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Aother question for Logic of Engilsh users


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Are there any sets of specific books that you would use to go along with this program for beginner readers?


Also, if you are going to use it with a younger child, is it a bad idea to do a phonics/reading program along with it, like The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading?


My dream is to be able to use this with my whole family at different paces as the author suggests.




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misspelled word
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I should be getting mine in sometime today, to use with youngers (one doesn't read at all yet, but he knows the basic phonograms from their you tube videos, and second reads, but not fluently)- I'll return and report!

I don't plan on using any other programs for reading. We did get the phonics games.

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I should be getting mine in sometime today, to use with youngers (one doesn't read at all yet, but he knows the basic phonograms from their you tube videos, and second reads, but not fluently)- I'll return and report!

I don't plan on using any other programs for reading. We did get the phonics games.


I will wait anxiously for a report! LOL!!!


So you finally decided to bite the bullet and buy it! I noticed that you had posted on the LoE forums. I guess I should join and ask over there too.


I spent a few hours last night and read through all of the sample pages. It looks REALLY great, although I did find a little editing error, but oh well, I spelled "Another" wrong on this post!


I'm going to see if I can fix it.

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I bought Logic of English to use with my 6 year old and my 5 year old (who will be my very beginner reader). I'm going to give the program a go without using any thing else for my 5 year old besides beginner reader anthologies. If I find the program is not intensive enough to get him reading (or is moving too quickly) then I might add in Phonics Pathway which is super quick and easy. But my hope is not to use it.


I'll be using Pathway readers (the Amish reading curriculum) and McGuffey for his reading practice.


Already my three oldest children are all enjoying the games as we go through the basic 26 phonograms together, along with handwriting of each of them.

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We used AAS to help my daughter read so I think you could do something similar with LoE. For us, AAS was a fabulous approach to reading. By the time we got to AAS 3, though, it just wasn't working for either of us for many reasons. Her standardized testing clearly showed a huge disconnect between spelling and every other skill!


Anyway, after much internal debate, I just switched us to LoE, and we've just completed lesson 2, which means we're not very far along yet.


However, DD is just a couple of months away from turning 8, and I think it's the right level for her right now. It has significantly more writing than AAS. It moves at a faster pace, includes the grammar (which is review so far) and other vocabulary development pieces.


I am not sure how I would adapt it for a younger child who is just learning to read. Perhaps you could combine it with the free readings at Progressive Phonics.


I'd say my girl falls into the camp of an advanced reader who needs extra spelling help. She's just not a natural speller at all, and I think this is exactly the program she needs now, but AAS was right for her when she was younger.


Not sure if I helped at all, but just sharing our experiences!

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I will wait anxiously for a report! LOL!!!


So you finally decided to bite the bullet and buy it! I noticed that you had posted on the LoE forums. I guess I should join and ask over there too.


I did. I may or may not be stalking the author for the early grade curriculum..... she said it should be out early next year. :auto:

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Oh and mine hasn't arrived yet..... :glare:

I'm going back to the post office tonight in the hopes that it showed up this afternoon.


The waiting would be awful.

I loved walking into convention and buying it and that night reading it. It was immediate gratification (except of course for the wait until convention!)

I hope it shows up soon for you!

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My children had issues with reading and spelling, and that is why we ended up using this program. When I asked on the LOE forum about what my youngest should be reading, the reply was to wait on reading until you reached lesson 30. Now this seemed like a long wait, and I was thinking she would get more behind. But because I believed that the author knew what she was talking about, I followed the suggestion. So now my daughter is not to lesson 30 yet, but she goes and picks out her own books at the library. She always would bring home chapter books and ask me to read them to her, but now she just out of the blue started reading the chapter books for herself. She has been reading Animal Ark books. I am amazed that her reading has gone from struggling with small three letter words to reading chapter books since we started this program in the winter. We did the lessons from the book, and we played the games a lot. Other than that I did not ask her to read, but I did read to her. I started noticing her saying things like that word has the second sound for ea and things like that. I am really glad that I didn't push the reading issue with her, because reading was like pulling teeth for her. The more I pushed and tried the more she had trouble, she was eight at the time and already upset because both her cousins, eight and six, were reading way better than her. The program really teaches the child to read through spelling, so all of a sudden they are reading. I would try the LOE forum and see what the author suggests. She really knows what she is doing.


