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Homeschool Planner for Mac - OLLY


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Anyone else impressed with it?


Even though I create my own Year-at-a-Glance and Weeks-at-a-Glance with Excel and, for the most part, have already planned out our next school year, I'm currently working with the downloadable 30-day (full featured) free trial. It's hard to let go of the printed format I've become accustomed to with Excel, but it seems that OLLY may be more handy and convenient, in the long run, once I've entered in our data and figured things out. The How-To tutorials are well done. This is the closest I've ever come to investing and switching to a "planner" per se (whether it be software, online, or otherwise), especially when I already have my YaaG and WaaG prepared for the upcoming school year.


Has anyone taken the plunge and completely converted to OLLY?

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I've been toying with the idea. The lesson planner that I have used the last 3-4 years is just too expensive now, so my other option is a dollar store plan book. I like the squares, and I'm used to the format, but it's a pain when we get off track and I have to erase a few weeks' worth of one subject. What do you like about OLLY?

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I've been toying with the idea. The lesson planner that I have used the last 3-4 years is just too expensive now, so my other option is a dollar store plan book. I like the squares, and I'm used to the format, but it's a pain when we get off track and I have to erase a few weeks' worth of one subject. What do you like about OLLY?


Good question. I like everything about it, but now your really making me put some thought into it. Well for starters, I like that it's a software program (not an online program or otherwise) made for Mac :D (running 10.5)... and I like the price-ish.


As I began entering in some basic information, I realized that not only can you create and access the active school year/grade, but each previous year/grade is stored and can be referred back to at anytime, so all of my records would be in one easily accessible place... vs. multiple Excel spreadsheets in separate files on my hard drive. The latter is not that big of a deal I suppose, but the former factor appeals to me. I'm already very organized, but I believe this would truly take me to the next level... and be all I need in the years to come. I have a one and only so the multiple kid/login factor doesn't apply to me, but if it did then this would be a great feature both for parent and students. I like the admin privilege option, though I'm still figuring that out.


Here's a quick list of some other pros that stand out for me, thus far:


- school year/holiday and vacation/attendance features

- courses/lesson plans features (reusable templates that make it easy to create, edit, and assign assignments)

- create/auto-create the lesson plans (easily insert individual assignments in auto-created lesson plans)

- "bump" feature

- "Resource" section for book lists, websites, movies, etc. that can be easily applied to lesson plans

- routine lists (create multiple for different days)

- journaling and yearbook features

- transcripts (for the future) in the "Reports" section

- download link/license key (download and install on both of our computers)

- syncing capabilities (in the works)

- support forum


The Organized Life and Learning Yearbook. I have to say, that sums it up very well indeed. I believe I've convinced myself to go ahead and purchase OLLY. Hahaha! I just need some motivation to dive into the data entry. I think it's actually a good thing that I already have next year planned out. Now there's no rush to input and get things tweaked as I'll want/need them, which will make for a smoother transition, and a happier me in the process. :)


ETA: A couple of things I'm curious about are the possibilities of saving lists, lesson plans, and etc. as pdf files... and printing capabilities.

Edited by CMama
added another pro, etc.
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Thanks, Cmama, for the specifics!


I'm tempted, but in a non-reporting state, so no need for attendance records or anything, and mine are still pretty far from needing a transcript (oldest starting 5th grade). But my paper planner runs out of pages the end of next week, so I need a new plan soon!

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Bump.. Waiting for the iPad version to come in. My Mac OS is too old. :lurk5:


I am curious about an ipad version! Is there any where I can learn about this? I checked the website last night and could not find anything about it.


Thanks for discussing Olly- I am growing warmer towards it. :)

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I've discovered that I'm also liking the Activities and Achievements feature for each user. I'm able to keep tracking of my own personal training dates/hours (e.g., SWR Seminars, etc.), as well as my little man's achievements in Karate, Violin, and more. :)

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My state doesn't require reporting, but I like the practice of keeping good records for higher grades. I also like being able to reuse previous plans. The next time I have a third grader or the next time we do Early Modern, I can just auto assign the stuff. :)


I hadn't thought of that.. Great idea!

