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What's up with all the knight/dragon/kingdom stuff?

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I went to a homeschool convention recently and was shocked by the prevalence of this theme (fiction, swords for sale, etc). There were a ton of booths dominated by it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I'm just curious about why. Have you or your kids read any of these new series (sorry I don't know the names)? Are there any you recommend? My boys might be interested but I'm a bit wary of "Christian fiction" in terms of quality.

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What was "shocking" about it?


The number of booths that seemed solely devoted to this theme. The number of piles of books at tables of booksellers (as a percentage of other kinds of fiction). I just hadn't realized it was a current fad, I guess. And yes, I admit, I was a bit surprised by the "Young Earth Dragon" booth. There are TONS of young earth booths, TONS of dragon booths, but to see them together made me chuckle a little.

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I think the era appeals to young boys--after all, who wouldn't want to be the knight in shining armor! My guess is you were seeing a Vison Forum booth? They've always carried it!


No, VF has swords/shields, I believe -- but this was booths solely devoted to knighthood/dragons, and lots of stacks of books at general bookstores. I guess I was just out of the loop on homeschool stuff. I was surprised at the number of young earth booths, too... and paramilitary stuff... and modesty/chastity stuff... I just forgot about all those streams of homeschool culture. I just went in focused on curricula, you know? :)

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You didn't happen to attend convention in tjed heavy area, did you? They call their ” love of learning” clubs for boys the ” Knights of Freedom.” (Which is a bit unfortunate, as there was a militant white supremacist group which used the name in the past, and whose members still make the news for their criminal activities.)


I received a local invitation for my son to join, googled it to find out what it was, and saw the criminals first. After I scrolled far enough to finally find out it was a tjed club, I was somewhat relieved, but immediately disinclined to have him participate.

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I think it's just the 'newest' old thing.


I can vividly remember sheriff hats and badges and toy 6-shooters from when I was little. My oldest son was big into the ninja thing with swords and staffs. My youngest was a 'space-guy' with a blaster gun.


I think the whole castle, knight in shining armour, damsel in distress thing is just making its way back into play. Our current political correctness keeps boys from being soldiers and spies. Knights let them imagine the siege in a permissible manner.


Current sensibilities will eventually shift and something else will take its place.

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I always told my son that his job is to be a noble knight who defends people and fights dragons. I just figured it was a good direction to channel a boy's inclinations towards weapons and violence! And I've always loved stories of King Arthur, Robin Hood (we like bows and arrows as well as swords) etc. NOT a big fan of guns...

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No, VF has swords/shields, I believe -- but this was booths solely devoted to knighthood/dragons, and lots of stacks of books at general bookstores. I guess I was just out of the loop on homeschool stuff. I was surprised at the number of young earth booths, too... and paramilitary stuff... and modesty/chastity stuff... I just forgot about all those streams of homeschool culture. I just went in focused on curricula, you know? :)



:lol::lol::lol: You were 'focused on curriculum?' What kind of crazy fringe homeschooler are you? You need to saddle up your Young Earth Dragon and go on a Clue Quest!

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