believe that diet is 90-95% of the game. The exercise helps- and definitely firms up the jiggly places- but as far as the scale goes- its pretty much just staying away from grains, sugar, and starches. And I hate to say it (given the recent Fat American Epic Thread) but upping my fat intake has caused me to drop the weight like I am breathing. In other words - Paleo (low carb, high protein and fat) really has worked for *me*. Nothing and I mean nothing (I have tried so many in the last 10 years) has been able to get it off, keep it off, and keep taking it off like this has.*

My days look like this usually: I eat breakfast as late as possible (the later the better in my case- curbs mid morning snacks)- omelet cooked in olive oil with sautéed onion and spinach, apples cooked in butter, water to drink. Lunch was steamed broccoli (like 2 or so cups) with butter and cheese. Dinner was steak and greens- sautéed. And the nice part is that I don't walk around starving All. The. ****. Time. For snacks- if I am really dying- I will microwave a strip or two of bacon... Or if right after a workout- then a berry and some heavy cream- i allow those carbs only after workouts. I also use heavy cream (just a tsp) in my coffee.*


Sorry for the epic post! I am so thrilled to have found a combination that finally works- I obviously can't shut up! *But thank you for asking (I am sure you regret it now- lol!).


Unscripted, thanks for writing all of that, it was actually pretty inspirational for me. I have a lot of weight to lose, and have finally started trying in earnest. I've been dieting and exercising for 3 weeks now. I'm doing South Beach Diet, which I think is really close to the Paleo that everyone here mentions. I've lost 8 pounds so far and I still feel pretty good.


This week, I'm going five times to the gym again. Today was Week 3 Day 1 of Couch to 5k for me. On Tues/Thurs I lift weights at the gym on the machines, then take my daughter swimming afterward. I am so lucky to have a wonderful gym very close that has an indoor pool and in-house daycare with ladies who my daughter loves already.

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Yes, thanks for sharing. I have started eating my scrambled egg whites and shredded cheddar with ham or bacon (nitrate-free). Today, I had it with two strawberries and some almonds. I have cut my sugar to one tsp instead of two in my coffee.


I'm still finding ways of lowering my carbs.


I am definitely firming up nicely despite not losing much weight. I think the circuit training/weight training has really helped.


Oh thanks!!!

Through the holidays I just tried to really cut my carbs and overall intake. Being the holidays- I knew not to set the bar too high. I cut my sweet tea- now its water only... That was big. I was able to loose 20 or so from Nov-Jan.*


In February, I reduced the rest of my carbs- except my morning coffee with cream and sugar (hey- a girls gotta have the java!)... But I did cut my double cream and sugar to a single each. I allowed myself one cheat day a week- whatever I wanted. It always results in a "hangover" on Monday, and a pound or two gained back- but it helps me keep my sanity. :)


Somewhere around April or May, I started doing kettlebells here at home. My struggle, like most homeschooling mothers I am sure, is how to fit and the gym when homeschooling. *If I am going to get sweaty I really want to make it count- not just I walk around the park. Lol! A trainer friend of mine recommended kettlebells to me- she said she had never seen as quick results in her years of training as with these tools. I truly have seen the results since then. I have gone from 213 very mushy, jiggly, wrinkly, flappy pounds to 162.2... I have quad and glute firmness- and even some definition(!), nearly all backfat is gone as is my chicklet (what I call that chunk of *something* in the side-bOOk/armpit/arm area that bulges when you wear a sleeveless shirt). And my biggest goal- seeing my clavicle again- has been achieved! While my abs are definitely much better- I still have a ways to go there. But I am happy to report that I have gone from a 16- pushing 18 dress size, to a very comfortable size 10 :)*

I am just shy of 5'10- but small framed. So my height can *carry* that old 213 weight- but it is totally not good naked. Soooo bad. I had an apron dude.*


All that said... I truly believe that diet is 90-95% of the game. The exercise helps- and definitely firms up the jiggly places- but as far as the scale goes- its pretty much just staying away from grains, sugar, and starches. And I hate to say it (given the recent Fat American Epic Thread) but upping my fat intake has caused me to drop the weight like I am breathing. In other words - Paleo (low carb, high protein and fat) really has worked for *me*. Nothing and I mean nothing (I have tried so many in the last 10 years) has been able to get it off, keep it off, and keep taking it off like this has.*

My days look like this usually: I eat breakfast as late as possible (the later the better in my case- curbs mid morning snacks)- omelet cooked in olive oil with sautéed onion and spinach, apples cooked in butter, water to drink. Lunch was steamed broccoli (like 2 or so cups) with butter and cheese. Dinner was steak and greens- sautéed. And the nice part is that I don't walk around starving All. The. ****. Time. For snacks- if I am really dying- I will microwave a strip or two of bacon... Or if right after a workout- then a berry and some heavy cream- i allow those carbs only after workouts. I also use heavy cream (just a tsp) in my coffee.*


Sorry for the epic post! I am so thrilled to have found a combination that finally works- I obviously can't shut up! *But thank you for asking (I am sure you regret it now- lol!).

