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Which one?  

  1. 1. Which one?

    • House #1
    • House #2
    • Other

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I need moving advice! Which would you choose?


Option #1 - 1200 sq. Ft., cheap enough for us to take the rv out every weekend if we wanted, in ground pool, sex offender down the street but zero crime in a 5 mile radius, built in the 70s. We would have to move in 2 weeks and have not started.


Option #2 - 2300 sq ft, more expensive so would have to limit camping to once a month, no crime in the neighborhood but some in neighboring ones, only 5 yrs old. We would not have to move until August.

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I would go with #1 if it is big enough for you. The sex offender can change either way with either home. We live in a very safe neighborhood but have 3 in a 1-5 block radius of us.


If you go camping or not it would also give you the lower payment to possibly save/do other things you wish to do.


There was a day I would have voted the other day. This winter I have realized that we can live in a much smaller space than I ever though and it is actually easier to keep up.

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With all that extra room in number 2, I'd think that be really satisfying. The energy efficiency of #1 would worry me, as well as the financial aspects of the pool.


I'd think financially, they really are a draw, it's basically increase in utilities vs. increase in rent. I see more expense going into #1 over space and time for updates, things that need replaced if it's not in perfect condition.


When it comes to picking out a place, I'd turn something down due to time pressure. I'm assuming you are buying, not renting?

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Once a month camping is still a lot of camping. I'd go for more house and no sex offender (although that can change - the guy by house one may move away, and some creep might move next to house 2. But for now, why go looking for trouble or the continual unease of knowing a creep lives close by.)


Also - which house looks easier to resell eventually? Which has the newer fixtures, appliances, roof, etc. (oh, now I see you are only renting, so never mind this bit.)


Which one looks to have the bigger yard for kids to play in? Quiet neighbors? Does one have a bunch of grumpy old folks next door vs. kids to play with?


Hard to really vote w/o more info. For now - I vote house 2.

Edited by JFSinIL
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#1 - smaller payment means more flexibility not just for camping but anything else you might want to do. And you have less to clean.


As for the SO, you know he's there so you can take precautions, and going with the other house is no guarantee that there isn't an unidentified one in that neighborhood as well, or that one won't move there.

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Are you buying or renting? Buying, go for the one you can see yourself in long term. Will your family fit well in the smaller or will you feel cramped? (layout, family size, ect will effect your answer) I'd go for cheaper and smaller IF it was also comfortable. Too small will leave you dreaming of extra rooms.

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We are renting. We will only be there 16 months before we pcs again. Sorry, forgot to put that in the beginning.



With all that extra room in number 2, I'd think that be really satisfying. The energy efficiency of #1 would worry me, as well as the financial aspects of the pool.


I'd think financially, they really are a draw, it's basically increase in utilities vs. increase in rent. I see more expense going into #1 over space and time for updates, things that need replaced if it's not in perfect condition.


When it comes to picking out a place, I'd turn something down due to time pressure. I'm assuming you are buying, not renting?

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