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Runners: Monday 7/7 check in

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Just thought I'd start one of these today.


I was up at 5:45, out the door at 6:00, back in at 6:30. It's soupy outside today; lots of fog and drizzle.


I went 2 miles walk/jog, mostly jogging the first half, mostly walking the 3rd quarter, and 50/50 walk/jog the last quarter. I'm SLOW!!!! But ya know, I'm 44 and just starting back after 4 years not running at all, so I'll take it!!! :D


How was your run today? I think of you all when I'm out there!

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I woke up to find DH leaving for work early (he does this occasionally when he can't sleep). Wait! I was going to run this morning. So, he waited. :)


Weather - muggy, but okay.


Run - Third day of Week 5 of Couch to 5K - run 20 minutes. I really didn't think I would be able to do this, but I DID!! I haven't run that long since college, back when I had to run in P.E. 101. Let's see... that was 23 years ago! :D

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I LOVE reading these updates!! Way to go everyone!!!!


I was going to get up early and run because it's turning humid here today. But, I slept until 7:30. But, I went out at 8 and was back by 8:30. I got in 3 miles. Then I did an ab workout.


It was a AWFUL run. I don't deal well with humidity!


How do you increase your miles each day? I find at the end of 3 miles that I really need to stop. I've been running the whole thing for a couple months now. Ideas?

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How do you increase your miles each day? I find at the end of 3 miles that I really need to stop. I've been running the whole thing for a couple months now. Ideas?


Jennifer, I would just go a little further than your previous run...not a lot but say, 1/4 mile (or 2/3/4/5 extra minutes, whichever is easier to keep track of). Do that for a number of runs and then add in an 1/8 or a 1/4 again if that feels ok. Do this for a number of runs and keep doing that until your up to where you want to be. Just make sure you don't try improving your speed at the same time; pick speed or distance but not both.


My run this a.m. was great! Out by 7, ran 5.32 miles with only one stop to call my dog back. First time this summer that I haven't had to stop a couple of times! It does help to get out before it gets hot.

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Ooh, I didn't know there was a runners group here. I started the couch to 5k and did week 4 day 2 today. It starts out hot and humid here, so I'm going to be really suffering by next month. I hate running, but I'm going to keep at it with hopes that as I get better at it, I will enjoy it more.

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Jennifer, I would just go a little further than your previous run...not a lot but say, 1/4 mile (or 2/3/4/5 extra minutes, whichever is easier to keep track of). Do that for a number of runs and then add in an 1/8 or a 1/4 again if that feels ok. Do this for a number of runs and keep doing that until your up to where you want to be. Just make sure you don't try improving your speed at the same time; pick speed or distance but not both.


My run this a.m. was great! Out by 7, ran 5.32 miles with only one stop to call my dog back. First time this summer that I haven't had to stop a couple of times! It does help to get out before it gets hot.


Congrats on your run!!


Thanks for the information! I'll start that tomorrow I guess. I think I need to change my route though. My current route is exactly three miles. For me to increase it by even 1/8 of a mile, I'd actually have to run past my house and I just don't think I can do it!!!! I'm not really worried about speed right now. I just want to increase the mileage a bit. Thanks again!!

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Dh left for work at 5:20, though, so I would have been on the treadmill regardless. I like to run early, but not THAT early.


Last week, I ran Tuesday through Saturday, did a longer run on Saturday (only three miles, but these days that's long for me), and a long walk on Sunday. I also woke up with a headache, so I was going to take the day off. My headache is better now, though, so after I get these children fed lunch, I'm going to hop on the treadmill for a bit.

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One of my regular running times is at 4:30. I meet my friend who works until four. We usually do 5 - 6 kms. I love 4:30 because I have dinner all set, I go out for my run, come home. Have a quick shower. Eat dinner. And my evening is free.


We sometimes go in the morning but that's not as easy for my legs -- they feel like they're 900 pounds in morning!:001_smile:

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I got a late start, but I did it. I loaded up on carbs yesterday and then didn't sleep well. I left the house at 9:00 and took my darlins with me to do what ever they wanted in the pasture since dh had left already for work. It was hot. But I added an extra loop around the east side anyway, had sweaty, sticky clothes on the walk home, and now feel great.

I'm not going tomorrow since I have to go to work at 4:30 am, but I'll go Wednesday.

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