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Twin B born today at 28 weeks 1 day. He is doing well.

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M.T. was born today and joined his brother D.J. in the NICU. He weighed just a smidge over 3 lbs. Doctors are very happy with his progress and D.J. is coming along/not showing signs of any worrisome problems. I'm thrilled that they are meeting benchmarks and stable.


Mamma is bearing up pretty well. I think that maybe she would have liked for them to try one more time to stop her labor, but she just isn't responding well to those drugs, and with the baby weighing in at 3 lbs, it was time to deliver her, let her heal from the double C-section, and then get her up and about as nearly four weeks on her back is weakening her.


Dear friend, the grandma, is not heading back right away. The other grandparents are there and can stay a week. I can't watch the farm; I just can't. We have the fair - 4H all this week and I have a boatload of responsibilities. If either baby suddenly starts going downhill, we'll have to find a teen who is willing to housesit and take care of the dogs, and her other daughter will have to stay home and care for the farm until I'm free. I just don't see any other way.


On another note, the drought here has hit its crisis point and there is soon going to be a show-down between the farmers and area residents. On the one hand, the farmers who have irrigation equipment can save their crops and that's HUGE to them, it's huge to the community from just an entire economical standpoint, but on the other hand, the largest source of water for this area, a rather nice river that is rarely less than 3 ft. deep and has many, many pools that are 10 ft. deep, is nearly dry... there is not a single place the entire length of the river that has more than 18 inches and in most spots you can practically cross without getting wet. It's very scary! Wells are beginning to run low and many people who border farms that are still irrigating are seeing the signs that the irrigation is taking the water table down so low, their wells are soon going to fail. Tensions are very high. In this area, hate to say it, these kinds of things tend to get UGLY.


As much as I love 4-H, I was a little appalled today at the livestock barns. A number of kids had their cows out bathing them to keep them picture perfect. Normally, that would be fine. In the 44 years I've been on this earth, we've never had a drought that caused the community to conserve water or face well failure. The fairgrounds is in an area with a city water supply, normally drawn from the river, and now being supplied by back-up stock piled water in their two water towers. I can't believe there wasn't a ban on washing those animals....there will be 25-30 cows, 40 pigs, etc. all being watered every day...no problem, we don't abuse animals. But, bathing them so their coats are pristine leading up to auction. Nope! Shouldn't be happening.


People are losing their vegetable gardens in that town due to watering bans. This is a town where everyone gardens...everyone! Apartment dwellers have potted tomato, pepper, cucumber, and broccoli plants...everyone who has a patch of grass, grows some kind of food, anyone with a decent size lawn has a serious garden. They are going to lose it all but the kids are out bathing their cows. The 4-H'ers aren't really thinking about it, just going about their normal fair routines, but their parents and 4-H leadership should be banning this. The buyers purchase to help the kids and to help the program, not because they are getting prize, pristine, livestock (though many times they do get that kind of product) or because they are getting a bargain. They do this for the kids. So, they'll buy a dirty pig and be understanding about it.


Anyway, that's my update on the twins, thank you to EVERYONE who has been praying for them, as well as my mini-rant.



Edited by FaithManor
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That's wonderful news about the babies!!!!!


What area of the country are you in? In New England it has been pretty dry. We have a large yard and can't water it all. Half our grass is dead! We didn't even have much of a winter.


I am with you. It was ridiculous to waste that water washing down livestock!

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Ya, on Twin B! I hope Momma is feeling better soon!


re: the drought. It is fairly bad here as well but we have an uber deep well so no personal issues. I know my mom is having some problems though and I don't know how the farmers are making it. I heard the other day that over 50% of the country is in a drought.

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