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Dawn, how do you like Tracey Mallet? I was looking at her dvds yesterday.


Okay, so I did her Booty Barre today (45 minutes as I did some extra abs and stretching). It was very different (lots of ballet type moves), but nice for a change, challenging, and a good workout. She has a fabulous personality.



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Okay, so I did her Booty Barre today (45 minutes as I did some extra abs and stretching). It was very different (lots of ballet type moves), but nice for a change, challenging, and a good workout. She has a fabulous personality.




I want the dvd simply because I like her accent. :001_smile:

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I want the dvd simply because I like her accent. :001_smile:


I ordered two more of hers. I'll let you know what I think of them. Her accent is fantastic!


I'm really enjoying the variety. Tomorrow night, I go to yoga with a friend, and Thursday, I take a Jazzercise Sculpting class.

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Jumping in a bit late. :lol:


Sunday: 8 mile run

Monday: Rodney Yee's Power Yoga

Tuesday: 3 (yes 3 :lol: ) Flirty Girl Booty Beat workouts. One "practice" workout in the morning, the I taught two classes in the evening. I'm nuts. :lol:

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Did the arm and leg segments of Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training on Sunday and Monday. Still not clear to do abs.:( Tried to do parts of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones yesterday. Although she has two circuits that are ab specific, some others have some abby stuff as well. Probably only did about twenty minutes worth of it. I have really lost stamina. I don't think I look much different after this (so-far) 4 week hiatus, but I can definitely feel it both during and after workouts. The craziness of this move would have cut out much exercise time anyway. We will get settled into our temporary housing this weekend, and then I think I will have a nice three weeks to truly get back into it. Then more moving craziness as we move into our new home! I have my second follow-up with my doctor in two more weeks.

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Yesterday I completed Insanity's cardio abs and a pilates video (Crunch)


Today, I did week 4 of c25k. I think I will repeat the entire week. I did fine and completed it with no issues, just wanting to take my time. I didn't run last week due to hormonal issues.. so, back to it this week!

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Did the arm and leg segments of Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training on Sunday and Monday. Still not clear to do abs.:( Tried to do parts of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones yesterday. Although she has two circuits that are ab specific, some others have some abby stuff as well. Probably only did about twenty minutes worth of it. I have really lost stamina. I don't think I look much different after this (so-far) 4 week hiatus, but I can definitely feel it both during and after workouts. The craziness of this move would have cut out much exercise time anyway. We will get settled into our temporary housing this weekend, and then I think I will have a nice three weeks to truly get back into it. Then more moving craziness as we move into our new home! I have my second follow-up with my doctor in two more weeks.


:grouphug: Moving is stressful. Are you able to do yoga?






I did Tracy Anderson this morning and then a very quick run. My new Ballet Body dvd came in the mail today so I'm doing that tomorrow.

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:grouphug: Moving is stressful. Are you able to do yoga?






I did Tracy Anderson this morning and then a very quick run. My new Ballet Body dvd came in the mail today so I'm doing that tomorrow.


Yoga was 75 minutes. Let me know how you like the Ballet Body. I got the upper body one.

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Unscripted, thanks for writing all of that, it was actually pretty inspirational for me. I have a lot of weight to lose, and have finally started trying in earnest. I've been dieting and exercising for 3 weeks now. I'm doing South Beach Diet, which I think is really close to the Paleo that everyone here mentions. I've lost 8 pounds so far and I still feel pretty good.


This week, I'm going five times to the gym again. Today was Week 3 Day 1 of Couch to 5k for me. On Tues/Thurs I lift weights at the gym on the machines, then take my daughter swimming afterward. I am so lucky to have a wonderful gym very close that has an indoor pool and in-house daycare with ladies who my daughter loves already.


Your welcome! I hit submit and then saw how long I yammered on- and worried that I posted way too much, lol. It's all I really want to talk about lately- after struggling and getting nowhere for so long... So I think my filter isnt the best at the moment. But thanks (and nestof3 and hexe Klein too!)- and I agree, it's not for everyone- I think every body has a different composition, and therefore different regiments to have success in weight loss. That's what makes it so dang hard, IMO. If there were one perfect diet/exercise- then everyone would do it, and it wouldn't be so hard. Haha!


Back to OP...

I did do my W6D2 of C25k on Tuesday... Next is the 20 minute straight run- I is skeered.


Yesterday was kettlebells: 3 TGU's each side, 3 pull ups. 50 double hand 25# swings, warrior walk- 25#, 20 clean and press-15#. 30 second recover then: 50 switching swings, 20 squats, 10 hi pulls- all of those were 25#. Rest 2 minutes and repeat 4 times


Today: Kettlebells again and sprint

3 pull ups, 3 chin ups

Ran .5 mile quickly then jumped immediately into the following:

10 dead lifts - 25#, 10 planked glute raises, 10 swings- 25#... Repeat 4 times.

