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Ever say "I just KNOW I'm pregnant!" But then...

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I have this app on my phone that tracks my cycle for me. I put in my first/last dates, it predicts when I will get a new period, and in between I mark the days when we have a 'love connection'. According to this app I was supposed to start my period on May 29. I am a full week late. I'm never late. On top of that, I have soreness in my chest. You know the kind I'm talking about. It's a very specific kind of pain. Also some mild nausea. I just had some twinges of pain so I decided to go buy some tests. It says no.


Sigh. I predict I'll be buying 746847 pregnancy tests over the next few days. :tongue_smilie:

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I've had it both ways. I just knew with Piper, I wasn't trying, and I had no idea when I was supposed to get my period (b/c I had a three year old and a ten month old), but something told me to test. Sure enough, here she is :001_smile:. Then a few months ago I was 90% sure that I was pregnant, sore breasts, slight nausea, RAVENOUS, but I was not (thank you, thank you, than you, Lord). Obviously, I'm not as in tune with my body as I thought.

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I "just knew" with both my kids. No symptoms other than being late. I just knew. With my first, I worked for my obgyn and the nurse did a urine test in the office as soon as I was late and it came back positive. With my second, I worked in a GP office. The urine test came back negative, but I just knew so I asked the lab tech if she would please run a blood test. It was positive. :D

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I knew I was pregnant this time around before I even went to the store to buy a test. It came back positive and dh and I were absolutely shaking (we were suprised to say the least!). I was the same as you, over a week late, and I am never late, nausea, fatigue etc... That said, I found out at my first trimester u/s that I was 10 days behind where I thought I was, so when I got my positive test, I was actually testing at least 4 days before my period was due rather than the more than a week late that I thought I was. I am really suprised the test came back positive. It's the earliest positive test that I've ever had. Maybe you are just testing too early?? False negatives are super common. I'd try again in a couple days. Good luck!

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Yes, but my tests didn't turn positive until several weeks later. My sense of smell was finely honed though and that's how I knew. Normally I can barely smell anything, but even juuust pregnant the smell of asphalt is so strong I want to gag.


Happy testing!

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But it still adds up when you're buying 746847. :lol:


:lol: Exactly my point! Thanks everyone. I have one more test but I'm going to wait a few days. We shall see!


It's funny because we don't use birth control and I normally use this app to plan our 'love connections'. Typically we are open to the idea of pregnancy but we just bought a new house and this month in particular I avoided the fertile week. We started with the love connections the day AFTER I was out of the danger zone. So... it seems that I either ovulated late or I'm pregnant. And if I ovulated late, I don't see how I can NOT be pregnant because I swear we had a love connection every day for like 10 days in a row!! :lol:

Edited by MiniBlondes
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:lol: Exactly my point! Thanks everyone. I have one more test but I'm going to wait a few days. We shall see!


It's funny because we don't use birth control and I normally use this app to plan our 'love connections'. Typically we are open to the idea of pregnancy but we just bought a new house and this month in particular I avoided the fertile week. We started with the love connections the day AFTER I was out of the danger zone. So... it seems that I either ovulated late or I'm pregnant. And if I ovulated late, I don't see how I can NOT be pregnant because I swear we had a love connection every day for like 10 days in a row!! :lol:


Er... I don't think you can count "one day" as being OUT of the danger zone. You just move from red to orange, and if you aren't taking your temp and super tracking it, just knowing start dates isn't a fully reliable way to be sure of when you ovulate.


But, if it's of any comfort, making a love connection every single day is actually LESS effective than every 2-3 days. Waiting 48 to 72 hours, for HIM, increases potency and makes the little swimmers stronger... so being together every single day for 10 days straight would actually likely cause them to be weaker and weaker through the week.



But yeah, I'll be curious now as to your update. LOL :bigear:

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Do you mind posting the app?



And this. I'm wondering what kind of app helps you plan LC's??? I want it. :D


Oh, except I don't have a smart phone so it probably won't do me any good. Can I download said-app into hubby's brain? :001_huh:


Exiting, stage left. :leaving:

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And this. I'm wondering what kind of app helps you plan LC's??? I want it. :D


Oh, except I don't have a smart phone so it probably won't do me any good. Can I download said-app into hubby's brain? :001_huh:


Exiting, stage left. :leaving:



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Er... I don't think you can count "one day" as being OUT of the danger zone. You just move from red to orange, and if you aren't taking your temp and super tracking it, just knowing start dates isn't a fully reliable way to be sure of when you ovulate.


But, if it's of any comfort, making a love connection every single day is actually LESS effective than every 2-3 days. Waiting 48 to 72 hours, for HIM, increases potency and makes the little swimmers stronger... so being together every single day for 10 days straight would actually likely cause them to be weaker and weaker through the week.



But yeah, I'll be curious now as to your update. LOL :bigear:


Very true, but the swimmers were most potent at her fertile time. A day late ovulating and it would be perfect for conception.

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