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Hogwarts correspondence school


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We did this a LONG time ago! It was soooo fun!!! We went all out, we printed out the books and bound them. Hubby and I went on a secret shopping trip and bought all kinds of things and we had things magically showing up around the house. We played dumb when all these books and a cauldron showed up. We would make scrolls and seal them with wax and leave them in the bushes outside our house.



Please, please give me an idiot-proof guide to that Yahoo group!


I have a HP fan at home and I can't figure out all the options on that group (and supplementary groups). I know I can print out the initial Hogwarts letter, and someone linked to wand-making instructions in the Files section, but apart from that, I would love a step-by-step guide to printing all the wonderful resources in that group.

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Oh I am!


I'm still putting a lot of it together, but I have a post (see siggy) that shows what I plan to do. I'm doing this for my K'er and my 1st grader, so I'm planning a gentle and slow paced schedule that will probably cover a few years. Mostly mine will be science, but I'm thinking of using the WWE textbook to do my own HP selections.


I also have a Harry Potter Database with a ton of links to get started. It's easy to get overwhelmed, that's why I'm using a lot of premade stuff from currclick to free up time for the more creative stuff.


Some of the more creative things I plan to do:

-Mythical Creatures Field Guide - Sort of like the Spiderwick field guide


-I made playing cards that are for playing a shopping game at Diagon Alley. I'm still in the process of getting approval from some of the picture owners off Etsy, as soon as I get the last approval, I'll be sure to post them. Ds6 loves playing store, cards and counting money, so I tied them all together.


-Based off the gamifying thread, I'm making a badge book for when they complete a unit.


I'll be sure to post once I have it all together and when we get started. It's going to be so much fun! (that is once I get through the planning stage!):willy_nilly::svengo:


I like your link. It will help me. So how did you find the yahoo groups?

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Who has done this? I'm thinking that I'd like to do this during our break (we break in fall).


I signed up for one of the yahoo groups and became overwhelmed. :svengo:


Anyone have plans/schedule they would like to share?


I have been doing it for years. I can't give you a 'plan' because there is no plan.


We only do it in the summer. We started three weeks ago. We start out with a welcoming letter from Dubledore. But, if you haven't done it yet then first we do a letter from D telling them they have shown lots of promise, for such young children, and there is going to be this new summer school etc.


We have always written our own letters. I have used clip art from the files of the yahoo groups. My letters from McGonnagall have a Gryffindor crest, etc. I write a very good McGonagall, Snape and Dumbldore, if I do say so myself. My friend is a master at Hagrid.



The kids take it very seriously. All the adults play along as well. We have a very strong contract of suspended disbelief. If someone can't do that, then they shouldn't be a part of the school. If an older kid is going to blab about what happens in the later books then they shouldn't come. This is our place for adult HP fans to geek out and the kids to let their imagination take wing.


We have a number of families who get together to do it. We meet weekly and rotate the responsibilities.


For example, for my 'week' I am doing a divination activity and something that will either be potions or from Hagrid. It could go either way, lol.


So, I write a letter in the voice of Trelawny giving them an idea of what to expect. I will write one from Snape as well. I spend a good deal of time on these to make them as authentic as possible. I email them to the group. Parents print them out, making any changes the need. I have a parchment- like paper hidden in the house I use for this. I then leave it at the foot of my kid's bed. One kid happens to have stuffed owl, another has a stuffed rat. These are their delivery animals. We say that Hogwarts owls deliver the letters, and the stuffed animals are just to let them know it has arrived. The kids never see the owls due to anti-muggle security.


I gather my materials. Generally, we spend our own money for our own activity. If someone wanted to do something expensive I guess we would all chip in. And, if someone is totally broke we wouldn't expect them to pay for their thing. That has happened as well.


Then the kids arrive, some have robes and some don't etc. They have all been sorted in their first year and they stay in those houses. Who ever is in charge of that day runs the activity. It could be potions or herbology or astronomy or charms. We have studied runes, made medicinal teas, had them keep nature journals, learn latin, keep sketch books of plants, raise triops, do simple chemistry experiments, blow stuff up, and we always make quills. Some parents ask their kids to write up what we did and leave it on the porch or in a special tree for the Hogwarts Owl. This year some parents are assigning a creative writing journal. I never do that. My kids like their summer to be homework free and I might be pushing it too much. Some of the activities are the sort of thing that continues over time, but many just take the afternoon.