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Hmm... I'm also curious about it. I currently just do everything myself, which works great, but if this will, like a PP said, 'take me to another level' then it may be worth a try.

I guess I could do the 30 day free thing to see if I like it. I'd also be quite interested in an iPad version. :)

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I am curious about an ipad version! Is there any where I can learn about this? I checked the website last night and could not find anything about it.


Thanks for discussing Olly- I am growing warmer towards it. :)


So am I! I read about the iPad version on this forum - a previous thread on Olly.

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I was just finishing my trial and I've been really liking it so I went ahead and bought it. I think it's really promising! I know they are continually working to upgrade it, and that's really exciting to me, but even as it stands it's going to be awesome for me. The price is right, especially when I consider the subscription services (ouch!) and it's not hard to use at all. I watched maybe 2 of the tutorial videos to get the feel of it, then figured out a bunch just by trying stuff and seeing if it works. For me, it's really intuitive. Things that seem like they should work just do. It took me way less time than I expected to auto-assign all the work in all subjects for 4 kids, and it's laid out so prettily now. I get such a great feeling watching the assignments just lay out automatically on the calendar. Actually, I really wish I had something else to plan; it was quite fun.

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I should add, too, that for me the main draw of having this is to make sure I use all my resources and that we stay on a reasonable timetable I always get really excited about different material, but then I just kind of forget to use it. I don't need to produce complicated reports for my state, either, so I'm using it just for my own benefit, and to stay organized.

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I was just finishing my trial and I've been really liking it so I went ahead and bought it. I think it's really promising! I know they are continually working to upgrade it, and that's really exciting to me, but even as it stands it's going to be awesome for me. The price is right, especially when I consider the subscription services (ouch!) and it's not hard to use at all. I watched maybe 2 of the tutorial videos to get the feel of it, then figured out a bunch just by trying stuff and seeing if it works. For me, it's really intuitive. Things that seem like they should work just do. It took me way less time than I expected to auto-assign all the work in all subjects for 4 kids, and it's laid out so prettily now. I get such a great feeling watching the assignments just lay out automatically on the calendar. Actually, I really wish I had something else to plan; it was quite fun.


Oh, thank you for this! I was concerned about a steep learning curve when I am already up to my ears...

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I was just finishing my trial and I've been really liking it so I went ahead and bought it. I think it's really promising! I know they are continually working to upgrade it, and that's really exciting to me, but even as it stands it's going to be awesome for me.




Actually, I really wish I had something else to plan; it was quite fun.


:lol: Too funny!


I don't need to produce complicated reports for my state, either, so I'm using it just for my own benefit, and to stay organized.


Same story here. I'm just waiting for an answer to one particular question that I asked, and if I get the answer I need then I'll "Buy It Now!" :D

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So watching the videos & playing with the sample will teach enough to help one decide?


Absolutely. The free trial is full-featured, not limited; the only limit is that it will only work for 30 days. The program has very little learning curve, but will still do quite a bit; it's pretty easy to use. And those videos are very short-- don't make popcorn.

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Do you assign points your kids can earn?


We've never done grades, but the closer my eldest gets to highschool the more I want to start playing with them so I can have them figured out by then, kwim?


So, share with me what you do in regards to grades. :D

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I might scream.


I've put in information under:



Learning Plans

Lesson Plans


Yet when I go to the calendar there is NOTHING in the side bar to drop & drag?!?! What's going on?? According to the video tutorials it should all be there, but it's not. Very maddening. Any advice?

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Does anyone know if there is a way to make the printable weekly schedule display something other than the current week? I sometimes like to print in advance a week at a time.


Yes. Just go to the week you want to print and hit the Print button. (Use Next Week and Prev Week to navigate.)

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Make sure you select the student you want to assign it to. That's in the upper right corner. Choose a student, assign a course, assign learning plans to course, and assign lesson plans to learning plan. If you did all that, maybe it has to do with the school year. As in, perhaps you're planning for the 12-13 school year but are looking at the "active school year" of 11-12.




