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What makes it okay to say something on a message board

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You know, this whole "don't get so offended when I tell you the truth" goes both ways.


For many of you who responded that you think tattoos are trashy, how would you feel if someone said,"I think that all xians are ignorant"?


Would it seem like "just telling the truth"? Would it seem like a slur or hateful?


FTR, I don't want any tattoos on me. I think I would love it today and then change my mind and feel like I'm stuck with it. That is my only reasoning. I'm not ANTI-TATTOO. I don't care what other people put on their bodies.


I don't classify them as low-class. Classism is not something I want to promote. I don't think you can effectively hide behind classism, racism, homophobia, etc. and call it ''just my honest opinion''. :001_huh:


The opinion that "Tattoos are trashy" is not the same thing as "All xians are ignorant." One is judging a thing, a form of body art. The other is making a judgement about the intelligence of an entire class of people. I did not read the entire tattoo thread, but in the parts I did read, I never saw anyone say that they think "Everyone with a tattoo is trashy."


Obviously ThatCyndiGirl, you have strong feelings and opinions about Christianity. You identify as an ex-xian in your signature line. I've seen you post in various religious discussions here on the board, and sharing information from an atheist point of view in this thread and others. None of that discussion or sharing of your opinion means that you think all Christians are ignorant. Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but sharing your opinion from an ex-xian point of view should not mean that others assume you are disparaging an entire group of people. I don't believe you do. I am certain this is not a given, because several of my dear friends are staunch atheists and are not afraid to share their perspective, but still somehow get along marvelously with their Christian friends.


I think we should not purposely try to cause offense, and as Mrs Mungo and others have pointed out, there are people of all stripes here on the board. But if we can't speak our opinions freely without being accused of being intentionally hurtful, then I think we lose a lot of the value of discussion boards like this.


In my opinion, it's ok to have an opinion about a topic or an issue or a thing and it not necessarily mean we think any one person associated with that issue or thing is automatically looked at the same way. To bring it back to homeschooling, it's a common fallacy when discussing schooling with some public school parents. If I share my opinion that many schools fail their students and that it is not the environment I want my children learning in, some public school parents feel compelled to defend their school or the quality of their own child's education. I've also had this happen without saying anything, simply because someone hears we homeschool and is affronted by our different choices. Having a generally negative opinion of public schools does not mean I do not realize that many, many people get an education and graduate from public school and enjoy the experience. It does not mean I think every parent who sends their child to public school is a failure.

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I've never heard "high belters" used other than in the context of singing. Love it!


I believe I got it from I'm Okay, You're Okay, circa 1971 (now that was a book that made a big splash for a fraction of a second). Never heard of it elsewhere, but man o man have I met some.

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This is my take on the whole "in real life" thing. I mean, really?! Really, in real life people are having giggly conversations about tEa and bOOks and Hey, Girl and kilts and shopping carts and crock pots and tattoos and crazy neighbor troubles and (fill in the blank) with an ever-changing group of people in which anyone, friend or total stranger alike, can pop in and give an opinion...then disappear forever or stay and give support and :grouphug: and :iagree:, or :glare: or :001_huh: and argue and patronize and belabor their points until the cops come and shut down your conversation?


Try working in a biiiiiiiiiiiiig hospital with a lot of tough nurses. People share/do amazingly shocking things (like the poor sweet nurse who found sheets with *ecker tracks, airline liquor bottles (empty), and candles in the tub room, and of course night shift has no idea how that got there. Or the weekend someone stole a piano.), discuss anything, have affairs, report each other, conspire to sue the hospital, you name it. Much wilder than here.

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Try working in a biiiiiiiiiiiiig hospital with a lot of tough nurses. People share/do amazingly shocking things (like the poor sweet nurse who found sheets with *ecker tracks, airline liquor bottles (empty), and candles in the tub room, and of course night shift has no idea how that got there. Or the weekend someone stole a piano.), discuss anything, have affairs, report each other, conspire to sue the hospital, you name it. Much wilder than here.






Nakia, night shift nurse extraordinaire :D

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But that was my point about being thick-skinned. I really don't care what people say to me if I don't know them and they don't know me. I've had people make comments to me online that would result in an immediate and permanent cut-off if someone I actually knew said them to me. But coming from an anonymous internet stranger? They got nothing more than a shrug and an ignore.


I think we should not purposely try to cause offense, and as Mrs Mungo and others have pointed out, there are people of all stripes here on the board. But if we can't speak our opinions freely without being accused of being intentionally hurtful, then I think we lose a lot of the value of discussion boards like this.


In my opinion, it's ok to have an opinion about a topic or an issue or a thing and it not necessarily mean we think any one person associated with that issue or thing is automatically looked at the same way.


Try working in a biiiiiiiiiiiiig hospital with a lot of tough nurses. People share/do amazingly shocking things (like the poor sweet nurse who found sheets with *ecker tracks, airline liquor bottles (empty), and candles in the tub room, and of course night shift has no idea how that got there. Or the weekend someone stole a piano.), discuss anything, have affairs, report each other, conspire to sue the hospital, you name it. Much wilder than here.


Oh dear. So true.


We have a tough ER (Night Shift at a Level 2 Trauma Center) Nurse who is now 65 and still working 60+ hours a week as a supervisor and she loves the action. However, she is the first one to dismiss anyone's illness or pain as minor -- if one had the chance to talk to her. She is blunt with her opinions, razor sharp wit, and overly critical with her comments. And that is when you encounter her in a church setting. I can only imagine what she is like at work. And how she deals with her staff. Wowza. ;)

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