We end the season with a rousing game of quidditch, and then we have a party. The sweets and treats are from Honeydukes. We have butterbeer and pumpkin juice and pumpkin pasties. We make chocolate frogs and chocolate pretzel wands etc.


I think that is about it...

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Actually, it was mentioned here. Prepare to get completely overwhelmed. :tongue_smilie:



HSCS Group File Sites


Main Site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HogwartsSCS/


HSCS Year 1: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Year1/?yguid=202163898


Images: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HogwartsSCS_Images/


Ancient Runes: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_AncientRunes/


Arithmancy: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Arithmancy/


Astronomy: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Astronomy/


Charms: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Charms/


Care of Magical Creatures - Know Your Habitats: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_COMC_KnowYerHabitats/


Defense Against the Dark Arts: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_DefenseAgainstTheDarkArts/


Divination: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Divination/


Games: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Games/


Handwriting/Quills: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Handwriting_Quills/


Harry Potter Literature: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_HarryPotterLiterature/


Herbology: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Herbology/


History of Magic: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_HistoryOfMagic/


Hogwarts A History: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_HogwartsAHistory/


Honeydukes Arts and Crafts: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_HoneydukesArtsAndCrafts/


House Lessons: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_HouseLessons/


Magical Creatures Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Dragons: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_MagicalCreatures_Dragons/


Magical Creatures Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Fairies: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_MagicalCreatures_Fairies/


Magical Creatures A-L: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_MagicalCreaturesA_L/


Magical Creatures M-Z: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_MagicalCreaturesM_Z/


Muggle Studies: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_MuggleStudies/


Potions: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Potions/


Quidditch: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Quidditch/


Transfiguration: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_Transfiguration/


Tri-Wizard Cup Readiness: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_TriWizardCupReadiness/?yguid=202163898


Wizard Lore: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSCS_WizardLore/?yguid=202163898



Wow. Thanks for taking the time to link them all.





I have been doing it for years. I can't give you a 'plan' because there is no plan.


We only do it in the summer. We started three weeks ago. We start out with a welcoming letter from Dubledore. But, if you haven't done it yet then first we do a letter from D telling them they have shown lots of promise, for such young children, and there is going to be this new summer school etc.


We have always written our own letters. I have used clip art from the files of the yahoo groups. My letters from McGonnagall have a Gryffindor crest, etc. I write a very good McGonagall, Snape and Dumbldore, if I do say so myself. My friend is a master at Hagrid.



The kids take it very seriously. All the adults play along as well. We have a very strong contract of suspended disbelief. If someone can't do that, then they shouldn't be a part of the school. If an older kid is going to blab about what happens in the later books then they shouldn't come. This is our place for adult HP fans to geek out and the kids to let their imagination take wing.


We have a number of families who get together to do it. We meet weekly and rotate the responsibilities.


For example, for my 'week' I am doing a divination activity and something that will either be potions or from Hagrid. It could go either way, lol.


So, I write a letter in the voice of Trelawny giving them an idea of what to expect. I will write one from Snape as well. I spend a good deal of time on these to make them as authentic as possible. I email them to the group. Parents print them out, making any changes the need. I have a parchment- like paper hidden in the house I use for this. I then leave it at the foot of my kid's bed. One kid happens to have stuffed owl, another has a stuffed rat. These are their delivery animals. We say that Hogwarts owls deliver the letters, and the stuffed animals are just to let them know it has arrived. The kids never see the owls due to anti-muggle security.


I gather my materials. Generally, we spend our own money for our own activity. If someone wanted to do something expensive I guess we would all chip in. And, if someone is totally broke we wouldn't expect them to pay for their thing. That has happened as well.


Then the kids arrive, some have robes and some don't etc. They have all been sorted in their first year and they stay in those houses. Who ever is in charge of that day runs the activity. It could be potions or herbology or astronomy or charms. We have studied runes, made medicinal teas, had them keep nature journals, learn latin, keep sketch books of plants, raise triops, do simple chemistry experiments, blow stuff up, and we always make quills. Some parents ask their kids to write up what we did and leave it on the porch or in a special tree for the Hogwarts Owl. This year some parents are assigning a creative writing journal. I never do that. My kids like their summer to be homework free and I might be pushing it too much. Some of the activities are the sort of thing that continues over time, but many just take the afternoon.


