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Well *that* was quite the weekend.

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Dh's dad's memorial was Friday. Dh has a, shall we say, 'unique' way of dealing with stress. I don't want to bash, so I'll leave it at that, lol.


We got to the funeral home at 3, and didn't get back home until almost 11pm. I was SO proud of how well my little boys behaved. God bless them.


Saturday was full of cooking and preparations for dsd's grad party we threw on Sunday; plus hours and hours of visiting with dh's extended family who came from all over to attend the weekend's activities.


Sunday was the grad party. Thankfully, I had some wonderful ladies in the family who helped me with food and preprations. Otherwise, I don't know what I would have done.


I'm so exhausted! Dsd loved her party. I got a huge hug and thank you at the end. :001_wub: Everyone kept saying how yummy the food was. Gotta say, making a huge tray of homemade dinner rolls is an easy way to impress a crowd. Plus, dsd got almost $1500 in cards! She couldn't believe it! She kept opening cards and saying 'Oh my goodness!' It was so precious. :)


I'm exhausted, my house is a wreck, and we have no clean bath towels. My feet hurt; I don't think I sat for more than five minutes yesterday. But it was worth it. Can't believe dsd graduated and turned 18. The time goes by so quickly.

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I was thinking about ya Bethany-that's a lot to get through. I hear ya about the no bath towel thing, that's a perfect illustration of hectic.


Tell the boys we are all proud of them too, that was great to hear. :) :grouphug:


Thank you so much. So sweet. :001_smile:

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Whew! Sounds exhausting!


I will be going through the whole grad party for the first time next year when my step-ds graduates. It will also be a going away party as he's signed up with the Army and will be leaving next July.


I have to admitt, I'm really nervous about the grad party, b/c I hear about how stressful they can be. Eeek!

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Whew! Sounds exhausting!


I will be going through the whole grad party for the first time next year when my step-ds graduates. It will also be a going away party as he's signed up with the Army and will be leaving next July.


I have to admitt, I'm really nervous about the grad party, b/c I hear about how stressful they can be. Eeek!


Well, dsd's wasn't stressful, other than the sheer amount of work it was. I'm sure we could have spent more and done less, but every family has their own ideas about that. I made all the food except: bought the cake from Costco, sil brought an amazing platter of fruit kabobs, and fil brought a veggie tray as well as balloons. Had an aunt who offered to bring something, so she brought ice. Even that was very helpful, you know?


Crock pots/roasters are your friend. :D


Another thing that I've learned; when someone offers help, take it. Seriously. I'm so forever thankful for the ladies in my family who offered help, and I'm actually proud of myself for taking it. As moms, sometimes we can tend to do the 'No no, I don't need any help; I'm superwoman, don't you know? I can do it ALL myself' thing. Well, no. I'm not. We had 48 people there. Good grief, that's a lot of people to entertain, feed, etc.


Plan the food out a few weeks before hand once you know how many people you'll have. Then hopefully you've got a few relatives or friends who will help you out the day of. Or, spend the money and get food already made. Dh and I are too thrifty to pay for other people to make our pasta and bread, lol. But no judgements if others would rather pay and take it easier on the work.


My dad asked if I made the cake too. Such a sweet man. No, I didn't make the huge sheet cake. I made almost everything else; I do have a limit of time and energy. :D I enjoy making birthday cakes; but since you can get a delicious, humongous cake from Costco for $18, I went with that. :tongue_smilie:


So in conclusion, LOL, take help that's offered. And if no one is offering help, ask those that you feel comfortable asking. My fil's new wife was just amazing yesterday with how much she did for me. Setting up, cleaning up at the end; I'm so grateful. My own mother didn't offer to help or bring a single thing. So, some people are more inclined to want to pitch in than others. Find out who those people are in your family, and bless them by asking for their help. I know when I offer help, it's genuine. And I feel good when someone actually takes me up on it. It is a way to bless others; letting them help you when they offer or when you need it.

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Dsd loved her party. I got a huge hug and thank you at the end. :001_wub: Everyone kept saying how yummy the food was.


I saw your post when you were deciding what food to have and wondered if the party had happened yet. I'm so glad everything turned out well and that dsd loved it :) .

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