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I am finding homeschooling so overwhelming, but I will not quit.

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We have yet to ever just have some kind of normal in our home. New jobs, moves, unexpected babies, military service, deployments, going back to college as adult students, special needs children, solo parenting, depression. This years whopper was my dh moving out of state. We have no plans about what comes next.


I will keep homeschooling.


But, yet again i failed at keeping a schedule of any sorts. No one finished their books.


Our biggie for the year. My delayed 9yo has finally started reading and his speech is improving along with his reading skills!!!!!


We have been on a wee break. Tomorrow is Monday and I am going to have everyone pile up their books and make a schedule to get it all finished. I am going to write it on paper. I will not be spending hours on the computer trying to make the perfect schedule or plans. Mainly because cause my printer broke. Which I would replace except I need that money to fix my van:tongue_smilie:

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We have yet to ever just have some kind of normal in our home. New jobs, moves, unexpected babies, military service, deployments, going back to college as adult students, special needs children, solo parenting, depression. This years whopper was my dh moving out of state. We have no plans about what comes next.


I will keep homeschooling.



Our biggie for the year. My delayed 9yo has finally started reading and his speech is improving along with his reading skills!!!!!



Congrats on the progress with your 9yo!



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I feel your pain, I've been in many of the same spots you have been in.


Hang in there and congrats on your 9yo making progress. My dd, who is 10.5 has reading delay issues due to some vision problems. She's been in vision therapy for almost a year now and will graduate tomorrow. We're also starting to move in the right direction in the reading arena, so I know how awesome that feeling is.

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I found The Settlers of Catan which we still haven't played. I am adding that to our list of stuff this week:tongue_smilie:


My 9yo is just so happy. It is amazing to see how much he is growing. We hadn't used the wii fit yet this year. I got it out this week. And, he had grown 8 inches and gained 26lbs. No wonder he looks so different.

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I hear you, sister, and we've not had ANY of those major disruptions. 3 years ago I had a year somewhat like yours. I cried a lot.


My confession for this past year - none of my elementary aged kids did science. I had the curriculum and workbooks all set up. Just didn't have the mental energy for it. Finally about halfway through the year I gave myself permission to let it go.


So glad to hear about the progress of your 9yo!

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Just didn't have the mental energy for it.


This is totally it. I used to be so smart. I feel like a totally ditz most days. My poor brain can only do so much. I did get an iPhone for my anniversary. I have been using that a lot to keep track of grocery lists and a calendar. Helps a lot.

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Don't worry about not finishing the books. Private and public schools never do! I get used books from my cousin who goes to a "fancy" private school and they are never more than 80% completed :)


Keep up the good work, cause what you are doing IS good work :)


And make sure to give yourself a break every once in awhile so you don't get burned out.

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I understand. I sat in my living room, surrounded by packing boxes, and cried for this very reason today. I wish we could just settle and live in peace, it feels like everything life throws us has been a curve ball. I know I have more coming up, I just want to explode.


I keep telling myself, one day the kids will be grown, I'll be a little blue haired lady enjoying lazy days.....bwahahaha!

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Hang in there:grouphug:.


Many of us have had times when we simply went through the motions and only the ones that were absolutely necessary. Rough patches are often marked by easier ones.


Your son sounds like a dear. Big cheers for him and you for doing all the hard work to get him where he is.:hurray:

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First off..congrats to your son! It feels so good when our kids make progress! :D


Get yourselves a routine going and cover the basics and then read, read and read. Kids are sponges and will pick up so much. Don't be so hard on yourself either. You have a lot on your plate. :grouphug: As for finishing up books...it just can't always happen even in the best of circumstances. So basically I just wanted to say hang in there and hugs! :grouphug::grouphug:

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Thanks for all the encouragement.


When my youngest passed out while playing, I snuck out with my toddler to walk around the block. Which was so sweet. She is convinced she is pregnant. And, her tummy was hurting so she was concerned her baby was getting ready to come out:lol:


I put chili in the crockpot this morning. So we had a cheap filling dinner with leftovers for tomorrow and the freezer.


Instead of being cranky over the late bedtime, we downloaded The magicians nephew read by Kenneth Branagh. <swoon>


And, at some point today I talked to my husband and he thinks he can come back for the weekend. He just seems so much better. It has been very difficult watching his depression consume him over the last few years. Just the sound of his voice is entirely different.

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