We end the season with a rousing game of quidditch, and then we have a party. The sweets and treats are from Honeydukes. We have butterbeer and pumpkin juice and pumpkin pasties. We make chocolate frogs and chocolate pretzel wands etc.


I think that is about it...


Can we come stay with you during summer?

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Can we come stay with you during summer?


Sure! We'd love the company.


I really remember that overwhelmed feeling when faced with all those yahoo groups etc. Don't let it throw you. There are only a few things you need to do.


Decide when it is going happen.

Pick a very few activities your first year. I suggest potions, herbology and maybe charms.


Get your printing supplies.


Depending on your lessons, you might want to look for things like empty special jars and bags. Things for Hogwarts don't come from the supermarket. They came from Diagon Ally. If we are using something like baking soda, it comes in a little wooden box, not the yellow cardboard one. If we are using oil, it is in a beautiful blue bottle with a cork.


You need a letter explaining it to the kids. In that letter you should remind them about the statute of secrecy between the muggle and magical world, so they shouldn't tell their friends. Trust me on this. Once their friends get wind they will want to do it as well and you might have some unhappy friends on your hands. One friend is so not a homeschooler type person and she was pretty much forced to figure something out for her kids. She still complains about it. :lol:


Tell them in their letter that you, their parent, have already given permission and you have ordered their materials from Diagon Ally.



You send them a sorting letter. Have fun with this!


Now the kids have gotten a couple letters in a row and they are totally excited!


Some friends have carved wands for their kids.


Then you send them a letter about their first assignment.


Then you do the activity. Potions is a great place to start. Maybe do the shrinking and swelling egg thing? Write a letter from Snape where he tells them he doesn't like the summer school, but Dumbledore forces him, and did they think they would be using anything dangerous at their young age? Do they think he is some kind of dunderhead?


We always give the materials used magical names. I think when we did the eggs thing we called shrinking and swelling solution. It's all about the marketing and packaging, lol.



Then the next week they can do herbology. Maybe they can plant some plants that are used for herbal tea? Or make their own herbal tea? Or learn about some medicinal plants and draw some pictures of them? If you have a health food store you can buy some lose herbs (do some research first) and have little bags of mysterious dried things.


For charms, have them get a letter from Flitwick. He is always very kind and upbeat. They learn some Latin words and have fun combining them into possible charms.


Done. I just planned your Hogwarts summer school. :lol:

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I am in the planning right now too! I am doing it next year for the whole school year every Friday they are going to Hogwarts! I started a blog but it is not much yet as I am not done with everything http://adamantacedemymagicschool.blogspot.com/ I got overwhelmed at first too but just take it slow sort through things and do what is going to be fun for your family.


Like the other poster said I am going all out on this too. The little idea has taken a life of it's own I am even setting up a bank and a Diagon Alley they can shop at LOL! There is so much free stuff online too and killer ideas.

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Sounds fun! My 12 year old is attending a summer camp titled Hogwarts Academy: OWL Level


We did this a LONG time ago! It was soooo fun!!! We went all out' date=' we printed out the books and bound them. Hubby and I went on a secret shopping trip and bought all kinds of things and we had things magically showing up around the house. We played dumb when all these books and a cauldron showed up. We would make scrolls and seal them with wax and leave them in the bushes outside our house.


It was a lot of work for us, and it was hard to not laugh or give things away, and I'm sure my oldest (the only one old enough for it all anyway at the time) knew we were behind it but he played along.


I have thought about doing it again, but will wait till my younger kids are older because I think they wouldn't "get it" as much at their current levels.[/quote']

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Get your printing supplies.


Depending on your lessons, you might want to look for things like empty special jars and bags. Things for Hogwarts don't come from the supermarket. They came from Diagon Ally. If we are using something like baking soda, it comes in a little wooden box, not the yellow cardboard one. If we are using oil, it is in a beautiful blue bottle with a cork.