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I bought LOE a couple months ago primarily for my 8 y.o. DD who is a really struggling speller. But I also have a 5 y.o. DS who is learning to read. I had already been using phonics pathways with him. Learning all the phonograms is going to be wonderful for a new reader. But, something to keep in mind is that LOE moves in one lesson from three letter words (and a couple four letter words) to four and five letter words and more. Unless your new reader is a real whiz at blending, I think you would find yourself hanging out on that one lesson or just playing games and learning phonograms while finding many, many cvc and other easy phonics books to practice with.


The two kids that I have taught to read so far have needed weeks of practice just on easy cvc words before moving on to something else. I think it would be easier for most people unless you have access to a really large number of simple phonics based books to practice with, to use another phonics book alongside for practice while your student is also learning the phonograms. My 5 y.o. can learn new phonograms along with his big sister, but he isn't anywhere close to being able to spell all of what she is spelling.


I'm not sure that any phonics book is a perfect match to LOE, but I find it is pretty easy to incorporate LOE phonograms and rules into what we do in Phonics Pathways or while reading easy phonics readers.

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I'm not sure that any phonics book is a perfect match to LOE, but I find it is pretty easy to incorporate LOE phonograms and rules into what we do in Phonics Pathways or while reading easy phonics readers.


I'm glad to hear this has been a good match for you. I really like Phonics Pathways.

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It's here! :party:


Alright- so first impression from someone who ordered it sight unseen (I love it!) :


It is a substantial program, each of the 40 lessons is clearly going to take some time. They are well spelled out, with many, many activities. It really is "open and go". The materials are all sturdy and high quality. Laminating junkies will want to laminate the flash cards.


If you are an all about spelling user, and love the program, you'll love this. The speed is much quicker, but they are very similar. (I'm going to make my own tiles and continue 'building' our spelling words like we have been with AAS for the younger kids)


On difficulty of spelling words: yes, some of them are more advanced then I would expect from my child, BUT you can use your own lists easy enough, and the lists are long enough that I am going to pick and choose the words I want off of it. She does have grade level lists on her website you can use also.


I can see myself using this for two years slowly (she has a schedule for that in the book, broken down for each chapter taking two weeks, for a total of 80 weeks), and then using it AGAIN with the same children using the 40 week schedule, and the more difficult words I didn't choose the first time we went through the program, adding in words from her grade level list. I'm a "tweaker", so I am going to need to do some tweaking for the spelling lists, but nothing that would take me long at all.


Hope that helps! :D

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I'm really excited about it. I think it will really help my dd who has always struggled with spelling and reading. She is 11. She has improved, but I think that this would be the icing on the cake for her.


I still thinking I might let my Ker do OPGTTR, because she wants to read so badly, but at the same time teach her all of the first phonograms. I dunno.


I can't wait to hear what you think about the program!

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I have the leapfrog TAG learn to read books, and I plan on using those with it to help cement things- they rock because the multi-letter phonograms are highlighted to show they are read together, and then the pen reads the phonogram to the child. I am planning on assigning the books to the correct chapters of LOE as well. They will go perfectly together.


LOL, I'm an over planner. When I am done putting it all together, I'll upload the lesson plans I come up with so you can see what I mean. :lol:

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The phonograms are not introduced in the same order so it is difficult to say. Plus it moves at a much speedier pace.


I agree. I tried to match it up, and I just didn't have the time to go through it in detail. It's very hard to figure out looking at the scope/sequence of them both.

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They introduce phonograms in a different order, but from looking at the phonograms introduced and the S&S, it appears LOE covers everything up through level 6 (level six of AAS introduces 3 phonograms, mb, gu and augh- which are introduced in LOE at different times). AAS has 72 phonograms, LOE 74 and O-G 70. It covers much higher than AAS 3, but at a fast pace.

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I really like the look of LoE. I got to hear Denise speak at the Cincy convention and got to see the books. My DD is a good speller, but not a good reader, but I think this will really help her. However, right now I am having a hard time justifying the cost, so since I have her Uncovering book I am going to go by her sample lessons and the scope and sequence and try to teach it myself. Wish me luck! (LOL)

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I did get the first 11 weeks planned out for us, including Leapfrog and Progressive Phonics readers, and alternate spelling lists.