I might scream.


I've put in information under:



Learning Plans

Lesson Plans


Yet when I go to the calendar there is NOTHING in the side bar to drop & drag?!?! What's going on?? According to the video tutorials it should all be there, but it's not. Very maddening. Any advice?

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Do you assign points your kids can earn?


We've never done grades, but the closer my eldest gets to highschool the more I want to start playing with them so I can have them figured out by then, kwim?


So, share with me what you do in regards to grades. :D


Yes. I'm not in front of my computer right now, but it is on the screen where you can edit each lesson. There is a box for points, right next to the box for sequence number.

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The bump feature looks really neat. :)


Yeah, for now it will work great if you fall behind. I wrote the company about bumping backwards (so if you actually manage to get ahead you can move all assignments back) and they said they are working on that feature.


Better and better!

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Yes. I'm not in front of my computer right now, but it is on the screen where you can edit each lesson. There is a box for points, right next to the box for sequence number.


:lol: No, I meant DO you assign points. hehe As in, do you use the feature, but I'll start a thread about that. ;)

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Oo, but I meant to ask..


Is our assignment calendar {the drag & drop one} crazy full & weird looking?! Mine is for the 5th grader. He's got:


LA -- Spelling, Copywork , Word Spy & Return Of The Word Spy & {I haven't even scheduled this in yet} writing

Math -- Saxon

Bible -- Picturesmart & Grapevine

Science -- Apologia Biology for half the year Zoo for the other half

Music -- recorder lessons

Memorization -- Memory box


I haven't even scheduled:


Walking the dog daily

the Writing I mentioned above

Computer {typing, email, & blog stuff}

or any Home Ec type stuff


When I added copywork my calendar was crazy looking & I had to undo it in order to see straight. Is that normal or did mine go funky for a minute? I've had Olly lock up on me a couple of times. whoops!



ETA: Cool Beans on the Backward feature for the programme, I was wishing that was there earlier. When it's updated will the update be a smooth transition without losing info?

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Waah, now I can't get the routines to work. There is no "add new item" button to the routine section, & when I double click on a time to write it in, that works, but disappears as soon as I move away from that time frame/line. Is it a flaw or am I missing something?

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I dropped them a suggestion about this the other week. We need an expanded view to make it easier to edit and move things if not using bump! They said they will work on it!


It probably looks better on a bigger monitor... But oh my poor little PowerBook trying to display a month at once!



Oo, but I meant to ask..


Is our assignment calendar {the drag & drop one} crazy full & weird looking?! Mine is for the 5th grader. He's got:


LA -- Spelling, Copywork , Word Spy & Return Of The Word Spy & {I haven't even scheduled this in yet} writing

Math -- Saxon

Bible -- Picturesmart & Grapevine

Science -- Apologia Biology for half the year Zoo for the other half

Music -- recorder lessons

Memorization -- Memory box


I haven't even scheduled:


Walking the dog daily

the Writing I mentioned above

Computer {typing, email, & blog stuff}

or any Home Ec type stuff


When I added copywork my calendar was crazy looking & I had to undo it in order to see straight. Is that normal or did mine go funky for a minute? I've had Olly lock up on me a couple of times. whoops!



ETA: Cool Beans on the Backward feature for the programme, I was wishing that was there earlier. When it's updated will the update be a smooth transition without losing info?

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Regarding the assignment calendar, I think that right now it's not the best way to view the assignments for the child. It is the place to schedule them. They told me they are adding a "switch to weekly view" option on the assignment calendar, which should help the assignments be a lot easier to read. I imagine eventually they will add a "day" view option as well.


For no, what I do to see the results of my assignments is to logout and log back in as my child. That is a little annoyance, but the logout/login features work so quickly that it doesn't bother be. Then I can get the weekly view. Then when I can see how it looks, I log back in as myself to continue.


