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Excercise thread 5/27-6/2

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Hello fellow fitness friends.


We are back from our camping trip. We came back a bit early.


I didn't see another thread started yesterday, and if there is one I didn't find it. :001_smile:


I got up this morning and did 45 min Denise Austen dvd followed by 30 min rebounding. Negin, that's all you. You made me do it. :D I love it. It's a great non-stress way to get your heart going.


I'm itching to buy another DVD. I guess I should try and sell a couple of the Bar Method dvds first.


If anyone is interested let me know through PM.


Now it's time to do laundry and clean the house.

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I thought about starting one, but, even though you have told me how previously, I am too techno-challenged to link to the old thread. :tongue_smilie:


I did Les Mills Pump-Pump Revolution today. I dialed back a bit on the weights. I am pretty sure I have a hernia :glare:. I think I overdid it trying to increase them. I am going to the general surgeon on Wednesday to verify. She is a good friend of mine and told me to continue to carry on with my normal activities, but I am just too paranoid now to push it. I did get a good workout - it's still challenging, but I don't think I am going to try to increase again.

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I thought about starting one, but, even though you have told me how previously, I am too techno-challenged to link to the old thread. :tongue_smilie:


I did Les Mills Pump-Pump Revolution today. I dialed back a bit on the weights. I am pretty sure I have a hernia :glare:. I think I overdid it trying to increase them. I am going to the general surgeon on Wednesday to verify. She is a good friend of mine and told me to continue to carry on with my normal activities, but I am just too paranoid now to push it. I did get a good workout - it's still challenging, but I don't think I am going to try to increase again.


Oh no!


Monday, Ran/walked/crawled in the cotton row 10K


Don't be coy, tell us all about it.

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Classical Stretch - did a few 25-minute workouts. I'm trying really, really hard to like these, but so far, they're just bleh ... I'm trying to have an open mind and see if they're beneficial.


We are back from our camping trip.

Hope you had fun. :)


30 min rebounding. Negin, that's all you. You made me do it. :D I love it. It's a great non-stress way to get your heart going.

:grouphug: So glad to hear that you like it. :grouphug:


I'm itching to buy another DVD. I guess I should try and sell a couple of the Bar Method dvds first.

If anyone is interested let me know through PM.

Which Bar Methods do you have? I have most, but if you have any that I don't have, I may be interested.

What DVD are you interested in buying?


I am pretty sure I have a hernia

:grouphug: Really hope not. Thinking of you and praying for you. :grouphug:

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Don't be coy, tell us all about it.


Lol, I am afraid it's not as fun to read as some I have read here. My 10K story. I started off running with the pack of 2000. I quickly realized I could walk as fast as we started off running. That only lasted 1/4 miles? I quickly found my 3/1 pace but realized running in the middle of the road was intimidating so I moved to the side trying not to cut off any of my fellow runners. I knew that "the hill" was coming up but kept my pace then at 3miles there it was. The group I was in were definately the type to walk the hill for the ones who ran it were probably back at the finish line by now. I felt good until half way up, I started feeling dizzy and felt like I was not moving at all. So i made a effort to keep one foot in front of the other. Thankfully the people in these neighborhoods come out and cheer and tell you where you are (as in half way up, almost to the top, bless them). I thought okay all down hill from here but my legs were shaking. There were boy scouts up ahead with water and gatorade. I thought the gatorade would help get me through the last half of the race, it was mixed to sweet but I was thankful to have it. I ran as much as I could, was teary eyed as I went down the same hill where I use to walk my oldest when he was baby. I quickly got over that and concentrated on the task at hand....to keep moving. Again, I love my town and all the support the neighbors gave, the cheering, cowbells, rocky music and of course Sweet Home Alabama playing along the way. Mile 5 finally, then I realized, darn it I am not going to beat my sisters time but she is younger than me and hadn't had 4 babies llike did, so I am doing good. finish like in view, I was going to run to the finish line so I started counting every 100 steps and I made it to the finish line. Loved the cheering as I crossed that line. I can now cross "run 10K" off my bucket list and I plan to run it again next year leaner and stronger!

