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Whining...food allergies

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My son had bloodwork done with a new allergist. They goofed and didn't test for milk, so he'll need blood redrawn and tested.


We knew he had tree nut allergy (anaphylaxis at 5), and that's still there.

He also tested positive to peanut, egg, and strawberry. :crying:


Not really any surprises, but still rough.

And I'm ticked that he needs to get stuck again since they misread the order.


Just looking for some sympathy.

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we have peanut, tree nut, sesame, coconut and sunflower. let me tell you that every chip maker in the world uses sunflower these days. but if they do not, it's processed in a plant with peanut butter! ROFL :lol::tongue_smilie:


You have my sympathy. We did dairy/egg from birth until 3.5 years old. Peanut came around at age 6.5. NICE


Oh, I am gluten free. So cooking here is fun. Once I get the hang of the routine. And people stop changing ingredients in their products!:tongue_smilie:


But honestly, I have overall healthy kids. I haven't lost a child to cancer. I haven't had kids with broken bones. My dd is accident prone but staples in the head is better than breaking a bone in my opinion!


Try to focus on the good. It's easy to get lost in the negative. We eat healthier b/c of the allergies. See it as a blessing :grouphug:

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At least you've been able to get him blood tested - dd's pedi refuses to refer us to an allergist since we haven't had a major reaction in over 2 years. I felt like screaming at her "the reason we haven't had a major reaction in over 2 years is because we are extremely careful and she rarely eats anything but what I prepare for her!"


So far she has had reactions to: peanut, tree nut, coconut, avocado, grapes, oats, chocolate and sesame. I know she likely has other allergies than are more minor, but without testing I have no idea. I'd love for her to be able to try shrimp, but I'm scared to without a test or an epi-pen so we consider her shellfish allergic too until I'm told otherwise {I'm ANA to some shellfish}.

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You've got my sympathy! (And my empathy, too!)


My ds has peanut, tree nut and milk allergies. It is a bummer that our kids have to deal with this. (And it is a lot of extra responsibility and worry to parent a food allergic kid.)


If you ever need to vent or commiserate, feel free to pm me!



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My son had bloodwork done with a new allergist. They goofed and didn't test for milk, so he'll need blood redrawn and tested.


We knew he had tree nut allergy (anaphylaxis at 5), and that's still there.

He also tested positive to peanut, egg, and strawberry. :crying:


Not really any surprises, but still rough.

And I'm ticked that he needs to get stuck again since they misread the order.


Just looking for some sympathy.



:grouphug: You have my sympathy and empathy, too. It's very hard dealing with childhood allergies, especially anaphylaxis!


We deal with a lot of food allergies, as well, and it really stinks.


At one point, my son had only one food he could eat.





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Oh, I feel you, the same thing here.


Tree nut with my son here, peanut with my daughter. You have my sympathy with the double testing. We had to do a blood test with my daughter to check for Celiac's, which came back negative, but then we had to go back to check for peas. Which made me so mad as peas are related to peanut, they should have just tested the whole panel. Grrr.


For my son, we actually avoid EVERYTHING related to tree nuts, even though he only tests positive for walnuts. So we don't do any tree nuts, coconut, peaches, mangoes,, etc. Makes for very limited dishes. And I just LOVE the grandma of his soccer teammate who chides me every week for not letting him "just be a little boy" and eat the snacks his friends bring. 'Cause nothing says happy childhood like anaphylactic shock! :001_huh:

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:iagree: Great advice. Thanks for the reminder!


Sometimes it doesn't feel that way, though. All whole grain breads seem to made in facilities with nuts, because nuts are considered health foods. So my options are processed food or making my own breads. I love baking breads but sometimes it's just so hard and messy to get done.


And when they're allergic to so many fruits, it's hard to find fresh fruits and veggies they can eat.


Ho-hum, I know it is better, because it has at least made me more aware. But as for healthier- it just doesn't always feel that way.


I will say this, though- my kids are very much more educated about food than I was at their age. We discuss carbs, proteins and sugars every time they eat. So I guess there's that. ;)

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Dana :grouphug: Last year's blood draw was just to stick for mango. The allergist wanted to get RAST numbers on his tree nuts and seeds too...and they forgot mango! I was really upset.


Did you test those because you suspected a reaction to them? I'm sure you know this but the tests have a really high false positive rate. If you've not seen a reaction I'd see about a food challenge (except maybe peanut....).



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Dana :grouphug: Last year's blood draw was just to stick for mango. The allergist wanted to get RAST numbers on his tree nuts and seeds too...and they forgot mango! I was really upset.


Did you test those because you suspected a reaction to them? I'm sure you know this but the tests have a really high false positive rate. If you've not seen a reaction I'd see about a food challenge (except maybe peanut....).




Dairy allergy since 3 months old. Anaphylaxis to cashews at age 5. Epi, ER, bi-phasic. We were told to avoid all tree nuts and peanuts since the cashew label said peanut oil.


He doesn't like egg, so we've never made him eat it. This is more confirmation of suspicion. No real surprises here...and we won't need to make changes...it's just sad to have confirmation of continued limitations.



BUT...we did do a trip to DC earlier this month and managed with no reactions, so we are handling the allergies and trying to get out more.


Tess... Enjoy Life makes chocolate chips that are free of 8 major allergens. They're expensive but good.



Frugalmama, I'd be demanding a referral AND an Epi prescription. My son's anaphylaxis happened when we didn't think he had any nut allergies...just dairy. You might be able to get an Epi script at an urgent care location...but I'd really want one.


Thanks all for the hugs. I'll get equilibrium back soon....it's just rough getting the results. DH will take him for the stick tomorrow for dairy while I get a mammogram. Fun times. :glare:

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You have my sympathy! We have multiple allergies at our house. See my Hives blog in my siggie. It is no fun and we've been through many allergy tests. You don't understand it until you've been there and then you have a new kind of sympathy for others with food allergies. It is so hard!



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Ds outgrew his ana dairy allergy and all was well for a few years. Well, not he is not able to tolerate gluten, and dd had a major allergic reaction this past weekend that earned her a medrol dose pack and a trip to the lab. We are running a food and environmental panel because it was so bad and so random!


I really hope we do not add a new food allergy to our already lackng menu.

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My son is nine as well and has dairy and tree nut. Possibly coconut and sesame- we need to food challenge those two with our allergist.


He just had an emotional flood today relating to food allergies.


I am wondering if anyone else with a nine year old might want to be a pen pal with my son?


He is really starting to internalize that he is 'different' and we are dealing with a lot of emotions.


Also- does anyone have any advice or want to share how you have handled this part?


I just realized this might be a "spin-off"....


OP- you have my DEEPEST sympathies.

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