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mystified/why am I not loosing more weight?

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Totals 1,079 177 40 13

Your Daily Goal 1,469 201 48 55

Remaining 390 24 8 42

Calories Carbs Fat Protein

*You've earned 269 extra calories from exercise today


this is what mine says under "food diary" after entering my two meals and snacks I have consumed today and after I have exercised today

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ok, this is my base recommendation if I do no exercise all day for my height or weight. As I do exercises and log them, it increases my allowed calories!



Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,200 calories/day

Carbs / Day 165 g

Fat / Day 40 g

Protein / Day 45 g

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Hah! Well, I have beat all of you being 4'11". 1200 calories, if active, is too little.


I already have a slow metabolism because of my body type and hypothyroidism. I wear a heart rate monitor to get a better idea of how many calories I burn per activity. It is nowhere near what MFP suggests. I burn about 40%-60% less than what is standard.


I put in that I am sedentary. I know, I know, considering all my posts of crazy exercise but if I am not exercising I am basically on my butt.


I dare not go under 1200. I seem to have broken through a plateau when eating the 1200 and over but still burning 400-500 calories.

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Try new Atkins. You will be able to eat more food (mostly just add a lot more veggies per day to what you are doing) and see if that works. My numbers closely align to yours, and it is working. I am about 5 years older than you, so even closer to menopause.


Down to 137 this morning. I started with just 5 days in first phase before going to second, which is where the website and book recommended I start.


I do have that book. I'll give it a look. Thank you.

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For comparison: I'm 5'1. Since 10/11, I've eaten 1550 cal/day and done 5 hours/week brisk walking. I've lost 31 pounds.



Wow! Awesome. That's encouraging. Way to go. So maybe adding a few more good foods is the answer to my problem.

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I appreciate everyone's posts. It's really helping me to think through things.

I'm thinking that perhaps I do need to add in a few more calories, cut down on carbs, and add in more natural protein. Realizing that my exercise calorie burn shouldn't be considered in how many calories I'll need for the day.

I'm thinking for my height I should stay under 1200 though.

and not get on the scale everyday:glare:.

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Don't you see, that if adding less than 2lbs of calories back causes you to gain 2 pounds, than there can't be a direct correlation between calories and weight gain or loss? I'd bet the carbs are the real issue.


Yes, I absolutely see that. I agree that it is likely the carbs (though I still don't understand why they would cause me to gain back 2 pounds in one day either???). Or why even with watching my carbs carefully, I have a very difficult time losing weight at this point and I don't believe that adding more calories is going to help with that at all. Actually, I know that it won't.


I have never had trouble with my weight until recently. My weight is still within 5 pounds of where it's always been, but I'm fighting to keep it there, let alone lose the 5 pounds. If ever I wanted to lose weight in the past, I would simply follow a 1200 calorie diet and the pounds would drop off. End of story. I never understood people not being able to lose weight even though they were dieting. Unfortunately, now I do!



Edited by LisaTheresa
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I don't think that's true for shorter people. I used the calorie calculator posted by a previous poster, and it gave me 1070 calories/day for weight loss of 1 lb per week - and that's accurate based on experience. I entered my activity level as light because I have a sedentary job but exercise at least 5 days per week. I'm doing 30 day shred currently. I am seeing results, but only by dropping my calories to about 1000 per day. Rule of thumb for maintenance is 20 calories per inch of height, which is 1200 calories for me and 1260 for op. Op is exercising A LOT, but exercise tones and builds muscle; it doesn't really burn many calories. I agree OP probably needs to increase her calories to maybe 1200 per day, but I don't agree at all that she should increase to 1600-1800 per day.


:iagree: I am 5'4" and 1200 is not semi-starvation for me. I am not even hungry on 1200 calories a day unless I am exercising heavily.



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Then it is definitely not calories in/calories out. A large meal, with dessert that is not overeating in maybe at MOST if you stretch it out 800-1000 calories? Conventional wisdom that a calorie is a calorie says you need to eat 7000 calories more than you burn to gain 2 pounds. Unless you are a competitive eater, you are not socking back 7000 calories in that holiday meal.


Inflammation and bloating are are work. There are some calories (foods) that are better for you than others and some calories that cause you to gain weight faster.


Yes, I understand it is not following the calories in, calories out rule. My body stopped following that rule.:tongue_smilie: So when I go to a holiday gathering, I might wind up eating 2000 calories that day as opposed t my normal 1200. And I have never had a weight problem and always easily maintained my weight until recently, so I do understand the whole calorie thing. It's just not applying to me anymore and it sucks!! Heck, sometimes I even gain weight while dieting now that I think of it! I will eat 1200 calories all week, exercise and then gain a pound. I keep thinking something is wrong with my scale, but that is not the case.



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Hah! Well, I have beat all of you being 4'11". 1200 calories, if active, is too little.


I already have a slow metabolism because of my body type and hypothyroidism. I wear a heart rate monitor to get a better idea of how many calories I burn per activity. It is nowhere near what MFP suggests. I burn about 40%-60% less than what is standard.


I put in that I am sedentary. I know, I know, considering all my posts of crazy exercise but if I am not exercising I am basically on my butt.


I dare not go under 1200. I seem to have broken through a plateau when eating the 1200 and over but still burning 400-500 calories.

I agree.


I've attached my calculation on the Healthy Weight Forum tool. I really don't know how you're getting those piddly calories counts.



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That was an excellent article...thanks for posting.


I also agree that it's carbs and hidden sugars that are probably stalling your efforts. Up the proteins and good fats (coconut oil, rice bran oil, organic butter), reduce the carbs and other sugars should help considerably.

Edited by Debbie in OR
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  • 5 months later...

I haven't read through the replies, but it sounds to me like your body is reacting by going into survival mode. It's working like crazy yet not getting any extra food to compensate, so it is hanging onto every pound in order to survive. Famine mode. Your body doesn't know why you are working so hard with so little food. That many calories may be fine normally, but working out like that requires more calories.


A book that explains it well is The Gabriel Method, see if your library has it. I don't agree with everything in the book but he explains really well how our bodies respond to diets.

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