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Omega-3 and ADHD

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I've been looking and looking but not finding the info I need, thought someone here might be able to help. DS6 was just diagnosed with severe ADHD, Dr. said 95% and gifted (I guess). His immediate recommendation was meds of course, but he knows I'm not going for that yet ;) He told me about Omega 3 possibly helping but he said 2000mg a day. I finally found some with the epa:dha ratio I have been hearing about, but they don't come close to 2000mg a day! I thought maybe someone on here would have a better idea of exactly what is recommended to help. I'd like to get started on it, but they couldn't get me in for my consult for another 3 weeks.



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You know this is funny, because we had the WORST day Monday and half of Tuesday, last more worse than worse ever was, and she was totally out of the flax oil capsules we both take daily. They arrived Tuesday afternoon (hurray to amazon) and Wed-Friday got back to normal! Today she's been busting out all kinds of work. But Monday NOTHING.


So anyways, I had never really drawn that connection. She has taken the Spectrum Omega3 Flax Oil capsules for years and years per the advice of a nutritionist. We both take 6 capsules a day.

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Thanks guys! I will start with one of these and just go from there! I have flax oil already, didn't realize what all was in it. I just got some for adding to my breakfast drinks. I'm expecting these things won't "fix" his problems but I'm hoping it helps. The gluten free diet has amazingly been a great benefit, but I didn't realize how much until we took him off of it to see. It's certainly not a complete fix. I guess my goal is if all these things help a little bit each it'll add up to enough to avoid meds:D

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My little one has an autism diagnosis rather than ADHD, but many of her symptoms are ADHD-like (hyperactive, very easily distracted, etc.) We are seeing an integrative neurodevelopmental pediatrician (try saying that one 3 times fast!) who wrote a book on treating ADHD naturally. He also has a lecture available free here on the same topic.


He has her taking 2 Coromega packets per day. He told me that normally he recommends Carlson's but that Coromega was a fine alternative.

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I've been taking Country Life Omega Mood because of the ratio and the inexpensive price. I only take one a day, not the recommended two. I feel like it helps keep my mood more even in the face of stress, hormones, etc. My kids won't take it, but a couple of them have taken littler EFA's in the past.


The questions I have are:


(1) How much is recommended? Since one seems to work for me, that's what I've stuck with, but would more be better for overall health?


(2) How much is safe? I have a friend who was told by a doctor that fish oil can cause strokes and that scared me, though not enough to look up the research on that. I've also had more than one pediatric specialist question me giving it to my children. One obviously didn't know what he was talking about; the other was concerned about the blood thinning effect.


I'd love if anyone had any thoughts to share about these questions.

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What mg do you use?


You can see the Spectrum Flax Oil softgels label if you pull it up online (amazon, vitamin shoppe, wherever). We take 6/day. It says a 6g serving (6 softgels) has 3.3g Omega-3 ALA. We also eat fish several times a week generally, which gives us good fats. She won't eat the good nuts the nutritionist has me eat (pecans, almonds, that sort of thing).

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Most of the Spectrum's are 1000mg. Don't know if I can get the kiddo to down six of these. Maybe I can build up to it.


Well we don't do the 6 all at once. :lol: We take 2 at breakfast, 2 at lunch, 2 at dinner. That's also when she takes her calcium and whatnot, in divided sessions like that. She's done it for years, so it's just a habit.


As far as the Barleans smoothie oils, yes they're fine. They have less actual oil per serving, so you need to look at the grams of fat and compare. I used it with my ds to try to get enough into him for his speech. I was having to give him *5* teaspoons of the Barleans smoothie kind where I could give him 3 of the regular straight oil. The straight oil isn't fun (totally admit that), but it was less of a pain for him. We've also tried the flavored oils. It comes in lemon or cinnamon. At first he'd like them and then he'd burn out. The lemon I thought was like drinking furniture polish, bleh. We gave up and now just give it to him straight. Life isn't always fun, so it's one of those suck up and do it things. Makes a big difference in his speech.

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Is there a reason you use flaxseed oil as opposed to fish oil?


Just curious if there's something to be learned.


Ignore me if you want to.;)


I'm not speaking for Elizabeth, but flaxseed oil would be the vegetarian option. We're a vegetarian family and we used the flax oil at first. When my ds was 2 it really helped him start speaking. We still do eat the milled golden flaxseed in a lot of our dishes. I eventually switched to Nordic Naturals. We all take them.


I don't think it matters either way. It's the dosage you're looking at. And of course (for me personally anyway) I want supplements that are organic and non-GMO etc.

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Is there a reason you use flaxseed oil as opposed to fish oil?


Just curious if there's something to be learned.


Ignore me if you want to.;)


Our nutritionist, the one I've used for years and years for my own health with good success, has an issue with fish oil. I know that runs counter to the current trend and popularity of it, but whatever. She doesn't think fish oil taken the way it is (apart from the actual fish food with the enzymes the fish contains) is wise. I don't remember the whole logic honestly. We're pretty much in a "she says it, I eat it" kind of thing. And like Iris, my ds' speech got a huge boost from the flax oil. He actually seemed to react to the fish oil, so we stopped that pronto. i was willing to try anything with him, even crossing the opinion of the nutritionist, but when it made him fussy we just gave up.