You need a letter explaining it to the kids. In that letter you should remind them about the statute of secrecy between the muggle and magical world, so they shouldn't tell their friends. Trust me on this. Once their friends get wind they will want to do it as well and you might have some unhappy friends on your hands. One friend is so not a homeschooler type person and she was pretty much forced to figure something out for her kids. She still complains about it. :lol:


Tell them in their letter that you, their parent, have already given permission and you have ordered their materials from Diagon Ally.



You send them a sorting letter. Have fun with this!


Now the kids have gotten a couple letters in a row and they are totally excited!


Some friends have carved wands for their kids.


Then you send them a letter about their first assignment.


Then you do the activity. Potions is a great place to start. Maybe do the shrinking and swelling egg thing? Write a letter from Snape where he tells them he doesn't like the summer school, but Dumbledore forces him, and did they think they would be using anything dangerous at their young age? Do they think he is some kind of dunderhead?


We always give the materials used magical names. I think when we did the eggs thing we called shrinking and swelling solution. It's all about the marketing and packaging, lol.



Then the next week they can do herbology. Maybe they can plant some plants that are used for herbal tea? Or make their own herbal tea? Or learn about some medicinal plants and draw some pictures of them? If you have a health food store you can buy some lose herbs (do some research first) and have little bags of mysterious dried things.


For charms, have them get a letter from Flitwick. He is always very kind and upbeat. They learn some Latin words and have fun combining them into possible charms.


Done. I just planned your Hogwarts summer school. :lol:


The hard part for me is the creativity. I have not a creative bone in my body. So when you say write a letter from Snape.....yeah, not easy for me.


Or collecting items that are from Diagon Ally....again I just sit with blankness in my head.


It's sad really. I guess this will give me the opportunity to stretch my brain.

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Hi there everyone,

I'm Wendy, the HSCS list owner. I know it seems overwhelming with all the groups, but it was the only way we could do it way back when with all the file space that was required and the limitations within Yahoogroups. Now, we would probably just do a blog, but I just don't have the time and energy (or know-how) to do all that! Once you join the main group, you will find that there are many things already prepoared for you. There are sample letters already done for instance form Professor McGonagall or Snape so you can just use those as a springboard for your own creativity. Change up the names and some ideas here and there, and your ready to go. There are Hogwarts and Harry Potter fonts on the web, I think we have some in the files section too. Download a few and you're all set to create magical letters. We usually printed them on parchment paper and rolled them up like scrolls. I think I used gold sticker seals on them to hold them closed and then hid them in our rose bush or tree outside for the kids to find in the morning - viola - owl post. Once you get started your creative juices will start to flow. There are lots of ideas in the files. The Year 1 group has everything laid out to get you going for your first year very easily too. If you have questions just ask. The group is quiet now. Many of us have outgrown it (or should I say the kids have!). My 8 year old son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 2 years ago, so for the past 2 years I really haven't had much time to devote to the group, life has had other plans for me. You'll have to forgive me if I haven't gotten to your membership approvals quickly or answered questions in a timely manner, but I know that my own kids, and the kids of my friends had such wonderful lasting memories doing this for several years of their childhood. They still look back at notebooks and work they did from those years with smiles on their faces. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did and continue to bring some magic into your kids lives just for those few short years when they'll cherish it. Lumos maximus!

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Hi there everyone,

I'm Wendy, the HSCS list owner. I know it seems overwhelming with all the groups, but it was the only way we could do it way back when with all the file space that was required and the limitations within Yahoogroups. Now, we would probably just do a blog, but I just don't have the time and energy (or know-how) to do all that! Once you join the main group, you will find that there are many things already prepoared for you. There are sample letters already done for instance form Professor McGonagall or Snape so you can just use those as a springboard for your own creativity. Change up the names and some ideas here and there, and your ready to go. There are Hogwarts and Harry Potter fonts on the web, I think we have some in the files section too. Download a few and you're all set to create magical letters. We usually printed them on parchment paper and rolled them up like scrolls. I think I used gold sticker seals on them to hold them closed and then hid them in our rose bush or tree outside for the kids to find in the morning - viola - owl post. Once you get started your creative juices will start to flow. There are lots of ideas in the files. The Year 1 group has everything laid out to get you going for your first year very easily too. If you have questions just ask. The group is quiet now. Many of us have outgrown it (or should I say the kids have!). My 8 year old son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 2 years ago, so for the past 2 years I really haven't had much time to devote to the group, life has had other plans for me. You'll have to forgive me if I haven't gotten to your membership approvals quickly or answered questions in a timely manner, but I know that my own kids, and the kids of my friends had such wonderful lasting memories doing this for several years of their childhood. They still look back at notebooks and work they did from those years with smiles on their faces. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did and continue to bring some magic into your kids lives just for those few short years when they'll cherish it. Lumos maximus!