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I did Tracy Anderson this morning. That was 30 min so I'll see if I get anything else in.


You have Metamorphosis, right? Which one do you have? I think I am hipcentric. Are her DVDs each only 30 minutes? I am such a junkie :D Her commercial was pretty compelling. Aren't they all? :tongue_smilie:


Tuesday: Bob Harper's Yoga Abs and Pump Sports Attack

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You have Metamorphosis, right? Which one do you have? I think I am hipcentric. Are her DVDs each only 30 minutes? I am such a junkie :D Her commercial was pretty compelling. Aren't they all? :tongue_smilie:





I have Omnicentric. There are three workouts on one dvd. Each workout is 30 minutes. It feels like a long 30 min. ;) I love her stuff.

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Wednesday: Pump Extreme


Just got back from the doctor. I do have a hernia.:(:( She can't be sure what caused it, but I think I overdid the weights, so be careful ladies. I noticed it right after I tried to go up to 15 lbs on each side for the squat, lunge, and back tracks. I had worked my way up to it, and it could be from something else. No way to know for sure. I am not very sciencey, and she explained a couple of other causes. Just no way to know. Anyway, I am having surgery June 21st to fix it. No weight training afterwards for four to six weeks. Very bummed about this.


I feel fine. No pain or anything. The doc is my good friend, and I trust her completely. It might be femoral instead of inguinal, which really needs to be fixed for sure. My hubby had the inguinal kind and waited a year to have his done.



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Wednesday: Pump Extreme


Just got back from the doctor. I do have a hernia.:(:( She can't be sure what caused it, but I think I overdid the weights, so be careful ladies. I noticed it right after I tried to go up to 15 lbs on each side for the squat, lunge, and back tracks. I had worked my way up to it, and it could be from something else. No way to know for sure. I am not very sciencey, and she explained a couple of other causes. Just no way to know. Anyway, I am having surgery June 21st to fix it. No weight training afterwards for four to six weeks. Very bummed about this.


I feel fine. No pain or anything. The doc is my good friend, and I trust her completely. It might be femoral instead of inguinal, which really needs to be fixed for sure. My hubby had the inguinal kind and waited a year to have his done.





That's terrible! What did you feel? What ARE other causes, btw?


I am at 12.5s for everything so far and getting ready to move up on a couple of tracks. So I will be on the look out for anything awkward feeling.

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Finally able to jump back in here! We had house guests all last week, so we were pretty busy! I still got in most of my workouts, but not enough time to come in here and post.


Sunday: 4 mile run

Monday: 8 mile run

Tuesday: Bob Harper's Cardio Burn

Wednesday: Insanity Max Cardio Circuit + BH's Yoga Abs in the morning, and 1 hour of Zumba in the evening. :)

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Seane Corne: Vinyasa Flow Yoga - not my favorite yoga DVD - far too many Downward Dogs and Sun Salutation sort of thing :rolleyes:.


I do have a hernia.

:grouphug: Wow, Cynthia. So very sorry. :grouphug:

Thinking of you and praying for you. :grouphug:

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That's terrible! What did you feel? What ARE other causes, btw?


I am at 12.5s for everything so far and getting ready to move up on a couple of tracks. So I will be on the look out for anything awkward feeling.


I didn't really "feel" anything. I mean not as some sort of "event." I can feel where the hernia is now, of course.


I am SO not sciencey, and my friend/general surgeon really tries to educate me, but I am not a very good student. Something about something that never really resolved from time of my development (in utero), something about a weakening of the peritoneal (???) wall during pregnanacy were other possible causes.