I think the Assignment calendar is the weakest part of the program right now. I have a lot of stuff scheduled for 4 different kids, and as it stands the assignment calendar is on a 5-20 second delay for everything I try to do. Talk about frustrating. This is the only part of the program that really worries me. If they don't fix it, I won't be able to continue to use OLLY because I just don't think I could deal with any additional slowdown in the Assignment calendar as I add another year with fresh assignments (in a year).


But I feel confident that they will fix it. It's a brand-new program, and they are working on improving it, so I am coping now and trusting they will fix it.


I've already installed one update--a pop-up showed up when I opened OLLY, and I just clicked "yes"--and everything worked seamlessly.


Now I'm off to explore routines, because I haven't really worked with that feature and I'm curious to give it a whirl!

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I'm using Olly, too, and I love it! The upgrades have been seamless, with no info lost.


The assignment calendar is the module I use most. A weekly view would make it easier to use on a smaller screen. The monthly calendar boxes fill up, and then the assignments can end up bunching onto each other. They've responded to other suggestions pretty quickly, so I'm happy to hear this is in the works.


What I like best about the assignment calendar is that the list of unscheduled lesson plans sits to the right, ready to be auto-assigned all at once or dragged-and-dropped onto the calendar as we go. Some subjects progress predictably, but others depend on how quickly the kids understand the materials. It's nice to have the lesson plans in view on the same panel, without having to schedule them before I'm ready.


I've started using Olly as my main calendar, too. I created courses for things like "Appointments" and "Menu" and then assigned them to myself. In the descriptions, I've added links to online recipes, doctors' phone numbers, etc. It has made a big difference in how smoothly things are running around here!

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I'd like to encourage everyone interested in OLLY, and experimenting with the program, to submit feedback through their support FORUM. As a pp motioned, they truly seem to be responsive to these discussions, and everyone will benefit from unforeseen glitches resolved and improvements made. :thumbup:

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Ok, I have to admit that I'd completely forgotten about Planbook for Mac. The last time I'd attempted to experiment with it was over a year ago. It seems they've made some updates to it and so now I'm experimenting with both OLLY and Planbook, and weighing their pros and cons.


Has anyone else ever checked out Planbook?


ETA: Nevermind, Planbook is still NOT going to work for us.

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A new OS is coming out in July? Man, I still haven't updated to Lion! My 3 yo iMac still runs beautifully, so I never felt the need.


It's not about your iMac running beautifully, it's about it being compatible with newer programs. I assume your Mac is running Leopard, 10.5? Then it's on the cusp of not being compatible with most softwares, even iTunes, etc.


Plus your Mac will run even more beautifully, as each new OS is streamlined and requires less footprint on your Mac, thus freeing up processor power.

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I'm afraid my feedback on OLLY wouldn't be too kind right now.


I do think the programme has heaps of potentional, but after playing with it for 48 hours the programme has far too many flaws in it for me to tolerate or even consider dropping $40 on it. I'm actually quite irritated with the time I wasted on it.


The instructions, while there, aren't complete. It tells you to drop & drag after doing one step when in actuality you need to perform 3 steps. Only one of which is pretty quick & simplistic.


The calendar boxes {dated squares} need to have scroll features within them because they are a MESS if you add more then 3 items to any given day. I presume people do more then 3 things in any given day, yes? By the time I put 5 in the boxes they were oozing over & under making me think that I had dated the plans incorrectly. By the time I got everything scheduled for a week the calendar squares were so full I could not SEE ANYTHING to manage to drag the ONE reading assignment back to it's proper date after accidentally bumping it forward.


The lack of being able to bump backwards is such a pain in the rear when the calendar is that full that it''s easier to totally delete assignments then it is try & find them & drag them around.


Creating routines was a joke. The instructions tell you how to create a new routine group. That worked, all though the inability to click on the header was weird because it worked in other areas of the programme. BUT adding ANYTHING to that routine wasn't working. There was NO arrow with a drop down box to "add new item" it only created yet another new routine schedule that I couldn't schedule anything on. If I double clicked next to a time I could type in there, but once I moved off that line my items disappeared & were not saved. After reading the instructions a half dozen times & playing with it from every angle I finally gave up on that one. It wasn't worth my time.