I joined all the groups and everything looks wonderful. A lot of hard work went into all this and I appreciate you and your friends sharing. :001_smile:

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The hard part for me is the creativity. I have not a creative bone in my body. So when you say write a letter from Snape.....yeah, not easy for me.


Or collecting items that are from Diagon Ally....again I just sit with blankness in my head.


It's sad really. I guess this will give me the opportunity to stretch my brain.


I am not a creative person AT ALL. I also have problems with follow through.


The only reason this happens is that I have creative friends. One year, I just couldn't do it. I flat out told my friend if she wanted it to happen she was going to have to do it. I would pay her anything she wanted if she would just get the supplies and tell me what to do. :lol:


I could never do this during the school year. That takes all my creative energy.


Do you love the HP books? Because that really helps, I think.


Do you have one creative friend who might want to do this with you?


And you can always just pass. The only reason I do this is that I want to do it. It's a lot of work and if I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it.

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The hard part for me is the creativity. I have not a creative bone in my body. So when you say write a letter from Snape.....yeah, not easy for me.


Or collecting items that are from Diagon Ally....again I just sit with blankness in my head.


It's sad really. I guess this will give me the opportunity to stretch my brain.


If you search harry potter parties you will get a ton of ideas I promise. The group also has premade letters that you can edit with your childs name

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I have never read the books but was planning on doing so this school year as a read aloud. Do I need to have read them first for this to be successful or can I read as I go? I'm wondering if I should do this as we read the books or read the books and then do it next summer.


It all looks so fun!

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I have never read the books but was planning on doing so this school year as a read aloud. Do I need to have read them first for this to be successful or can I read as I go? I'm wondering if I should do this as we read the books or read the books and then do it next summer.


It all looks so fun!


I would read the books first. Well, I don't know how old your kids are but I am assuming you are not planning on reading them all to your kids. They get fairly young adult-ish by book 4. My youngest has only read the first. My 12 year old has read the first 5.


And, there are things that happen in book 6 and 7 that would make the summer school not so fun. Yeah.


pm me for a major plot spoiler if you really need it.

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I would read the books first. Well, I don't know how old your kids are but I am assuming you are not planning on reading them all to your kids. They get fairly young adult-ish by book 4. My youngest has only read the first. My 12 year old has read the first 5.


And, there are things that happen in book 6 and 7 that would make the summer school not so fun. Yeah.


pm me for a major plot spoiler if you really need it.


Thanks! That's good to know. Maybe I'll read the first 3 before Christmas and do the school after the holidays.


We aren't too far from Universal either so maybe we could do a trip there as a reward. :)

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For everyone who has done these How many classes did you do? Were there certain classes you did first?


It is completely self designed. What you do or do not do is totally up to you and your needs/desires/skills/limitations. It is an idea: an ongoing activity/game using the world of Harry Potter as the organizing theme. Where you go from that is up to you.


I see some people here are doing it during the school year. Everyone I know personally does it as a fun summer diversion.

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I'm trying to decide which classes to choose. I'm thinking of doing a sequence that sort of mirrors the classes the characters took in the books.


So I'm thinking:


History of Magic

House Lessons

Care of Magical Creatures -Familiars (so they can get one after they complete the class)


While I was running this morning, I had ideas of History of Magic stuff going through my head.


Anyone do that class and want to share some of the things you did?

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I'm trying to decide which classes to choose. I'm thinking of doing a sequence that sort of mirrors the classes the characters took in the books.


So I'm thinking:


History of Magic

House Lessons

Care of Magical Creatures -Familiars (so they can get one after they complete the class)


While I was running this morning, I had ideas of History of Magic stuff going through my head.


