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what is your favorite come back?

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We live in a very small town (400-ish people) and when we decided to pull our kids from the small public school in town to homeschool it almost made the front page of the local paper (but not quite).:001_smile:...but my husband is also a pastor of one of 2 churches in town, so our family is sort of high profile.


We have been homeschooling for about 3.5 years and we still get comments and questions about when do we plan to allow our kids to go back to school...or don't we worry about the lack of socialization that our kids are expereinceing. We don't have any plans for putting the kids back into school...could it happen someday, sure...but as of right now, no plans. Am I worried about my children socializing with the local bully or with kids who have nothing good or constructive to talk about? No, of course not.


But my problem is, when someone puts me on the spot like that, I want to lash out an tell them what I REALLY think, but I know that would NOT be a good thing...so, I am asking you...what is your favorite, polite, comeback when people you know make such comments or ask such questions. I would love to have one or two phrases in my mind that I can use repeatedly. Thanks.

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Aren't you worried about socialization? "Not at all! How about this weather we're having? Isn't it (fill in the blank)?"


When are you going to put your kids back into school? "No plans yet! How about this weather we're having? Isn't it (fill in the blank)?"

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Not really a comeback, but "Why do you ask?"


You never know who is genuinely curious and considering homeschooling.


And usually, if you're lucky, the loudmouths who just want to cut you down won't be brave enough to say that out loud. :glare:


And my favorite comeback for the "What about socialization?" question is to ask them what they mean. When they talk about Prom, and friendships, and birthday parties, then you can give a tiny hint of a giggle and say, "Oh! You mean SOCIALIZING! We have no trouble with that. And the kids aren't really supposed to socialize during schooltime, anyway, right? But did you realize that SOCIALIZATION actually means: 'the process by which society integrates the individual and the individual learns to behave in socially acceptable ways'? (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/socialization) so that's something we definitely want to take care of in a homeschool environment rather than an institutional setting. I'm glad I could clear that up for you- it;s a very common misconception." :blink::D:rofl::leaving:

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I love the advice about saying, "Why do you ask?" It usually quiets people down quickly!


THAT is exactly what I was looking for....thanks. It is simple, easy for me to remember, and gets to the heart of the matter. Plus, you are right about the fact that it doesn't assume someone is judging...but rather maybe simply curious...wanting to explore homeschooling as an option, etc. That is perfect advice. I KNEW you guys would come through for me again.

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I'm always tempted to say, "Funny. I was keeping them out of school because of the socialization." But I haven't ever said that yet. I just say we have it covered.

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"We're doing what God has put on our hearts; are you interested in home education for your family?" And, when someone utters the words, "I could never do that" I inform them that they just jinxed themselves. I've hear those words for almost 30 years... and even if it takes a few years... the next time I meet them they're usually homeschooling and have totally "forgot" their words :)

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My husband asks too many questions so lately I've been driving him nuts by turning every question around and asking him the same one.


"Are you worried about socialization?"

"No, are you?"


"When do you think you will send your kids to public school?"

"I don't know. When do you think your kids might start homeschooling?"


etc. :)

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A lady said to me, "well, what about socialization, getting along with other kids and knowing how to talk to people." I'm thinking to myself (you are talking about my kids right, the ones who have never met a stranger?) I just said to her, "didn't your husband go to public school?" (He is btw, the most UNsocial, rude person I know) She dropped it after that! :)

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