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So this weekend we have Link's best friend (and his little dog) staying with us.

This afternoon the 3 boys were outside playing with the neighbors, and suddenly I hear Astro start screaming and crying and can tell he's running to the door. This isn't unusual - Astro is the youngest of them (neighbors included) and sometimes the others want to do something and he doesn't, etc, etc. So I was feeling a little annoyed with him, because his crying set the dogs to barking and Pink was taking a nap. So I head to the door ready to fuss at him a little and get everything straightened out, and then I open the door...

...to find his face covered in blood. I'm like :001_huh: and I can't see where it's coming from, so I hand him his towel to clean up his face, run to get my phone, and ask him where everyone else is/if they are ok/etc. Everyone else is fine. I finally spot what appears to be a relatively small spot on his forehead where the blood is coming from, but I can't see much of it because there's just so much blood pouring from it. So I figure it'll be best if I go ahead and call DH (who is an EMT and volunteers with the rescue squad, and only works about 2 blocks away, meaning he can run home if needed), and hope that the bleeding will slow down enough for us to be able to see some detail when he gets here. Link comes around the corner and almost starts freaking out, as he still freaks out a little about blood. (Glad he didn't see him BEFORE the towel!) He calmed down pretty quickly when I told him Astro is ok.

So DH gets home and we get the bleeding stopped - it's a small little cut on the very top of his forehead, right below his hairline. Actually, there is more than one - three perfect little lines, actually. Nothing deep or big needing stitches. DH checked him out, asked him a bunch of questions, asked the other boys a bunch of questions, and then tells Astro to sit inside for a little while and relax. He did for about 15-20 minutes (eating a sundae cone lol) and then headed back out to play.

Apparently the friend had thrown a dodgeball and the kids all thought the ball had caused the injury. :001_huh: :lol: None of us could figure out why on earth a ball would do that to his head... it wasn't til we saw the actual cuts that we realized it was from the hose. Astro had been holding it when the ball hit him (I'm guessing in his arm or something? Causing the hose to fly up and hit him in the face?) and none of the boys had realized that was what happened. Link was around the house turning the water off at the time, so he missed it entirely.

He's fine now, DH thinks the reason there was so much blood (I know there normally is even with the smallest of head scrapes, but WOW this was a lot of blood just pouring down his face!) was that he was outside, hot, and running around. Had his blood really pumping, so it bled quickly. He got hit in the nose, too, apparently, because it was bleeding a little bit at the time as well. He's been fine ever since.


Anyway, that's my story for the day. :) I don't freak out at the sight of blood - I actually wouldn't mind working with it (perfusionist or something). It's just funny, stuff like this happens and I just get tunnel vision.

Not surprised it was Astro, though - he's the klutzier of the two (like me :lol: ) and he's the only one I've taken to the after hours clinic (weird infected bug bites on a Friday night) and the ER (wrestling with Link when they were supposed to be brushing their teeth, and the side of Astro's head ended up slamming into the corner of the plaster wall. He was fine then, too.) Glad there were no ER visits today!

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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We had a similar experience in the Walmart parking lot. I was holding DD5's hand and she still managed to walk into a metal sign post. :confused: She wasn instantly crying, but really, this girl does cry A LOT about EVERYTHING. I'm tugging on her to get her to move her feet, then I happened to look down and saw all the blood running down her face.


Straight into the bathroom at Walmart (dripping blood all the way there, oops!) and thank God, an off-duty EMT was in there washing her hands and helped get DD (and me) calmed down. She even helped clean her up (without gloves! I was surprised!) and suggested we go buy some butterfly bandages, if it didn't stop bleeding by that night then go get stitched up. The wound was about 1 cm long right on the curve of her forehead, but wow, the blood! Everywhere!


After she was calmed down DD let me know that she wasn't going to walk through the parking lot with her eyes closed anymore. Some lessons you just have to learn the hard way I guess :glare:


And like your bleeder, my DD is the accident prone one...she's going to have a lot of scars on her by the time she's an adult.


Glad you didn't have to go get stitches, these kids get hurt in the craziest ways.

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you deleted?? :( after i typed all that out?!?! :leaving:


Sorry! I just thought maybe no one was interested and that it wasn't a very good story, then I felt dumb for posting it on here to begin with, so I deleted it. At that time, no one had replied.



