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Met a teenage whackadoodle today! I just shouldn't even be shocked I guess.

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This is from the "so weird she can't be making this up file"!


I was on my way to the MSU extension office today and came upon a 15-16 ish year old girl standing in the middle of the road (lots of traffic at that time of day - well, lots is relative because this is a rural county) frantically jumping up and down, waving her arms and yelling. I, along with four other motorists, all braked hard, pulled over, and jumped out of our cars assuming that though we couldn't see an accident, clearly there must be an emergency.


Nope! Her parents weren't home and she wanted to take her dirt bike for a spin and couldn't get it started. She was FLAGGING TRAFFIC IN ORDER TO GET SOME ONE TO HELP HER START THE BIKE!!!! Oh, and get this...all five drivers were women and she was greatly disappointed because "I was hoping for a man." So she had every intention of inviting a strange man to her house. She asked me if I would call dh and have him come help...I refrained from saying, "Have you lost your mind?"


I had never met her before but my dad knew who lives at that house - cleaned their chimney before - so guess who called her parents when they got home???? Guess who didn't think it was a big deal! :glare:


Whackadoodles, they are everywhere. You'd think I would get over the shock, but it just seems like about the time I think I've heard everything, the doodles come up with something new.



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Well, the whole thing was just so :001_huh: and honestly, wanting some stranger to come to her house and "start my bike for me" just left me wondering what would happen if that behavior occurred again or even escalated - so I called the parents WHO DID NOT THINK ANYTHING WAS WRONG WITH IT!


Couldn't sleep so early this morning I called my dear friend, one of the high school math teachers at the local district, to see if he knew her because she was wearing a t-shirt from his school. Yep, she is a student up there and the quote is, "She has been raised to think the sun doesn't shine until she wakes up in the morning."


Apparently, I was not the only motorist who reported the event.


The parents are total Whackadoodles. Seriously, they just sloughed this off! Something so awful could happen to her and her thinking is so completely self-centered that she can't even figure out what she did was wrong and dangerous and that if they continue to let things go, it doesn't bare thinking about what could happen.


Dead friend is going to suggest to the school guidance counselor that she speak with the teen about safety issues. Sigh...probably won't do any good, but at least it will be done since the parents are not parenting.



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