I also found it MADDENING that when I accidentally clicked the MINUS button in the school calendar area that it TOTALLY whipped out my school year. Now, I know that's MY FAULT, but I think a "are you sure" type pop-up window warning would have been a wise feature. It would avoid a lot of tears & frustration.


The programme locked up on me a half dozen times. I've never had that issue with Mac programmes THAT consistently without reason. At one point it didn't totally lock up but created enough of an error I had to shut the crazy thing down & lose the 15 minutes worth of reading assignments I was trying to generate.


I find it a wee bit insane that if a day of the week has nothing scheduled on it that it's on my printable plan. I know that's nit picky, because I understand some people might school on the weekends & perhaps say not on Monday or Tuesday. Regardless, I'd still prefer it NOT to print me out some blank boxes.


I also found the bump feature, while nice, maddening. When you bump ahead you must take into account Saturday & Sunday when saying how many days to bump ahead. I think it would be WAY easier to simply type in the date you want an item bumped from & the date you wish to bump it too. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. No miscounting & needing to rebump things forward only to discover you need to bump things backwards & the programme isn't capable of that yet.


This might also sound crazy weird, but I found the way it broke down terms weird. It breaks down a term for you {cool beans} but gives you no time off between terms. Weird, but not a huge issue because you can EASILY fix it.


I really WANTED to love the programme. Like REALLY love it, but right now it's too flawed for me. However, as I said at the start, it does have a LOT of potential.


I love that I can schedule time, points, & grade for any given student. I love that I can print out a students list of things to do. I love the bump forward feature {all though I think it's faulty in how it works..} & once the bump backward is working that'll make it even better. I love that I can set up my terms & decide what we'll accomplish in each term. I especially love that I'm not set to American school terms/years & can choose my own dates.


I'd love to see a book list in it if I were to commit to it as well. A place where one can enter in all the books a student may be reading through out the year. It would be fantastic if you could simply scan your books barcode in via your camera to save heaps of time, but I accept that might be a little out there & would of course require one to have internet access when using the feature. It would also be grand if this list could be printed out.


Despite my annoyance & irritation of wasting an entire weekend trying to love a programme that was heavily flawed, I still stand by the fact that it has great potential. I will most certainly be keeping an eye on it & if improvements are made I may try it again & see how I feel about it then. In the mean time I'll keep my pen & paper & try to work out the finer details on my own. ;)

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It probably looks better on a bigger monitor... But oh my poor little PowerBook trying to display a month at once!


My husband said this {he's a programmer as well} but I pointed out that's a flawed theory based on the fact that it's suppose to have an app for the ipad. Imagine what it would look like on there.

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A lot of legit issues there.


They have mentioned several times on the message boards that the backwards bump is coming out in the next update.


It does have a reading list. In addition to the resource list, you can create custom reading lists for anything... Make a list by kid, or an Ancients Logic Stage list, you name it. Click Resources, then Book List.


When I bump, it skips Sat and Sunday, as long as I don't have those boxes checked as school days in the bump screen, and I do not have to account for them. That part actually works well-- if there is something I only schedule on Monday, I can check only Monday, and tell it to bump forward 1 day and it will walk them all forward 1 week. The only thing I can't make it do, and I have to try again to help them understand what I mean, is preserve a scheduling pattern where I schedule a lesson 5 days one week, but only MWF the next week. The bump screen only has one week to click set up on it. If I have to bump forward 2 days, I will have a mess.


I can't figure out the problem you are having on routines; I can't duplicate it. My problem is that I don't see the point. I guess it's supposed to be like a reminder calendar for chores or music and sports lessons or something?


I agree that it is still a work in progress, but I am happy to work with them as they grow so that it stays clean and pretty easy to use rather than "make coffee; it'll take six months to learn!" like HST. I gave up on HST in favor of paper records on the theory that my time was better spent with my kids!