She is very conservative in her hernia surgery. My husband waited a year to have his done, and really, it was his decision. The protocol is not necessarily to do anything unless it is bothersome. That's what she had told him. But mine might be femoral instead of inguinal (has to do with location and what it's poking through - see how not sciencey I am? LOL!), which they usually take care of without waiting. Inguinal hernias are much more common in men than in women. Femoral are more common in women, but I don't think occur nearly as frequently as the inguinal do in men. I think that's right! Disclaimer! I am not a doctor - I don't even play one on tv!! I am sure you could google and find out more information which would be much clearer than my garbled words.


I did notice it after I went up to 15 lbs, though. But this was on Pump Revolution and Pump Extreme which have longer tracks. I was doing 15 on the squats, lunges, and back work.


Obviously, it's not great, but I am trying to maintain perspective. It's not like I have some deadly condition. It will be an inconvenience. Yes, there will be some pain. Mostly I am bummed that I won't be able to exercise afterwards. She told me I could carry on until the surgery - even the barbell (Pump) stuff. But I am not going over ten lbs on anything.


Thanks for the concern. :grouphug: to my WTM friends.

Edited by Hoggirl
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Thurs: Levels 3 and 2 of 30 Day Shred. Tonight I'm teaching Flirty Girl Booty Beat, and may add in a 5 minute "express butt workout". :giggle: Could you ladies share what some of your favorite *standing* workouts for your butt are? Body-resistance-only ones preferred. I've already got a few in mind, but I don't think they'll fill up the whole 5 minutes unless I do a *ton* of reps, so I'm looking for more.

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I am on my 4th week of Pump! I may have mentioned it before but it isn't a big calorie burn for me. So I supplement with Insanity, Cardio Bag class, running, or all 3. I do find it challenging but it doesn't feel like WORK they way P90X, P90X2, and Asylum do. So I look forward to it each time.


Despite not being a calorie burner for me, I am seeing some results. All my measurements are the same (scale and inches) but my arms are looking leaner and my legs are getting more definition.


So far, it's just the right amount of resistance training for *me* as I don't particularly care for resistance training. I like jumpy.

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Monday: 1 hr of stroller strides


Wednesday: 1 hr of stroller strides, 4.5 mi walk w/DH and DS*


*DS (2.5) is so energetic! Last night he biked 2.5 miles and walked/ran 2 miles with 1/2 hour of running at the park in the middle. When we got home he was still going strong and took 30 minutes to fall asleep (at 10:30) after we showered, read, etc. Usually it takes up to an hour w/out exercise, so I guess that is an improvement but he astounds me!

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Cynthia, so sorry to hear you need surgery. I hope it goes smoothly and there are no complications. It can be frustrating to not be able to exercise at a level we're used to when we've been sick or had other medical procedures. It's good that you can exercise up until surgery at least.



As for weights I don't do anything over 5 lbs. :lol:



I did jog/sprint intervals this morning for 40 min.


Yesterday, I didn't get in an official workout, but I played kickball with my ds and had a blast.

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Fri: Insanity Max Interval Circuit. This one gets me every time. I always end up feeling like I'm D.O.N.E. when there is still *20 minutes* left to go, but I always push through and then collapse at the end! :lol:

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I watched an Insanity infomercial while I was waiting in the Dr's office. So, all of you who do Insanity do you look like the people in the infomercial? :D Don't be shy to brag.



I'm on a fitness reading kick, and so far the two books I've read talk about the importance of variety. In order to be truly fit one has to do different activities. Different environments and surfaces are also to be considered in variety. One author said if you can run 10k but not lift 20lbs without injury or overexertion than you are not really physically fit. She suggested not spending more than 5 weeks at a time doing one activity without variety. So, she says if you run for 5 weeks then switch to biking after that, then switch to swimming and so forth. Of course, you can mix things up on a daily basis. Suggestions were things like working out outside if you mostly workout inside, on grass instead of a floor or treadmill and vice versa. Try a trampoline. (That one made me smile and think of Negin.)


Also, important is to do cardio and weight baring work. This one was important for my dh. For a few years all he did was run. I finally convinced him that he needed to include weight exercise.


