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Need advice on DD's complexion

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I'm at my wit's end and I need some hive advice..


My dd, 16, has acne. We've been to a dermatologist and tried 2 different prescription creams(which didn't do much) and antibiotics (which worked for the month she was on them). We've tried over the counter products, Bare Minerals makeup, Neutrogena Complexion Clearing makeup, all sorts of drying/clearing/cleansing/serums/creams/masks...etc... OH.. and Proactiv. It's not like her skin is horrible, but it's certainly not clear. On the best days, she's fighting 5 or 6 pimples, plus these weird, tiny under the skin bumps that literally cover her forehead. On the bad days... well, they're bad. It's beginning to effect her self esteem. She will no longer even walk around the house without makeup. She's a ballerina, so she's constantly working out and sweating, but the dermatologist said that didn't matter.

The DR wanted to have her see a gyn and be put on the pill. I'm not cool with that and neither is she. I'd much rather try something a little less... well... something else.

ANY ADVICE would be so great. Thanks!

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Lots of threads lately on the effectiveness of zinc (50mg daily) on acne. My ds is trying that now. Also a toner with witch hazel or apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy.

My ds is seeing a dermatologist now and is using 10% benzoyl peroxide, retin-a, and a liquid called "Nomlands." plus a mild soap twice a day. I think the next step will be antibiotics, but the dr. said to give it at least 8 more weeks.


So that's our arsenal...hope you find something that works!

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In addition to the zinc everyone here raves about, one thing to consider would be reducing sugar and refined carbs. This is thought to work because insulin resistance is one cause of acne.





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I struggled with acne at that age as well. It was so frustrating!!! They did put me on the pill and it did not help. I wish I had never started taking it as it made my hormones nuts.


I hope you can find another solution though!

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Thank you everyone for responding. Hoping for more responses. I'm willing to try anything or buy anything. I've never read anything about zinc. She does love her carbs and sugar, but she also eats pretty well and she certainly gets enough exercise. Really hoping to help her.

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For my son, what you are describing was a reaction to a shampoo that he had used for years, but suddenly developed a sensitivity to. Nothing was working and the dermatologist wanted to try accutane. I put them off and asked him to please switch shampoos (a friend of mine had gone through the same thing in high school), and it improved a great deal in about 5 days. He still had the usual breakouts, but nothing outside the normal teenage stuff.


As for me, for years I used Clinique and had clear skin. All of a sudden, I started to break out. I switched to another product and now my skin is clear again.


Good luck!

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For my son, what you are describing was a reaction to a shampoo that he had used for years, but suddenly developed a sensitivity to. Nothing was working and the dermatologist wanted to try accutane. I put them off and asked him to please switch shampoos (a friend of mine had gone through the same thing in high school), and it improved a great deal in about 5 days. He still had the usual breakouts, but nothing outside the normal teenage stuff.


As for me, for years I used Clinique and had clear skin. All of a sudden, I started to break out. I switched to another product and now my skin is clear again.


Good luck!


Hmmmm.. she has used the same shampoo for a long time. I will have her switch to something else. That would certainly be an easy fix! Althought the DR was pretty sure it was hormonal acne. :tongue_smilie:

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I'd see if a radical diet change, sticking to real food helped.



This would be hard for anyone, but especially a teenager. I am going to try to limit her carbs/sweets though. Because of dance, she's naturally a healthy eater (unlike her mom.) Thanks!

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In addition to the zinc everyone here raves about, one thing to consider would be reducing sugar and refined carbs. This is thought to work because insulin resistance is one cause of acne.






We started the zinc about 6 weeks ago, and it's made a huge difference on my dd's skin. Her face is mostly clear now, and her shoulders are better. I do try to limit starch/sugar, but that was much easier when she was younger and home more often. At home we eat 80% Paleo, so she already has a lower carb consumption that most kids (that I know), but I think by upping her water and reducing her sugars even more, she could help her skin.

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You might try juicing. I'm 37 and still get acne but juicing has helped making and allergies a lot. I started the juicing to address allergy issues so I haven't really researched the best veggies & fruit to use for skin issues but I do know ginger is good.


Also, juicing helps with hydration & joint issues which are sometimes issues for serious ballerinas.

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I tend to get acne any time I am not pregnant. Most recently I have it under control with Panoxyl Bar (bar of soap) which I also use as a shampoo. Using the Panoxyl Bar twice a day has made a huge improvement in my skin and I recommend it in addition to other things that you may be trying. Be careful to not overdo it though; if your face is peeling, back off for a while and reintroduce it gradually.

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