Besides, I hate coffee ;)




I'm afraid my feedback on OLLY wouldn't be too kind right now.


I do think the programme has heaps of potentional, but after playing with it for 48 hours the programme has far too many flaws in it for me to tolerate or even consider dropping $40 on it. I'm actually quite irritated with the time I wasted on it.


The instructions, while there, aren't complete. It tells you to drop & drag after doing one step when in actuality you need to perform 3 steps. Only one of which is pretty quick & simplistic.


The calendar boxes {dated squares} need to have scroll features within them because they are a MESS if you add more then 3 items to any given day. I presume people do more then 3 things in any given day, yes? By the time I put 5 in the boxes they were oozing over & under making me think that I had dated the plans incorrectly. By the time I got everything scheduled for a week the calendar squares were so full I could not SEE ANYTHING to manage to drag the ONE reading assignment back to it's proper date after accidentally bumping it forward.


The lack of being able to bump backwards is such a pain in the rear when the calendar is that full that it''s easier to totally delete assignments then it is try & find them & drag them around.


Creating routines was a joke. The instructions tell you how to create a new routine group. That worked, all though the inability to click on the header was weird because it worked in other areas of the programme. BUT adding ANYTHING to that routine wasn't working. There was NO arrow with a drop down box to "add new item" it only created yet another new routine schedule that I couldn't schedule anything on. If I double clicked next to a time I could type in there, but once I moved off that line my items disappeared & were not saved. After reading the instructions a half dozen times & playing with it from every angle I finally gave up on that one. It wasn't worth my time.


I also found it MADDENING that when I accidentally clicked the MINUS button in the school calendar area that it TOTALLY whipped out my school year. Now, I know that's MY FAULT, but I think a "are you sure" type pop-up window warning would have been a wise feature. It would avoid a lot of tears & frustration.


The programme locked up on me a half dozen times. I've never had that issue with Mac programmes THAT consistently without reason. At one point it didn't totally lock up but created enough of an error I had to shut the crazy thing down & lose the 15 minutes worth of reading assignments I was trying to generate.


I find it a wee bit insane that if a day of the week has nothing scheduled on it that it's on my printable plan. I know that's nit picky, because I understand some people might school on the weekends & perhaps say not on Monday or Tuesday. Regardless, I'd still prefer it NOT to print me out some blank boxes.


I also found the bump feature, while nice, maddening. When you bump ahead you must take into account Saturday & Sunday when saying how many days to bump ahead. I think it would be WAY easier to simply type in the date you want an item bumped from & the date you wish to bump it too. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. No miscounting & needing to rebump things forward only to discover you need to bump things backwards & the programme isn't capable of that yet.


This might also sound crazy weird, but I found the way it broke down terms weird. It breaks down a term for you {cool beans} but gives you no time off between terms. Weird, but not a huge issue because you can EASILY fix it.


I really WANTED to love the programme. Like REALLY love it, but right now it's too flawed for me. However, as I said at the start, it does have a LOT of potential.


I love that I can schedule time, points, & grade for any given student. I love that I can print out a students list of things to do. I love the bump forward feature {all though I think it's faulty in how it works..} & once the bump backward is working that'll make it even better. I love that I can set up my terms & decide what we'll accomplish in each term. I especially love that I'm not set to American school terms/years & can choose my own dates.


I'd love to see a book list in it if I were to commit to it as well. A place where one can enter in all the books a student may be reading through out the year. It would be fantastic if you could simply scan your books barcode in via your camera to save heaps of time, but I accept that might be a little out there & would of course require one to have internet access when using the feature. It would also be grand if this list could be printed out.


Despite my annoyance & irritation of wasting an entire weekend trying to love a programme that was heavily flawed, I still stand by the fact that it has great potential. I will most certainly be keeping an eye on it & if improvements are made I may try it again & see how I feel about it then. In the mean time I'll keep my pen & paper & try to work out the finer details on my own. ;)

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