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Induction questions.

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The labor pains tended to be a little harder and closer together, but other than that I didn't see much difference between being induced and having a normal labor. Having the doctor try twice to rupture my membranes was annoying though.

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I was induced with all three of my kids (first two were more than 2 weeks overdue!) so I can't compare to natural. Being attached to IV and monitor do impede movement, but move as much as possible. I found the large exercise ball to be my best help. I squatted on it and leaned forward on DH, who rubbed my lower back and gave verbal encouragement; that was the most comfortable position for me during contractions. Try to get her to try different positions and avoid laying down as long as possible. Go to the bathroom a lot, at least once an hour - your body knows how to open up in that position. Guided visualization is really great, too.


All three of my labors progressed rapidly after breaking the water, all at about 5cm. DS, my first, was another 12 hours. DD was 4 hours. Dbaby was 1 hr 15 minutes!


Good luck to her!

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Induction methods and procedures vary greatly. Have the OB talk both of you through what to expect in great detail. Ask lots of questions. Ask for alternatives if you don't like something or if it doesn't go as planned. Be very clear about goals. Discuss the impact of interventions on goals. Remember that the mother is in charge. Nothing should happen without her knowledge and permission.

good luck to both of you!

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Induction methods and procedures vary greatly. Have the OB talk both of you through what to expect in great detail. Ask lots of questions. Ask for alternatives if you don't like something or if it doesn't go as planned. Be very clear about goals. Discuss the impact of interventions on goals. Remember that the mother is in charge. Nothing should happen without her knowledge and permission.

good luck to both of you!


:iagree: I've had 4 inductions and none of them have been done the same way.

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My 1st one was induced... We went in 6 am in the morning. no food after that. only clear beef/chicken broth... they start the process around 7 am. nothing happened all the way to 9 pm. they broke my water at 9 pm, still nothing happen, Finally 2 o'clock the next morning, the stubborn little thing decided it is time. it didn't take too long after that

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I would recommend against breaking her water (many doctors will recommend it to speed things along) unless she's at least 7-8cm.
:iagree: Unfortunately, here it seems to be the first thing done. :glare: I'd definitely avoid having that done until at least 5-6cm if not 7-8 and even then the baby's position would be a factor.


Have your dd sit up as much as possible rather than lay down. Rocking on a birthing ball is good.

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Well, I had my water broken which made me start having some contractions. Things to remember? Standing really helps!! It makes you 30% or so more effaced. My midwife did the spreading of me with her hands stretching out ... in a "side to side vertical" and "side to side horizontal" way. It hurt pretty bad. BUT, I didn't tear at all. The first baby I had was 9lbs 2oz.... tore in and outside. The second baby was 10lbs and 3oz (and 23 1/4 inches long) I didn't tear AT ALL :) I know it was because of the stretching and also having his head come out while I was standing.... (then I got put on the floor....)

Anyway... I also enjoyed having beach rocks that were warmed in a crockpot with oil being put on me and rubbed.... My legs had issues... Eeeeekkkkk!!!!

Good Luck!!! :)

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I was induced w/all 3 (2 of them my water broke, but there were no ctx).


Ask how they're going to do the pit - how frequently they're going to increase it, and by how much. If they say they're going to double the dose every time they up it, FIGHT IT! Seriously, that's a pathway to a c-section. They should only be minimally upping it each time.


Since she'll be tethered to the IV, she can't go too far. I've found the best position (for me) for dealing w/the ctx was to sit on a ball/stool and lean forward onto the bed. Unless she has a severe medical reason why she should lay in bed, FIGHT IT. The worst thing for her in terms of coping w/the pain is to be laying down in bed (the first hospital I delivered at made me stay in bed and it was absolutely horrible, nurses/doctors for my last two were appalled at how the first hospital did things regarding the pit).


It's too late now, but red raspberry leaf tea does wonders for helping w/pit-induced ctx pain.


Good luck to your daughter!

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My water broke at 2a.m. with no contractions. We got to the hospital around 3 and they started pitocin. I had to be hooked up to the heart monitor the whole time. They brought in a potty chair and a rocking chair. I was able to make it to 1 p.m. before I ended up with an epidural. Lily did not come until 10:09p.m.

The potty chair and rocking chair were awesome.

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:iagree: Unfortunately, here it seems to be the first thing done. :glare: I'd definitely avoid having that done until at least 5-6cm if not 7-8 and even then the baby's position would be a factor.


Have your dd sit up as much as possible rather than lay down. Rocking on a birthing ball is good.


I agree she should be dialated to at least a 4/5 before considering breaking her water. Both of my inductions were done by breaking water first. I have no personal experience with pit, so I cannot compare. I was happy to avoid it. Both labors were fairly text book and progressed quite smoothly. Of course no two labors are the same , so it is hard to predict what will happen for her. I hope everything goes smoothly. Enjoy that new baby!

Edited by Sara in AZ
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We did Bradley so my dh was pretty well trained to coach. With our first child my water broke and nothing happened so I had pitocin. I mostly did my focused meditation stuff that Bradley teaches and didn't really notice anything going on, but DH told me that his take on the pitocin was that every half hour (or hour, it's been too long and I can't remember what he told me) the nurse comes in and checks to see if the baby is here, if it is not she turns up the pitocin. DH intervened with the nurse midwife to stop that when I was have good, strong, close contractions. He was able to show the nurse his records of how long the contractions were and how often.


My second labor without pitocin which much more intense, but it was also about twice as fast so I think I did a lot more work in less time.

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