You really don't want to talk nutrition with me. :lol: I got burnt by an alternative doc years ago who had me on all sorts of stuff as I just got sicker and sicker. I honestly think some of these docs telling people to use supplements don't have a CLUE about how the body functions as a whole. They use the supplements no differently than they would prozac or any other prescription. It's just this medicinal mindset. Our nutritionist is totally different, where her use of the supplements is in conjunction with your own accountability for what you eat and the consequences that has. You can't pull out JUST the supplements we take and say they work, because it's NOT just the supplements. It's the supplements plus the large salad every night plus the daily fruit plus the other good things and the fact that they're all arranged to be easily digested, blah blah blah. I don't think real health comes by some single one magic cure pill that we take. It really CAN'T.


If somebody eats whatever they want and flour and cheese and red meat and whatever else and then on the side decides to try some flax oil and gets no effect, WHY WOULD IT WORK??? I mean it's this mild thing plowing against this huge problem. What we're doing has a CONTEXT. And I'm saying in the context of lots of good choices and an overall plan, the flax oil does something for us, in our household.


Oh mercy, that came out really strong. Well whatever. I didn't even realize I was replying to you Kelli. I'll just tell you straight that our nutritionist has pretty controversial views. She thinks kids who take fish oil are logging up their livers and will, years from now, be more prone to cancer. She has apparently some form of evidence to back that up. She has a lot of non-standard opinions, a LOT. But she got me over problems they said couldn't be gotten over, and so I do what she says. When she said her strong opinion about the possible consequences of long-term fish oil use (something of course these DAN docs and whatnot WON'T be around for or take accountability for or even make the connections about), that was a pretty serious flag to me. I just didn't feel the need to cross her, kwim, not when the flax oil is working. And as far as the fish oil, she wasn't saying it wouldn't help in the moment. She was just questioning the overall commitment of someone who was willing to take a PILL but not willing to eat the FOOD. She suggested if I wanted him to have that that I cook a piece of salmon and portion it in small portions (2T) that could be frozen and reheated easily daily. I know there are theoretical issues with mercury in fish vs. oil. She has theories on that too, lol. She says that if you eat the fish *with* lots of veges the metals chelate out better. Her point is that when you eat the FOOD and get the oil in a whole form you're getting the enzymes that were meant to go with it.


Now get crunchy and ask why the oil of the flax is ok but not the oil of the fish. Maybe one is raw and still has the enzymes? No clue.


Told you she's different, lol. But she has done really well by me, so I just roll with it.

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Our nutritionist, the one I've used for years and years for my own health with good success, has an issue with fish oil. I know that runs counter to the current trend and popularity of it, but whatever. She doesn't think fish oil taken the way it is (apart from the actual fish food with the enzymes the fish contains) is wise. I don't remember the whole logic honestly. We're pretty much in a "she says it, I eat it" kind of thing. And like Iris, my ds' speech got a huge boost from the flax oil. He actually seemed to react to the fish oil, so we stopped that pronto. i was willing to try anything with him, even crossing the opinion of the nutritionist, but when it made him fussy we just gave up.


You really don't want to talk nutrition with me. :lol: I got burnt by an alternative doc years ago who had me on all sorts of stuff as I just got sicker and sicker. I honestly think some of these docs telling people to use supplements don't have a CLUE about how the body functions as a whole. They use the supplements no differently than they would prozac or any other prescription. It's just this medicinal mindset. Our nutritionist is totally different, where her use of the supplements is in conjunction with your own accountability for what you eat and the consequences that has. You can't pull out JUST the supplements we take and say they work, because it's NOT just the supplements. It's the supplements plus the large salad every night plus the daily fruit plus the other good things and the fact that they're all arranged to be easily digested, blah blah blah. I don't think real health comes by some single one magic cure pill that we take. It really CAN'T.


If somebody eats whatever they want and flour and cheese and red meat and whatever else and then on the side decides to try some flax oil and gets no effect, WHY WOULD IT WORK??? I mean it's this mild thing plowing against this huge problem. What we're doing has a CONTEXT. And I'm saying in the context of lots of good choices and an overall plan, the flax oil does something for us, in our household.


Oh mercy, that came out really strong. Well whatever. I didn't even realize I was replying to you Kelli. I'll just tell you straight that our nutritionist has pretty controversial views. She thinks kids who take fish oil are logging up their livers and will, years from now, be more prone to cancer. She has apparently some form of evidence to back that up. She has a lot of non-standard opinions, a LOT. But she got me over problems they said couldn't be gotten over, and so I do what she says. When she said her strong opinion about the possible consequences of long-term fish oil use (something of course these DAN docs and whatnot WON'T be around for or take accountability for or even make the connections about), that was a pretty serious flag to me. I just didn't feel the need to cross her, kwim, not when the flax oil is working. And as far as the fish oil, she wasn't saying it wouldn't help in the moment. She was just questioning the overall commitment of someone who was willing to take a PILL but not willing to eat the FOOD. She suggested if I wanted him to have that that I cook a piece of salmon and portion it in small portions (2T) that could be frozen and reheated easily daily. I know there are theoretical issues with mercury in fish vs. oil. She has theories on that too, lol. She says that if you eat the fish *with* lots of veges the metals chelate out better. Her point is that when you eat the FOOD and get the oil in a whole form you're getting the enzymes that were meant to go with it.


