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Help me choose between an new laptop or i-pad for my college student

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We are the other way around. I want to get him an IPad, and he wants a laptop. I was thinking it would be much more portable. I have both, and rarely use my laptop anymore. I think it probably boils down to personal preference.

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Think about what he will need a computer or tablet for.


Typing papers? Will an ipad be sufficient, need a bluetooth keyboard, etc? Does he already have a desktop and this would be a supplement? Will an ipad work with his current system, if it isn't Apple?


What's his planned major? My nephew just graduated and this question came up (my sil is planning to get him one or the other as a gift). He is planning to go into a computer major (software and infomatics? not sure I remember), so I suggested they contact the department at the university and ask about suggestions for what he will need for classes. My guess is that an ipad won't be the most compatible for that, and so shouldn't be a top priority. With a different major, it may make more sense.


Cost---will you be able to afford sufficient memory capacity in an ipad vs a laptop for what he'll need for schoolwork, gaming, etc? The costs can be pretty significantly different. Also, if you want Apple products, they give a discount to students for some of the laptops, but not the iPad, at least not yet.

Edited by KarenNC
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We are the other way around. I want to get him an IPad, and he wants a laptop. I was thinking it would be much more portable. I have both, and rarely use my laptop anymore. I think it probably boils down to personal preference.



I know he wants the I-pad because it's "the thing" right now. I like the portability. Will he be happy with it. We just want him and us to make a well educated decision for I want him to be happy with it atleast through college and it will be the last one we buy for him kwim.

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Our computer crashed recently and I had just bought an Ipad so figured it would work well enough. While it IS great and very portable, convenient, easy to use, etc, I am writing this response right now on my friend's laptop. If there are papers to be written and a lot of typing, a laptop will serve him best.

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DS just did all the option-weighing and settled on a laptop. One of the reasons - he really didn't need all the extra (distracting) options an iPad offered. Also, he will be doing a lot of writing and felt a laptop would be better suited to that. It was also less expensive.


But I agree that personal preference is a big factor.

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My two college students say laptop. And Ipad is a fun and convenient add-on, but the laptop is a necessary and irreplaceable tool for writing papers. My oldest even went from a netbook (back when those were all the rage, LOL) back to a full sized laptop a couple of years ago. I would think an ipad with a keyboard attachment wouldn't be comfortable to use while sitting in bed or at the library.

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Love my iPad ~ but I would never consider it a replacement for a real computer. Get him the laptop. It is much more efficient for serious work, and I can guarantee he will be happy with the choice in the long run.

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I love my iPod, but if could not replace my computer. If he needs to be able to type up papers, I'd go with the laptop.


Typing up papers is super-easy and comfortable on an iPad. If he's just using it for internet research, emails, and writing essays then an iPad is more than enough and probably a lot more fun and convenient.


However, if he's into computer science and is very techy then there are lots of programs then he'll need a laptop (however, if he's that into computers he's probably very aware of the difference between a laptop and an iPad).

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