...and now I'm feeling similarly dumb for being oversensitive and figuring it was a lame story and deleting it. I just can't win today. :crying: :leaving:

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Sorry! I just thought maybe no one was interested and that it wasn't a very good story, then I felt dumb for posting it on here to begin with, so I deleted it. At that time, no one had replied.


It is a fast board, especially lately. This is the first I've seen your post and I've been sitting her for an hour.


Give them at least a couple hours.


Now I want to know how much blood and were it was emanating from and how it started. Just nosy I guess. :D


I hope your fellow is better now. :grouphug:

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It is a fast board, especially lately. This is the first I've seen your post and I've been sitting her for an hour.


Give them at least a couple hours.


Now I want to know how much blood and were it was emanating from and how it started. Just nosy I guess. :D


I hope your fellow is better now. :grouphug:




You gotta love a good story about blood!

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It is a fast board, especially lately. This is the first I've seen your post and I've been sitting her for an hour.


Give them at least a couple hours.


Now I want to know how much blood and were it was emanating from and how it started. Just nosy I guess. :D


I hope your fellow is better now. :grouphug:


I usually give them a day at least...I don't know what the deal was today.


All right... off to go re-type my first post I suppose. :tongue_smilie: Though now I'm feeling relatively overdramatic about the whole thing.


Maybe I need to get my hormones checked or something. Sheesh. :D

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Having not read your (now deleted, soon to be re-posted) blood and boys story, here is mine...


When DS was around four or five years of age, we were at a nearby town for their Fourth of July festivities. DS ran full force, right into a metal hand railing. He split the tip of his nose AND gave himself a double-bloody nose. :001_huh: You have never seen so much blood in all your life.

We took him to the first aid station to have them look at it. They wanted to call an ambulance, but we just kept asking if they thought it needed stitches. If so, we would drive him ourselves. They just kept saying they would call an ambulance.

We finally got the bleeding stopped and decided to wait and see what it looked like over the next few hours. Well, it looked fine - the cut didn't look any more than your typical cut - so we decided not to go to the ER.

Bad call, in the end. Now DS has a scar across the tip of his nose. Maybe it would have still scarred? I don't know. But I always feel bad when I see the scar. (And I still feel a bit faint at the memory of all that blood! :tongue_smilie:)

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Sorry! I just thought maybe no one was interested and that it wasn't a very good story, then I felt dumb for posting it on here to begin with, so I deleted it. At that time, no one had replied.



...and now I'm feeling similarly dumb for being oversensitive and figuring it was a lame story and deleting it. I just can't win today. :crying: :leaving:


I thought it was a good story ;) Thanks for reposting all the blood & gore:lol:

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I'm glad he is okay and you get brownie points for keeping it together!


My boy and blood saga is quite tame, but I still hold a grudge against Thomas the Train. When DS was about two, he tripped and fell face first on a Thomas push toy. Once we cleaned him up, we realized he had a round hole in his face! Still don't know how he managed it, but the train put a hole in his face between his lip and his nose. You could have slipped a straw in the opening. Eww! He had to get a few stitches to close up the hole and now has a small scar just above his upper lip.

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You did better than I would have! I have five boys and still can't handle the sight of blood. I get weak and start to shake. :crying: I've actually had my two oldest take a first aid course so they can deal with these things for me. :tongue_smilie:

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My (most recent:001_smile:) boys and blood story:


Last week my 13yo walked in the house from outside holding his hand, which was pouring blood. He had walked up the hill from our barn, which is a little ways. My 19yo sat him down on the kitchen floor right before he passed out. Turns out, he had been climbing up the wall of the barn to get to the hayloft without using the ladder. He slipped and fell on a metal thing that hooks on the back of the car to haul stuff. He split the inside of his palm. He got quite a few stitches.


I surprised myself by handling things well without freaking out. I used to always yell, "Max!" (my eldest) in an emergency, because he has always been our resident emergency handler. Now that he is grown and gone, I have to be the grown up. :001_smile: Max did call me to see how I handled it without him when it was all over.

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Boys are fun. When mine were younger I thought they had poured paint on the 2 yo. We have a red door & walls. First glance I was sure they had gotten into the paint as it was all over his face. Nope it was a silly forehead wound from a rock. Small wounds on foreheads are really bloody. Glad you didn't end up in the ER. Hopefully that is the highlight of the weekend.

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