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Criminal Minds question

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I think I missed something.


Erin Strauss left because of her drinking problem.


This last episode she just re-appeared, no explanation as to why. They made a huge deal about getting rid of her and how they didn't like her. Now she is back and everyone gets along with her just fine?


I am sure I missed something. What is it?

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I think I missed something.


Erin Strauss left because of her drinking problem.


This last episode she just re-appeared, no explanation as to why. They made a huge deal about getting rid of her and how they didn't like her. Now she is back and everyone gets along with her just fine?


I am sure I missed something. What is it?


I was surprised to see her back too. As far as I know they made no mention of her coming back.

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Derek called her out on her drinking. She got help and is now back at her job. She called Derek (sp?) aside to thank him for "changing her life". He told her he was glad she was back and she said, No you aren't", indicating she knows they don't really like her. They didn't really seem to want to listen to her advice during the case, but isn't she their boss?

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They didn't really seem to want to listen to her advice during the case, but isn't she their boss?


She is their boss, but she doesn't work in the field. From what I've seen of her in the past, she doesn't really have a clue how the team functions on a case. She's only been a desk worker.


I was surprised to see her back, too. I didn't think I had missed any episodes this year, but had no clue that Penelope had broken up with her boyfriend, nor that Emily was going to leave. :crying: I love her on the show!

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I didn't know they had broken up either. I still miss Jason and Elle!


She is their boss, but she doesn't work in the field. From what I've seen of her in the past, she doesn't really have a clue how the team functions on a case. She's only been a desk worker.


I was surprised to see her back, too. I didn't think I had missed any episodes this year, but had no clue that Penelope had broken up with her boyfriend, nor that Emily was going to leave. :crying: I love her on the show!

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Garcia and Kevin broke up after he proposed. She wanted to continue as they had been, he wanted more.


Strauss has only been out in the field three times now. She usually just screws up the team from her desk. Last time, she made a mess of a contentious questioning session while she was under the influence, Morgan called her on it, and She went to rehab rather than lose her job. I'm sure they were all glad to not having her putting bureaucracy ahead of their methods, but she was always slated to return. It would be nice, though, if she actually learned what they do.

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I haven't watched last night's episode yet (that's on the DVR waiting for me) but was glad to see her leave. All she seems to do is screw things up because she wants to show she's in charge.


As for other characters, I miss Jason, but like Rossi. I don't miss Elle at all. I couldn't wait for her to be written out of the show.

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She did look a bit drunk, didn't she? I thought maybe it was just the walk of shame.


It did throw me off though.




Was it Strauss who came out of the hotel after Rossi? That confused me. Was she drinking Jack and smoking with him? The whole episode was confusing.
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She did look a bit drunk, didn't she? I thought maybe it was just the walk of shame.


It did throw me off though.




Yeah, I was thinking - based on Rossi's comment that it was his bedtime - that she had been (ahem) up all night, and that was just the walk of shame. Whether or not it had anything to do with Rossi, though... 'cause he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. I'm thinking (hoping?) it's just another coincidental thing, like running into Garcia and Reed.

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