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Has anyone measured large for dates early on?

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I am 14 weeks, when I saw my m/w yesterday she felt my belly and immediately commented that my uterus is much higher than she expected (I think I'm measuring about 5 weeks ahead). She made a brief mention about twins, which I told her I had an early u/s where they only saw one, but she looked for a 2nd heartbeat anyways and told me we would know for sure at my next u/s (in 5 weeks!!!). I am freaking out a little here, when I had my u/s the tech told me that she saw just 1 but wasn't making any guarantees. Gulp.


So, I'm wondering if anyone else measured large for dates early in the 2nd trimester and what the outcome was.

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That happened with my oldest - had u/s to make sure she wasn't twins. She was only 7lb3oz, born right on the estimated due date, so we never did figure out why I was measuring so far ahead. During that u/s they somehow measured her femur to re-estimate the due date, and based on that didn't change it from the first estimate.

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Yes....every time after baby #3.


I'm expecting baby #8 right now and measured 20 weeks when I was 14 weeks. There was a thread on this a couple of weeks ago and it was the same story over and over.


Sometimes it is twins :), but more often it's an enlarged uterus from having many babies.


If you are really concerned, I think you are justified asking for another ultrasound now. If it is twins you want to know ASAP, so you can make sure you are eating enough, drinking enough, and preparing in case of future bedrest etc.

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Yep, I was measuring about 5 weeks ahead at the same point during my third pregnancy. I had an early US at 9 w for dating (irreg. cycles). There was only one little bean in there at the time.


At my first or second official appt with my midwife I was measuring about 5 weeks ahead, and she thought she heard a 2nd hb.


Had an US at 16 or 17 weeks and there was only one baby in there :) Things evened out eventually sometime in my 2nd trimester I think.

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Yes, each time. My doctors, who were very experienced OBs always guessed me further along than I actually was. I would end up with early ultrasounds to rule out twins and verify my dates.


With my first son, I knew nothing about pregnancy. I had an idea of how far along I was, but the doctor insisted I was further along by his guess. DS was a surprise bcp baby and I have unusual cycles so that didn't really help me feel confident on when conception occurred. My first exam with the doctor was when I was 3mths along (in real time). He put my 1st due date as June 29. Baby was born 2 weeks overdue (according to ultrasound) at the end of August. The doctor was 6 weeks off!!


At my follow up appointment after birth. He sent me for a pg test, being very confident I was pg again within 2 month of ds birth. I think he was concerned due to my uterine height/feel again. LOL


2years later-MC-I knew when I got pg, but doctor ordered an ultrasound to verify, citing possible multiple birth as the reason. He at least believed my dates this time, but definitely wanted to verify.


1 year later-Switched docs with my dd13. He too, argued with me about my conception date. I was tracking everything down.to.the.day with this pgy due to special testing I needed to have done, so I knew Exactly when I got pg. He said "If you dates are correct, then you are carrying more than one in there!" My ultrasound, showed one happy little heartbeat. He estimated that I was a month off on conception due to size. This appointment was at 6-7ish weeks. LOL 4 weeks off, at only 6weeks pg....that is pretty far off!



I show early too....

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I never have much. But I have one friend who was measuring bigger than average. They discovered twins at the 20 week ultrasound. Completely missed the second baby on the 9 week us. I have another friend who always measured quite a bit over the average. Her five children were all singletons. They just happen to be really tall. Be sure and let us know when you find out either way. :D

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I never have much. But I have one friend who was measuring bigger than average. They discovered twins at the 20 week ultrasound. Completely missed the second baby on the 9 week us. I have another friend who always measured quite a bit over the average. Her five children were all singletons. They just happen to be really tall. Be sure and let us know when you find out either way. :D


I will be sure to update. 2 of my 3 have been big babies so we will see this time :)

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I do, around 20 weeks. It all evens out later on. My babies seem to grow in spurts...so ahead of dates by 3 weeks or 4, then staying the same for several weeks. She was a big baby, this last one, at 9lbs, but she was also 2 weeks late. At that point she was measuring right on track.

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Well, yes I did......when I was pregnant with twins!


Fortunately for me, my OB was a curious sort and had an ultrasound machine right in his office, so we just walked across the hall and got that question answered right away. I was 14 weeks when I found out.

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