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Length of school day

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How long does your child or children do work for the day? I am planning on teaching reading,handwriting,math for my 5.5 year old daughter come fall I figure we should be done by 1 or so? Just curious if anyone goes faster or slower? Or is it supposed to be pretty quick for a Kindergartener?

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K took us 30-60 minutes a day.


1st grade took 60-90 minutes a day.


I firmly believe in short days for little ones. We did other reading and educational games, but seat work was as short as I could make It.



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I am planning on teaching reading,handwriting,math for my 5.5 year old daughter
My 5yo has about an hour of school/day total that is reading, handwriting and math. If we do History or Science that adds another hour but I consider that fun time more than school time. ;)
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I agree. First grade was less than hour of seat work, mostly handwriting and math. We did lots of reading aloud, etc.

Now, my rising 7th grader does about 4 hours a day. My rising 4th grade does about 3. My oldest works quickly and reads as fast as I do (which is fast!), which is explains why he is done in only 4 hours.

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I allot 6 hours to our school day, but we don't always use all of it. I have a schedule of classes for each day of the week (30 minutes for Bible, 60 minutes for math, etc.), but we don't always need 30 minutes or 60 minutes or whatever. When we finish the assignments for one subject, we just move right onto the next. When we finish the morning lessons, we break for lunch/recess. When we finish the afternoon lessons, we're done for the day.


ETA: I know it may seem like 6 hours is a lot for the grammar stage, but I do it this way because I like our days to be relaxed and laid-back. Homeschool in our house is a part of real life. It means sitting on the couch with a lapdesk or laying sprawled out on the floor for "seatwork," reading good books, cuddling with mom for lessons and read-alouds, doing hands-on projects and experiments, and playing with educational toys and games. By making our school day long, we always have plenty of time to get everything done, take rabbit trails, deal with challenges, and read just one more chapter or play just one more game.

Edited by happymomofboys
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During a regular day, I generally allocate 4 hours to do a 1st & 2nd grader (but we usually spent somewhat less than that, except on co-op day).


It is really hard to try and pin down a specific number of hours of day that will fit for each person - so much depends on the teacher, the student & the situation!


Teaching 1 student will go faster than teaching 2, for instance, but teaching 2 that can be combined should go quite a bit faster than teaching 2 where everything needs to be separate.


Some people include things in their daily time that other people consider everyday life (for instance, reading time or PE time or cooking with mom time).


Some kids do better to have a very structured day, so having SOMETHING listed most of the day long is better than packing it all in to a smaller time-frame. Some of those people might be doing the same amount of work as someone with a 3 hour day but have it scheduled out to a 6 hour day, for example.


Some kids just want to plow through the work and get it all done, so they will take what might be one person's 5 hour day and cram it into a 3 hour day.


Just to say - it is nice & interesting to know what people do, but it is also very important to know WHY they do it!


Personally, I have 2 kids in 2 grades that can have several subjects combined (and a few subjects I thought we could combine ended up having to be done separately). We do include read-alouds as part of that time but do not include private reading or bedtime reading. We do not include general creativity (mine consider that a LARGE part of the day of play) or outdoor activity. :)


ETA - my now-6yo would have been a kid who took 3 hours and crammed it into 1 or so, if he had been an only child. Even with 2, if I start by 9ish I should be done by lunch-time! So I think finishing up by 1 is plenty long.

Edited by black_midori
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