Anyone do that class and want to share some of the things you did?


There is also the Hogwarts history I bet the Sorcerors Campanion can help with the History of Magic

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There is also the Hogwarts history I bet the Sorcerors Campanion can help with the History of Magic


Yes, I remember reading that book and being really bored because I didn't learn anything. However, I'm sure that won't be the case with my boys. ;)

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Oh, and I'm toying with the idea of getting my boys real familiars. I am crazy!


They have always asked for a toad, and a friend of mine has a neighbor whose pet rat just had babies.


I'm trying to tell myself I'm nuts for considering it. It would be cool though.

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Oh, and I'm toying with the idea of getting my boys real familiars. I am crazy!


They have always asked for a toad, and a friend of mine has a neighbor whose pet rat just had babies.


I'm trying to tell myself I'm nuts for considering it. It would be cool though.


That sounds cool!!

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That sounds cool!!


You're not helping me resist.



How are/did you set up Owl Post?


I'm thinking I'm going to put baskets on my fire place hearth or mantel and the letters will come down the chimney. Like when all those letters flew out the chimney at the Dursleys.


I also remember seeing Harry Potter journals on clearance at B&N last weekend. I'm going back this weekend to see if they are still there.

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You're not helping me resist.



How are/did you set up Owl Post?


I'm thinking I'm going to put baskets on my fire place hearth or mantel and the letters will come down the chimney. Like when all those letters flew out the chimney at the Dursleys.


I also remember seeing Harry Potter journals on clearance at B&N last weekend. I'm going back this weekend to see if they are still there.


You know those mailboxes they sell at Walmart full of valentine cards for kids? Well at clearance I bought 3 I covered them with wood grain scrapbook paper and put them on top of a box turned on its side with a white owl in it. You can see a picture http://adamantacedemymagicschool.blogspot.com/


I just started that so it is not much as of yet! I was kind of mad about that owl they advertised it as Harry Potter owl it is not really an actual Harry Potter owl but the kids liked it so it stayed.


We have a fireplace but I don't like it because it has glass doors. But your idea is really really cute.

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I gave my son an HP party last year and posted about it. Many of the ideas would be useful for camp. Here it is again:

I recently gave my son a 9 3/4 birthday party (he never gets parties because he has a Christmas birthday). We invited the guests to spend a day at Hogwarts Open House. Some of the highlights included: Care of Magical Creatures Class-- We disected owl pellets, observed jumping beans, and each child was given a packet of Triops and told they should journal and keep records of the triops growth should they decide to enroll full time at Hogwarts.

For Herbology we put carnations in colored water to transfigure them. I had labeled the food coloring with names like dragon's blood (red), troll bile (green) etc. I also had glass science beakers in which instructions were given on how much water to measure for each flower. A second activity in this class involved "breathing fungus" in which they had to mix yeast with sugar and warm water (again they were given precise measurements they had to use). They put the mixtures in glass bottles and topped with a balloon and watched the balloon inflate over time.

In charms class, they were told that they were all too young for wands, since you needed to be eleven for that. So instead of wands they were given "magic extractors" -- ordinary hair combs. By combing their hair, they could "extract their own magic". I then gave them each a small pile of " baby dragon scales" - circles that I had hole punched from foil wrapping paper. With their magic extractors charged, they could perform the Wingardium Leviosa charm. (The static electricity in the combs will cause the circles to jump about two inches when the comb is held over them. This works best with silkier hair and in lower humidity, but every child could get at least some reaction).

For Potions Class, I took a bar of Ivory Soap and made a special label that said "Madame Primpernelle's Expanding Elephant Ivory -- Wash away those pesky "spell gone wrong" results. Guaranteed to expand 5x in size with proper wand use. For beginning wizards, a muggle cauldron may be substituted in place of wand use." On the back of the bar label, I added an address from Diagon Alley and a Warning-- Discontinue use if Boils, Whelps, or Blisters occur! The " muggle cauldron" was our microwave and the kids all pointed to it and chanted the spell "Engorgio" as I nuked the soap in a glass bowl for two minutes. The air in the soap expands when microwaved and the glass bowl will be overtopped with the soap which looks like cotton candy. If you have never microwaved Ivory Soap before, it really is a must do experiment and makes the whole house smell clean!