I find that a lot of people I talk to are concentrated on cardio and that's the only exercise they do.


So, how do you try to find variety?


As I mentioned before I've started rebounding and love it.


I only started running a few months ago, and I'm hooked. Love the endorphine rush.

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I watched an Insanity infomercial while I was waiting in the Dr's office. So, all of you who do Insanity do you look like the people in the infomercial? :D Don't be shy to brag.



I'm on a fitness reading kick, and so far the two books I've read talk about the importance of variety. In order to be truly fit one has to do different activities. Different environments and surfaces are also to be considered in variety. One author said if you can run 10k but not lift 20lbs without injury or overexertion than you are not really physically fit. She suggested not spending more than 5 weeks at a time doing one activity without variety. So, she says if you run for 5 weeks then switch to biking after that, then switch to swimming and so forth. Of course, you can mix things up on a daily basis. Suggestions were things like working out outside if you mostly workout inside, on grass instead of a floor or treadmill and vice versa. Try a trampoline. (That one made me smile and think of Negin.)


Also, important is to do cardio and weight baring work. This one was important for my dh. For a few years all he did was run. I finally convinced him that he needed to include weight exercise.


I find that a lot of people I talk to are concentrated on cardio and that's the only exercise they do.


So, how do you try to find variety?


As I mentioned before I've started rebounding and love it.


I only started running a few months ago, and I'm hooked. Love the endorphine rush.


I nearly did! I love that Insanity commercial. There is one where the voice says,"On day 1, you will be humbled. On day 60, you will be shredded."



Yes, I agree with that author. Ugh, I have to leave like right now but I will expand more on her idea of what it means to be physically fit.

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Will be going for a swim within the next hour or so.


the importance of variety. In order to be truly fit one has to do different activities. Different environments and surfaces are also to be considered in variety.

She suggested not spending more than 5 weeks at a time doing one activity without variety.

Of course, you can mix things up on a daily basis.

So, how do you try to find variety?

This is so interesting and something I've been thinking about for a few years. I used to run almost every day and mix it up with things like swimming, stretching, yoga, light weights, etc. I really, really, really miss running. I can't do it anymore because of my knees.

Please share the names of the books you've been reading. The 5-week rule is interesting and one I've never heard of before.

I try to incorporate variety by making lists. I'm a bit crazy and OCD about it all, however. :lol: I keep readjusting the lists. Seems like I spend more time making lists than actually doing the workouts. :tongue_smilie:

I remember my former yoga instructor saying how she's seen athletes come to her class who were so inflexible. We talked about overall fitness. It's not just being able to run marathons or swim or do triathlons, fitness is being well-rounded in all areas - cardio, flexibility, strength, etc. I've read that time and time again.

I love this topic. :D

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The book I just finished is Your Body Beautiful and she's the one who suggests the max 5 weeks of one activity. I liked the book, but there are some things I read with a grain of salt. Her opinion of how to have a safe VBAC being one I disagree with. However, she is an OB so she will be biased against a non-medical/hospital birth. Most OBs are. :tongue_smilie:

She also suggests a simple 5 day/2day diet plan. Basically, it's no carbs (with the exception of fruit) at all during the 5 day week, and then you can have some carbs on weekends. She says that way you won't fall off the wagon because you know you can have a treat on the weekend.

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The book I just finished is Your Body Beautiful and she's the one who suggests the max 5 weeks of one activity. I liked the book, but there are some things I read with a grain of salt. Her opinion of how to have a safe VBAC being one I disagree with. However, she is an OB so she will be biased against a non-medical/hospital birth. Most OBs are. :tongue_smilie:

She also suggests a simple 5 day/2day diet plan. Basically, it's no carbs (with the exception of fruit) at all during the 5 day week, and then you can have some carbs on weekends. She says that way you won't fall off the wagon because you know you can have a treat on the weekend.

Thank you so much for this. I'm thinking of the 5 day/2 day plan. I just read about something similar the other day.

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