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First ripe tomato before July 1 Wahoo!!!

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We had our first ripe tomato from the garden last night. This is a gardening record for us. We have never had a ripe tomato before the 4th of July in the past. What makes this extra sweet is that I started the tomates from heirloom seeds this year, I have never grown tomatoes from seeds before. I was a wonderful feeling harvesting that tomato!! Another bonus is the taste was amazing. Tonight we will be having fried green tomatoes. Our peppers, gourds, cucumbers and swiss chard are also doing well, all grown from seeds. With the economic outlook I am already planning to expand the garden next year. I am also planning to make a lot of sauce and freeze or can it.

I would love to hear how everyone elses gardens are doing.

PS - Doran if you read this you are welcome to come by for some tomatoes, I was so sad when I read about the plight of your garden. Last week we had a terrible hail storm and my biggest concern was the garden (who cares if the window screens now look like swiss cheese)

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my tomatos are nearing their end. We had heirloom Brandywines. They did wonderfully, but it's just too hot and dry now. The nursery said they'll have more tomato plants in the first of August. Overall, I usually have a better fall garden than summer. Right now, I'm guarding my watermelon patch from the deer. There's a mama who leaves her fawn in my yard under a large sweetgum tree every day, then returns for it about 4 hours later. It's near the garden, so I'm sure it's waiting, like me, for the melons to ripen.


I am moving where you are!!! I would love to live where I can get fresh produce most of the year. You are so lucky!

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Um - I have even only seen 2 yellow flowers on my tomatoes!!! My peppers look like string w/a handfull of leaves - between all of them! Is it that magic costal air you've got or am I just a really bad gardener?? Where did you get your hierloom seeds? I'm envious of your early harvest!


The beans, corn, peas, onions, cucs, eggplant and pumpkins all look pretty good, though. We harvested a bunch of strawberries last week, looks like more this week. The peach tree we planted last fall actually has 6 peaches! And nearly all the little apples blew off the apple trees in the crazy winds we've had here. Oh well.

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This is my first year for a garden and I'm so excited. No tomatoes yet, just flowers, but my Hungarian hot peppers, basil, and oregano are really going to town and I have tons of flowers on my sweet peppers and eggplant. Hopefully my zucchini will be O.K. after some serious rabbit damage.


I took the bell off my cat's collar, 'nough said. :glare:

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Just look the other way, okay? I'll only eat a couple. Promise.












I'm jealous. Because we got off to such a rocky start, my tomatoes are now only 12" tall. I've got a lot of waiting left to do. But, good for you for a job well done and better fortune with Mother Nature. Enjoy the sweet taste of success!! ;)

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Um - I have even only seen 2 yellow flowers on my tomatoes!!! My peppers look like string w/a handfull of leaves - between all of them! Is it that magic costal air you've got or am I just a really bad gardener?? Where did you get your hierloom seeds? I'm envious of your early harvest!




I ordered sees from Baker Creek Here is a link to there website


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We've gotten two so far. In fact, my lunch today consists of lettuce, tomato, spinach, turnip greens and beet greens grown right here on the farm. Add to that homemade bread with homemade butter and a fresh egg from our hens, and most of my lunch is produced here at home! :D


We've been eating peas and onions as well. I'm excited for the rest of the garden to get to harvest.

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Wow! Congrats!


My Earth Box garden is coming along nicely. I need to update the blog again. I have green tomatoes on the vines... not ripe yet, though!! Some of the leaves on my plants are turning brown- it looks to me like too much fertilizer uptake has burned some of them. Hmm.


My lettuce is about done and the basil has grown like mad. I need to make pesto. Anyone have a favorite recipe?


Tracy... sooo jealous... I'm with ya on the fresh veggies and eggs... but I still have to buy my dairy. Sigh.

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We had our first ripe tomato from the garden last night.


It's my first time EVER trying to grow tomatoes in pots. We are growing Brandywine, Oxheart, and Roma. Anyway, what I'm wondering is this: How do you keep things from going after your tomatoes? I was actually thinking about putting some rubber snakes in the pots, is that crazy? Please tell me what to do cause I sure don't know!


I'm all ears. :bigear:

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Thank you for the heirloom seed reference! Will definitely use this site for planning next years garden!



It's my first time EVER trying to grow tomatoes in pots. We are growing Brandywine, Oxheart, and Roma. Anyway, what I'm wondering is this: How do you keep things from going after your tomatoes? I was actually thinking about putting some rubber snakes in the pots, is that crazy? Please tell me what to do cause I sure don't know!


I'm all ears. :bigear:


Depends on what's going after them. If its unwanted bugs, I use a soap spray (1 tsp Dr. Bronner's peppermint and about a liter of water). Otherwise, I've been known to do a voodoo dance around my veggies with a ring of cayenne pepper :D. No lie, well except maybe the dancing part, but its cheap and works to keep critters at bay until the rain washes it away. Another suggestion is planting a few onions or garlic around the edge of the pot (or even another pot nearby, I suppose) - lots of things avoid these plants.


Editing to suggest you add enough calcium to the dirt in your pots. The first year I planted tomatoes in pots, they grew beautifully with tons of tomatoes, but I ended up with blossom end rot and lost most of them. Calcium would have prevented this. Now I know.

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