You can check it out here:



(sorry the file was too large to upload on the forum!)


These are just AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work!!! LOVE how it is laid out!


I just need to see if they have those leapfrog books to download for the leappad and the game system. Hmmmm We don't have the TAG.

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I just need to see if they have those leapfrog books to download for the leappad and the game system. Hmmmm We don't have the TAG.


I've got a Tag Reader that ds has outgrown for sale on the boards (from awhile ago) and on HS Classifieds :D. It has been sitting there so long, I'd even sell it to you for, say $15 ppd (along with the four books, though they are NOT the phonics ones discussed here).


Please don't think I'm some schmucky opportunist. I've been tempted by LOE for a few days now and am obsessively researching it, of course. I just saw your note about the Tag at the end of this thread and thought why not let you know I've got one you can have on the cheap?


BTW, I'm trying to make myself stay with AAS since it seems to work just fine for ds and I already bought levels 2 and 3 used for the fall. But the shiny new LOE is just. so. tempting!!!



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So, would LOE be good for a 6th grader that struggles with spelling?




That is actually the age that it is more geared for. It starts very simple and then ramps up very quickly. If you go to the website you can get a look at their sample lessons. They are lessons 1 and 2. I wish she had a later lesson posted, but you can see the scope and sequence, plus view the whole list of spelling words.


I think I'm going to go ahead and order mine and do as much as we can with my rising 6th grader this summer. Sort of an intensive phonics summer. She has gotten so much better with her reading but still struggles with spelling.

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You're going to LOVE the tag. Really. :001_smile:

I was able to get the whole phonics set as a bundle- for 54


Not a bad price for ALL the books you get


YAY!!! Now I will be able to use your super cool lesson plans to the "T"!


You won't believe what I did. I'm such a curr. addict. I ended up finding a SWR set on here SUPER cheap! So I ordered it. Then I got all of my expensive cloth diaper stash and sold them all to build up a pp stash. Now I have just enough to get a super cheap stash of cd (since weonly use them at home anyway) AND get the LoE curr. I figured if whichever one I liked better Icould keep and sell the other.....or just keep BOTH and use them together!!! :tongue_smilie:

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I ended up finding a SWR set on here SUPER cheap!


Wow! Good for you. You may end up using both - start with LoE, finish the LoE lessons and then find the right list in SWR to continue for more advanced words.

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LOL Don't feel bad about buying both- I did the same thing with MCT- I bought a set online, then found a better set used, and now I have multiples to sell, and then I bought some explode the code, and I looked at the SWR.... I am TERRIBLE. Or really good at being addicted.

LOE though, Is wonderful. I think. We start next week, I'm hoping to have the rest of the book planned out for my young ones, and be all set to go!

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So, would LOE be good for a 6th grader that struggles with spelling?




I'm using it this summer with my rising 6th grader, who reads at grade level but can't spell at all. We're moving at the rate of about one lesson every 3 days (doing the grammar portion too), and he's eating it up. He's a very math minded kid who just doesn't see words in his head like I do, so he can read them but can't spell them at all.


It appears to be working!!! :D Yesterday, he did the dictation spelling list, and spelled all the words correctly! They were words that he would definitely NOT have been able to spell just a few weeks ago! He's having no issue remembering the rules, and I hear him whispering them to himself under his breath as he's writing.


I'm doing the happy dance!


On the other hand, I decided not to push it with my 6.5yo. I'll wait on using it with him. Lesson Two's spelling list included words with blends (especially "tr" blends) with no other instruction, and with his speech and hearing issues, he just doesn't hear those correctly yet.

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Well, I did it! I bought the LoE set from Rainbow Resource. I went through a yard and a half of poo to get it, but I got it. Hopefully they will work out the gliches soon. They were really nice about helping me though.


Congrats on taking the plunge, Kyle! Now you have to do a post once you receive everything, telling us all about it so the rest of us can live vicariously!!



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Congrats on taking the plunge, Kyle! Now you have to do a post once you receive everything, telling us all about it so the rest of us can live vicariously!!




LOL!!! I will! We are on vacation now (with 3 kiddos with strep throat). Hoping that when we get home I'll have a package. Just saw where someone was selling it used on here though. :(

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