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What an a**!!!

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Pepsi baby's father has 5 kids with 5 women. Pb is number 4, and the 5th is due in september. Over the weekend i met mothers 1-3, and i know 4 and 5.


All 5 of these women (not to offend, don't know a better way to say it) are cognitively impaired!


This "man" dates these women, gets them pregnant, and the very first words out of his mouth? It's not mine.


What in the world is wrong with him?!?!?


3 out of 5 will not go after him for child support because they feel bad that he has to work so much! He only has one 30 hour a week job. It's not like he's trying very hard.


If anyone should be castrated, this guy is it! Maybe i can find a vet to pay him a visit.


That's all. Just sad for these women and babies.

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I am not following. Were these women forced to have sex with him? If not, they are all at fault and castration should be left to rapists IMO.



This "man" dates these women, gets them pregnant, and the very first words out of his mouth? It's not mine.


What in the world is wrong with him?!?!?


3 out of 5 will not go after him for child support because they feel bad that he has to work so much! He only has one 30 hour a week job. It's not like he's trying very hard.


If anyone should be castrated, this guy is it! Maybe i can find a vet to pay him a visit.

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While it does take two, it was said that the women, all 5 of them, are "cognitively impaired." So it seems to me that perhaps these women weren't able to make sound decisions like most of us here would make. It also seems that the OP believes he specifically targets these types of women. I'm guessing that unless it is a truly anonymous hook-up immediately after meeting and before even talking to each other, he would be aware of their mental limitations. So it sounds liek he could be intentionally taking advantage of someone who is easily led into that situation, rather than just two people who dated for a while, and ended up with a baby.


I mean, think about it: they give their infants Pepsi, and don't want to bother the guy with child support because he works so hard?


And I have a very literal, black-and-white mind.... but even I get hyperbole. And even then, I can't say I would oppose permanent means to stop a predator like that.

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While it does take two, it was said that the women, all 5 of them, are "cognitively impaired." So it seems to me that perhaps these women weren't able to make sound decisions like most of us here would make. It also seems that the OP believes he specifically targets these types of women. I'm guessing that unless it is a truly anonymous hook-up immediately after meeting and before even talking to each other, he would be aware of their mental limitations. So it sounds liek he could be intentionally taking advantage of someone who is easily led into that situation, rather than just two people who dated for a while, and ended up with a baby.


I mean, think about it: they give their infants Pepsi, and don't want to bother the guy with child support because he works so hard?


And I have a very literal, black-and-white mind.... but even I get hyperbole. And even then, I can't say I would oppose permanent means to stop a predator like that.


:iagree:The only thing that could possibly, slightly excuse his behavior is if he is just as "cognitively impaired" as the girls.

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I worked for a domestic violence agency for 10 years. There is a particular breed of "man" who preys on cognitively impaired women. They seek them out because they are so easy to manipulate. The men also know that because the women have developmental disabilities it is possible the court system will not listen to them if they file charges, testify etc. These men know they can pretty much do anything to these women, and they will get away with it.


Sometimes the women do an adequate job of caring for their children, but often they don't. Often they love their children, but frequently they can't. It's a bad situation all around.


Those women you know are lucky that they only ended up pregnant and abandoned. Many women and men with cognitive disabilities are also preyed upon by pimps and those who use them for criminal purposes.


I wish we had a better safety net for cognitively impaired adults. Sometimes the safest place for them ends up being jail. :sad: it's just not right.

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