Now get crunchy and ask why the oil of the flax is ok but not the oil of the fish. Maybe one is raw and still has the enzymes? No clue.


Told you she's different, lol. But she has done really well by me, so I just roll with it.


There is a chiropractor locally who does nothing that I think of chiropractors doing, but who is big into nutrition and things like yeast overgrowth. I've never been to her, but several friends have. She seems similar to your nutritionist. She doesn't support fish oil use but I think she recommends eating fish twice a week. Besides probiotic supplements, I don't think she recommends supplements at all, though I think she does recommend some traditional Aryuvedic (? sp) medicines if there's a need.


Elizabeth, I never mind when you come on strong. That's why I keep coming back here--to learn this stuff and enjoy everyone's company.:)

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I got the Spectrum softgels last night. DD has taken two so far today and she cleaned her room without me asking! That right there is a miracle. She seems much calmer too. Could be a fluke but we'll see. I sure hope this helps her.


Oh, great!!! Another thing to try! My fish oil supply won't last more than a week, and I thought I was going to dig into dh's krill oil. I guess I'll price those softgels and keep eating salad. :D

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Rivendell Mom,

I've given my ds10 Omega Brite for 3-4 months and seen no change. I will finish what we have and probably discontinue. It's disheartening because none of the products we've tried so far seem to have given us any improvement (EFA Focus for Kids, Carlsons cod liver oil, flax oil).



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I have read that the "problem" with flax oil is not everybody has the ability to turn the ALA in it into the omega 3's needed by the body. Of course that is a meaningless difference to the many who do have that ability.


I have often seen advice that it is better to get your omega 3's from the fish rather than oil and have seen sardines offered up as a daily possibility instead of salmon. Tried that and couldn't stomach it any more than salmon daily :lol: I've also seen suggestions that if you are adding O3's that the most important additional thing to do is to reduce the O6's in your diet.


I personally don't feel I've seen any major difference in my own life from adding either flax or fish oil though (I add it back in occasionally and then always end up dropping it again lol) - although I do think that adding 1T of Omega Swirl fish oil daily has been of benefit to DD9.

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Hijacking a little- Does anyone have an opinion on omega brite? We've been using them for a month and I'm not seeing a huge improvement yet.


We tried Omega Brite and didn't see a difference in dd. I wound up finishing it up myself and did not feel any change in myself and I usually get a subtle positive response from fish oil like Country Life's Omega 3 Mood.

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I have read that the "problem" with flax oil is not everybody has the ability to turn the ALA in it into the omega 3's needed by the body. Of course that is a meaningless difference to the many who do have that ability.


Can't and don't yet are two different things. Our nutritionist approaches it that a lot of it is due to poor digestion that needs to be rebuilt and that it's something you can change by the way you eat, the fruits and veges, etc. That's why I was saying what we're doing has a context. We've been eating that way for 10 years now. I've seen people turn around kids in a matter of months by making the change to daily salad, more fruits and veges, no flour, ax the dairy. Big changes. Then you introduce that flax oil and you get a result. But it was in a body getting lots of fruits and veges and digesting and handling things better.


Gotta restart my computer. It's beeping for some screwy reason.

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I have read that the "problem" with flax oil is not everybody has the ability to turn the ALA in it into the omega 3's needed by the body.
Let me clarify the above quote because of course ALA is an omega 3 too - it is the ALA to EPA conversion that I meant.


Also some googling gives this conversion being slow as "a reason" flax might not be as good which is the the point OhE is addressing I think (diet clearing this up) whereas what I read was that some small % people cannot convert it at all - and my point was meant to be that shouldn't stop you from trying flax oil :001_smile:

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Have any of you noticed any issues with, ummm, burping, gas pains, or related such issues with any of these oils? If so any hints as to how to counteract that? Have any of you tried added coconut oil for your children or your selves, and if so any benefits noticed?


My son is definitely helped in many ways by fish oil, not necessarily with the problems that OP has, but perhaps some overlap. But he hates taking it, and it may increase above mentioned issues. I like flax oil as a salad oil, but it seems to be too bitter for him, I hadn't thought of it in a capsule.


I want to add that B vitamins and D3 have seemed helpful also. ETA: A person at my son's old bm school had a child with diagnosed autism who was restored to normal with a combination of nutritional supplements and avoidance of various things that seemed to be negatives for her (gluten and dairy and all artificial colors, flavors, etc.) -- B vitamins were part of the important regimen, and I learned that several other parents were using them themselves and for their children to calm down ADD type symptoms.

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