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Little Mosque

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is this little mosque on the prairie? perhaps our favourite tv show of this decade.... or the last.....


third daughter wants to name her future daughter rayyan .....

we started watching it as an antidote to the extreme anti-muslim feeling around here a few years back, and came to love it.


one of the truly beautiful things to come out of it was a few years back when dd's soccer team gathered for christian prayer before each game, and left their one muslim player standing off by herself. our dd quietly left the prayer circle and went and stood with her. afterwards, i asked her to tell me about that, and she said, "well, Jesus was always going to the folks others were leaving out or stoning, remember the guy in the ditch the good samaritan helped?... so I thought that's where he'd want me to be". no attempts at conversion at all, just a "standing in solidarity with the one being left out".



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is this little mosque on the prairie? perhaps our favourite tv show of this decade.... or the last.....


third daughter wants to name her future daughter rayyan .....

we started watching it as an antidote to the extreme anti-muslim feeling around here a few years back, and came to love it.


one of the truly beautiful things to come out of it was a few years back when dd's soccer team gathered for christian prayer before each game, and left their one muslim player standing off by herself. our dd quietly left the prayer circle and went and stood with her. afterwards, i asked her to tell me about that, and she said, "well, Jesus was always going to the folks others were leaving out or stoning, remember the guy in the ditch the good samaritan helped?... so I thought that's where he'd want me to be". no attempts at conversion at all, just a "standing in solidarity with the one being left out".






That is beautiful, thanks for sharing.

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is this little mosque on the prairie? perhaps our favourite tv show of this decade.... or the last.....


third daughter wants to name her future daughter rayyan .....

we started watching it as an antidote to the extreme anti-muslim feeling around here a few years back, and came to love it.


one of the truly beautiful things to come out of it was a few years back when dd's soccer team gathered for christian prayer before each game, and left their one muslim player standing off by herself. our dd quietly left the prayer circle and went and stood with her. afterwards, i asked her to tell me about that, and she said, "well, Jesus was always going to the folks others were leaving out or stoning, remember the guy in the ditch the good samaritan helped?... so I thought that's where he'd want me to be". no attempts at conversion at all, just a "standing in solidarity with the one being left out".




What a sensitive dd you have.

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It's one of my favorites, too. I first noticed it because I'll watch Carlo Rota in just about anything, and I really like how it addresses religious and cultural differences without being pedantic. And on a shallow note, the guy who plays Amaar is so very pretty. :)

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one of the truly beautiful things to come out of it was a few years back when dd's soccer team gathered for christian prayer before each game, and left their one muslim player standing off by herself. our dd quietly left the prayer circle and went and stood with her. afterwards, i asked her to tell me about that, and she said, "well, Jesus was always going to the folks others were leaving out or stoning, remember the guy in the ditch the good samaritan helped?... so I thought that's where he'd want me to be". no attempts at conversion at all, just a "standing in solidarity with the one being left out".


:crying: At the risk of offending someone, I will say that what your dd did was much more of an acknowledgement of Jesus than a prayer before a game.

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We loved that show and watched it every season when it was on. It lost a lot of steam after Carlo Rota left, but the last half of the final season kind of redeemed everything. The series finale was bittersweet.

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is this little mosque on the prairie? perhaps our favourite tv show of this decade.... or the last.....


third daughter wants to name her future daughter rayyan .....

we started watching it as an antidote to the extreme anti-muslim feeling around here a few years back, and came to love it.


one of the truly beautiful things to come out of it was a few years back when dd's soccer team gathered for christian prayer before each game, and left their one muslim player standing off by herself. our dd quietly left the prayer circle and went and stood with her. afterwards, i asked her to tell me about that, and she said, "well, Jesus was always going to the folks others were leaving out or stoning, remember the guy in the ditch the good samaritan helped?... so I thought that's where he'd want me to be". no attempts at conversion at all, just a "standing in solidarity with the one being left out".




Beautiful. Lots of anti Muslim sentiments in my neck of the woods, too. Just love it when we make CNN:tongue_smilie: your daughter has a beautiful heart, you are doing a beautiful job.

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Honestly, there are commonalities to issues in other faith cultures. The very human and varied personalities. These were all good things that made me enjoy the show. I think it's only one season that is on hulu right now. I have several online friends that are Orthodox and wear hijab. Other of us wear our scarves more along different styles of tying tiechels or the urban wrap from The Style Underground. Either way, the headscarves were pure eye candy for us :D

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Honestly, there are commonalities to issues in other faith cultures. The very human and varied personalities. These were all good things that made me enjoy the show. I think it's only one season that is on hulu right now. I have several online friends that are Orthodox and wear hijab. Other of us wear our scarves more along different styles of tying tiechels or the urban wrap from The Style Underground. Either way, the headscarves were pure eye candy for us :D


have you seen the wedding dress show yet?! or the swimsuit show?! the wedding dress was amazing!!!! and the teaching done around the wedding was pretty good, too, and led to some great discussions. the swimsuit, not so much ;), but it all sent everyone off to read and research and think and discuss..... all after having laughed ourselves silly. there is sweet person who put them up on youtube as they came out, and we all waited with baited breath each week.



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