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how many calories to lose weight?

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I am interested in know how many calories I need to lose weight. I would like to lose 25 pounds and I am pretty tall (5'9"). I walk/hike for most days of the week for about 30-60 minutes.

Would someone just tell me what to do?!?

I just tried about a week of the no s diet and gained 2 pounds! I think I just need to count calories afterall.

Thanks for any feedback.

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It really depends on your metabolism. I am taller than you and I need to stay around 1,500 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. That includes 90 minutes of cardio + weight lifting 3 x's a week, too. Just make sure the bulk or your calories are from high nutrient food so you don't stress out your body.


If you are a member of a health club they can do a metabolism test and tell you exactly how many calories your body burns. I had mine done a few years ago and the tester was surprised that my metabolism was so slow.

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It really does vary from person to person! I am 5'8" and 128 pounds, and I have to stick to 1400 calories or so a day to maintain my weight. When I want to lose a few pounds I do 1200 and up my exercise.


It really depends on your metabolism. I am taller than you and I need to stay around 1,500 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. That includes 90 minutes of cardio + weight lifting 3 x's a week, too. Just make sure the bulk or your calories are from high nutrient food so you don't stress out your body.


If you are a member of a health club they can do a metabolism test and tell you exactly how many calories your body burns. I had mine done a few years ago and the tester was surprised that my metabolism was so slow.

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The best success I've had with weight loss since being in my 30's has come from www.sparkpeople.com. You plug in your stats and desired weight and expected exercise, and they tell you how many calories to eat. You can enter your food each day to get a good idea of how you are doing. It is quite educational to see how many calories certain foods have.


I have not been able to lose weight without exercise, and it is very hard to lose weight while exercising without having a good idea of how much and what kinds of food I can eat to stay in my calorie range.

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