My favorite class was arithmancy. I had always thought that this was just arithmetic, but on research I discovered that it was actually the study of the magical aspects of numbers and letters. So I told the kids that all words had magical properties and explained that when Lord Voldermort had transformed his name from Tom Marvolo Riddle, he was simply using what he knew from Arithmancy. I had found a great website that does anagrams and came up with some great ones such as "the eyes" can be transformed to "they see" and "astronomers" can be transformed to "moon starers" etc. Before the party I had taken all the kids names and found the coolest anagrams for them. I gave each child his name on paper and had them cut apart the individual letters. We then put these letters in a witch's hat which I had sewed a divider into. When the letters from all the kids names were put in the hat, I pushed the divider over while the kids shouted the charm "anagramus" and then I pulled out the anagrams of their names. Several of the children were thrilled to find their names included the words "wand", "dragon", and even "dinosaur".

The moms were most impressed to learn that "public schooling" became "spoil logic bunch" and "homeschooling" became "smooching hole".

Our final class was astronomy, and I got a great script to read from the Hogwarts Correspondence school yahoo group. I had made my own inflatable home planetarium with plastic rolls and a box fan. The kids were given star charts and we went inside to look for various constellations.

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Very cool ideas Thanks!



I gave my son an HP party last year and posted about it. Many of the ideas would be useful for camp. Here it is again:

I recently gave my son a 9 3/4 birthday party (he never gets parties because he has a Christmas birthday). We invited the guests to spend a day at Hogwarts Open House. Some of the highlights included: Care of Magical Creatures Class-- We disected owl pellets, observed jumping beans, and each child was given a packet of Triops and told they should journal and keep records of the triops growth should they decide to enroll full time at Hogwarts.

For Herbology we put carnations in colored water to transfigure them. I had labeled the food coloring with names like dragon's blood (red), troll bile (green) etc. I also had glass science beakers in which instructions were given on how much water to measure for each flower. A second activity in this class involved "breathing fungus" in which they had to mix yeast with sugar and warm water (again they were given precise measurements they had to use). They put the mixtures in glass bottles and topped with a balloon and watched the balloon inflate over time.

In charms class, they were told that they were all too young for wands, since you needed to be eleven for that. So instead of wands they were given "magic extractors" -- ordinary hair combs. By combing their hair, they could "extract their own magic". I then gave them each a small pile of " baby dragon scales" - circles that I had hole punched from foil wrapping paper. With their magic extractors charged, they could perform the Wingardium Leviosa charm. (The static electricity in the combs will cause the circles to jump about two inches when the comb is held over them. This works best with silkier hair and in lower humidity, but every child could get at least some reaction).

For Potions Class, I took a bar of Ivory Soap and made a special label that said "Madame Primpernelle's Expanding Elephant Ivory -- Wash away those pesky "spell gone wrong" results. Guaranteed to expand 5x in size with proper wand use. For beginning wizards, a muggle cauldron may be substituted in place of wand use." On the back of the bar label, I added an address from Diagon Alley and a Warning-- Discontinue use if Boils, Whelps, or Blisters occur! The " muggle cauldron" was our microwave and the kids all pointed to it and chanted the spell "Engorgio" as I nuked the soap in a glass bowl for two minutes. The air in the soap expands when microwaved and the glass bowl will be overtopped with the soap which looks like cotton candy. If you have never microwaved Ivory Soap before, it really is a must do experiment and makes the whole house smell clean!

My favorite class was arithmancy. I had always thought that this was just arithmetic, but on research I discovered that it was actually the study of the magical aspects of numbers and letters. So I told the kids that all words had magical properties and explained that when Lord Voldermort had transformed his name from Tom Marvolo Riddle, he was simply using what he knew from Arithmancy. I had found a great website that does anagrams and came up with some great ones such as "the eyes" can be transformed to "they see" and "astronomers" can be transformed to "moon starers" etc. Before the party I had taken all the kids names and found the coolest anagrams for them. I gave each child his name on paper and had them cut apart the individual letters. We then put these letters in a witch's hat which I had sewed a divider into. When the letters from all the kids names were put in the hat, I pushed the divider over while the kids shouted the charm "anagramus" and then I pulled out the anagrams of their names. Several of the children were thrilled to find their names included the words "wand", "dragon", and even "dinosaur".