10 single leg push ups, 10 side planked leg lifts, 10 swings- 25#. Repeat 4 times.


Tomorrow: scary 20 minute straight run...

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I have a question- and there may be an ongoing thread already for it- so feel free to link me. :)


What is your next major goal?


I have two. I would like to drop another 15-20 pounds... AND the one I am really excited about: DH and I are registered for the warrior dash in October. I cannot wait! The dash has given me some renewed motivation to push my limits each workout... I don't plan on being the baddest-assed warrior there- but I would love to have a solid showing :)


So what about you ?

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I have four goals:


1. I'm still just trying to get from 131 to 120 -- now at 126. It's very slow, but at least I'm losing. I'm sure I'll aim for 115 if I ever get to 120.


2. To increase muscle mass. I am definitely doing this.


3. To become more confident about myself and my abilities by trying new things. To try classes with and without a friend. To get beyond a strict routine.


4. To enjoy my daily exercises and the benefits including weight loss, muscle tone, and stress relief.


I have a question- and there may be an ongoing thread already for it- so feel free to link me. :)


What is your next major goal?


I have two. I would like to drop another 15-20 pounds... AND the one I am really excited about: DH and I are registered for the warrior dash in October. I cannot wait! The dash has given me some renewed motivation to push my limits each workout... I don't plan on being the baddest-assed warrior there- but I would love to have a solid showing :)


So what about you ?

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I have four goals:


1. I'm still just trying to get from 131 to 120 -- now at 126. It's very slow, but at least I'm losing. I'm sure I'll aim for 115 if I ever get to 120.


2. To increase muscle mass. I am definitely doing this.


How tall are you? I am 5'3", and at 125 a size 0 is literally falling off of me. I can pull pants on without unzipping. I have a LOT of muscle mass. Right now I want to lose 5 pounds but without losing any muscle, and I need to eat a certain amount to workout heavy enough. If you start lifting to put on some muscle you may end up surprised what you can weigh :D


Last night I lifted heavy weights and I was happy that I upped my squat weight to 155! Walking lunges with a 50 pound barbell, dumbell deadlifts, shoulder press, and 15 minutes of stairs. I'm resting today! Aside from some outside play with the kids and jumping rope

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I am 5' 3.75".


My top is a small petite while my waist is a 6/8 depending. Waist is 29, hips 36.


I was very fit in my 20's and weighed about 105 with a size 4 (sometimes 2).


There is a huge difference how much larger I look now. I will even post photos as embarrassing proof. Larger one was about a month ago.


How tall are you? I am 5'3", and at 125 a size 0 is literally falling off of me. I can pull pants on without unzipping. I have a LOT of muscle mass. Right now I want to lose 5 pounds but without losing any muscle, and I need to eat a certain amount to workout heavy enough. If you start lifting to put on some muscle you may end up surprised what you can weigh :D


Last night I lifted heavy weights and I was happy that I upped my squat weight to 155! Walking lunges with a 50 pound barbell, dumbell deadlifts, shoulder press, and 15 minutes of stairs. I'm resting today! Aside from some outside play with the kids and jumping rope

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Let's see my goal is to not have wobbly bits. I don't need or want to lose weight. I just want to firm. I'm much firmer than I used to be, but my rear is still jiggly. :tongue_smilie:


Also, cardio health is important for me. I like being able to walk upstairs and not breath heavy.


Building muscle and bone mass is another ongoing goal.


Keeping my brain sharp to keep up with my kids. :D


Basically, all the benefits (except weight loss) I read about in The First 20 minutes are my goals.

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Dawn whatever on the embarrassing photo! You are pretty and your GORgeousness of hair accounts for a few pounds.


I'll bet we have just about the same figures before I started weight lifting. I'm more like hair under 5'3.5"


I don't think there is any better way to rid the giggly parts than lifting weights. I only do it 3 times per week and am in and out of the gym in under 1 hr. and that is with 20 minutes of cardio which I hate but do anyways.


I weighed the same as I do now wearing a size 6/8 before I ever started lifting weights 5 years ago! And I like being strong, and able to pick my kids up still :D. And I believe it is healthy for bone density, etc

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I did the Ballet Body core dvd. I liked it. I'd put it at about a Tracy Anderson level as for difficulty. Tracy still kicks my butt more. However, I think if I didn't have experience doing Tracy then this Ballet Body dvd would have been harder.


Some of the balance moves were tricky, and I thought my balance was pretty good. The moves were mostly new so I like that about it.


The one thing I can't figure out is how people sit and balance on their tailbones during some of these moves. Like a teaser move. I cannot do it. It kills me. Is that not normal? Is it not supposed to hurt when you're sitting in this position? I broke my tailbone when I was a teen so maybe that's why it's searing pain when I try to put any weight/pressure on it? I'm trying to figure out how to modify those moves yet still have them be effective.

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