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We adopted a dog and I need help.

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She is great overall. She's a German Shepherd. We've only had her since last about 7:30 last night. She has eaten a little and drank a fair amount of water. She has not pottied yet. The foster mom didn't feed her supper. We gave her supper her and she ate a little. She also ate a little this morning. She's drank water off and on all day.


I have had her crated off and on too. I can't trust her and watch her constantly until she potties outside. As I understand it, this can be normal.


I have a dear friend who has been helping me along as well.


I feel bad leaving her crated and taking her out every so often, but what other choice do I have? Anyone have any other suggestions for me?


Oh, and she doesn't really even want to go outside. She wants to be indoors. I understand. It is hot, but we are leash walking her in the yard, etc. until she knows her boundaries.


I am getting worried... :confused:

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Have you left her alone for a bit in the yard to go? I have met some dogs who simply won't go in front of someone. It's odd, but I've seen it. Also, perhaps where you are walking her is not the sort of surface she is used to going on. Being that she's an adult, I wouldn't get too concerned until she's been like this for more than a day. When my one cocker cross gets stressed she won't go to the bathroom. She has held it for a couple days before, but that one stressed me out too.

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Have you left her alone for a bit in the yard to go? I have met some dogs who simply won't go in front of someone. It's odd, but I've seen it. Also, perhaps where you are walking her is not the sort of surface she is used to going on. Being that she's an adult, I wouldn't get too concerned until she's been like this for more than a day. When my one cocker cross gets stressed she won't go to the bathroom. She has held it for a couple days before, but that one stressed me out too.


No, we haven't left her alone we are afraid she'll climb the fence. She was an indoor/outdoor dog before. She doesn't like to be outside and doesn't even want to go for a walk. I can understand not pooing yet, but the not peeing is getting to me. I'd like to let her out of her crate. :(

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You could 'tomato stake' her. Tie the leash to your belt and let her be with you all the time. Dogs usually sniff prior to squatting so you would notice and be able to jog outside.


I wouldn't worry too much. It's stressful coming to a new home and family. I used to raise and show German Shepherds...they are the best!

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You could 'tomato stake' her. Tie the leash to your belt and let her be with you all the time. Dogs usually sniff prior to squatting so you would notice and be able to jog outside.


I wouldn't worry too much. It's stressful coming to a new home and family. I used to raise and show German Shepherds...they are the best!


We have let her out and watched her off and on all day. We've kept her leash on when she's out of the crate. She is very smart. We hope to start obedience classes with her right away.

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I would put the leash on her and attach it to your waist in the house. This way she will be right with you so if she starts to pee, you can immediately run her outside. When she does pee outside finally, praise the heck out of her!


I would not want a rescue to come home and spemd a lot of tme in a crate.

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I would put the leash on her and attach it to your waist in the house. This way she will be right with you so if she starts to pee, you can immediately run her outside. When she does pee outside finally, praise the heck out of her!


I would not want a rescue to come home and spemd a lot of tme in a crate.


I agree with you about the crate. She was released from her owners on Saturday along with another Shepherd that they could no longer care for. She was an indoor/outdoor dog as I understand it. In other words, she's had a decent life compared to most that come into rescue care.:001_smile:

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It's stressful to get a new family. I had our dog in an area where he could see me and hear me. I'd be talking to him all day. Some dogs don't like to go when someone stands nearby. Can you let her go in the yard without being right there? If not, take a long leash and let her go behind bushes and trees or at least a corner.

If you are truly worried about constipation, add a little olive oil or flax seed oil to the meal (a little only!).

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Have you gone on a long walk at the park? I'd take her on a long walk with a bottle of water and little bowl in case she gets hot. She should be able to walk for quite a while... (2 or 3 miles) Not on hot pavement, of course.... Just a thought :) Remember your bags.... When she starts you can say, "Go pee-pee" or whatever. It's nice to have your dog know that you want them to try :) I can say "Go pee-pee" before I leave my pup at home and like knowing that he won't urgently need to go while I'm gone.

Also, usually when a dog gets nervous or runs, it makes them have to "go".... so walking for a couple of miles should take care of everything.... :)

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My female GS (also a rescue) has been with us for 2 years.


We have been in a bad drought and it barely rained the past 1.5 years. It has rained almost every day the past 2 weeks-- and many showers have had thunder and lightning.


DOG is barely eating and drinking... will NOT go outside unless we grab her collar and make her...


Today is DRY-- she still will not eat or drink much and is still afraid to go out unless I am standing right next to her.


My dog is just stressed because of the storms. She is an indoor dog now but in her past life she was outdoor and was "found" after a bad storm...


Try NOT to crate her (it is bad for their hips anyways-- German Shepherds need to lay stretched out when they sleep (or for the majority of their sleep)... and a crate would have to be HUGE for that to happen.


I agree with tomato staking.


When we brought our girl home I kept her with me as much as possible until we bonded.


Training classes will help you bond-- they are more for the family/owners than for the dog-- but it helps foster a good relationship.

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She just sat down at the back door. We took her out and she pooped! I know it's crazy to be so excited, but I am ! :D


Moms and critter caretakers get all excited about poop!


I hope she continues to adjust and has a happy life with you! Give her a pat from me. :D

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