The moms were most impressed to learn that "public schooling" became "spoil logic bunch" and "homeschooling" became "smooching hole".

Our final class was astronomy, and I got a great script to read from the Hogwarts Correspondence school yahoo group. I had made my own inflatable home planetarium with plastic rolls and a box fan. The kids were given star charts and we went inside to look for various constellations.

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I HAVE A PLAN!!!!!!!!!!


Semester 1


Care of magical creatures overview

gryffindor house lessons


muggle studies

hogwarts art history

magical music


semester 2




ancient runes


magical music


semester 3





defense against the dark arts

magical music


semester 4






magical music


These are taken from the group if anyone has anymore ideas or things to add or anything Please share!! I would love to see anyone elses ideas too If anyone is going to blog about the Hogwarts school I would love your links too so my kids can see what others are doing as well

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Can I pay someone to do this for me? :tongue_smilie:


I joined the yahoo group last year but never followed through.


Just today my 12 year old was lamenting that she never received a letter to Hogwarts and that maybe her younger brother will get a letter next year.


(She has no idea that this fun option exists . . .)

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Can I pay someone to do this for me? :tongue_smilie:


I joined the yahoo group last year but never followed through.


Just today my 12 year old was lamenting that she never received a letter to Hogwarts and that maybe her younger brother will get a letter next year.


(She has no idea that this fun option exists . . .)



AWWWW it is overwhelming if you just look at it all but if you take your time it isn't that hard! When you start feeling all AHHHHHHH just take a break Or only look at what you think your kids will like

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So tomorrow morning my boys will find a package from Hagrid. Inside this package are two baby rats. Real ones! Picked them up today. They are so cute!


The first "lesson" from Hagrid is for my boys to learn all about taking care of rats. We will go to the library and check out books, and then head to the pet store. All I bought today were the basics.....cage, bedding, food.


I've printed out the letter from Hagrid. The rats are in the cage which is draped with a brown silk cloth and is sitting in front of the fireplace.


I may be too excited to sleep. :lol:

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This is the Best.Thread.Ever. All my plans to start school in August are out the window, and we are doing Hogwarts for the month. I am sooo excited!

And the rats from Hagrid!!! What a wonderful idea! We have had rats as pets for years and they are sweet as can be.

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Hagrid's delivery was a success. Needless to say I don't think we're getting much done with lessons today.


That is awesome I want to do the rats too but all the cages seem so pricey around here I did make some of thos blue pixie things from the movie I got two of those webkinz zumbuddy things that are blue they also have clips and I hung them in this old decorative like cage I am hanging from the ceiling when I redo things I cannot wait to redo my classroom Me and my oldest are going to do it at night so when the homeschool kids wake up it will be lke magic LOL!

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I did this with the kids the first summer we homeschooled. They loved it. They did Arithmacy, The care of Magical Creatures, and Potions.


I have suggested doing it again but they feel some of the magic was lost when they figured out I was Dumbledore.

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I did this with the kids the first summer we homeschooled. They loved it. They did Arithmacy, The care of Magical Creatures, and Potions.


I have suggested doing it again but they feel some of the magic was lost when they figured out I was Dumbledore.


:lol::lol: Thats funny! Was there anything they loved most of all about it?

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I just asked my son what his favorite thing was ad he said all of it. Not very helpful. A couple of standouts in his mind was making the delivery box for the owl. They loved checking it for their assignments. The other was the care of magical creatures. He liked researching the differnt kinds of creatures but fairies stood out because they made some fairies out of clothes pins.


I will ask my dd what her favorite was after she wakes up.

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I have suggested doing it again but they feel some of the magic was lost when they figured out I was Dumbledore.


My boys know it's me. My oldest is 11 so he knows of course. I had to explain fiction vs. non-fiction with my 8 yr old because when he received his letter to attend the correspondence school he cried. He was upset because he thought his older brother was actually going to get to go to Hogwarts and he wasn't. So I explained it's all pretend and it's fun to pretend.


They have no problem getting caught up in the fun even though they know it's imaginary.

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