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Has anyone taken Zofran for pregnancy sickness?.....

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Have you had trouble stopping Zofran?


I am 25 weeks pregnant and have been taking Zofran since about week 6. I was vomiting about 20 times a day, and could keep nothing down. The Zofran helped me feel a little better, but not great.


I have only recently, within about the last month or so, started to feel better. I keep trying to quit the Zofran, I'm down to one pill a day, but I end up feeling yucky and throwing up after a day or two of not taking it.


Is this a "rebound"? It seems the drug should be out of my system within a few hours, so why do I feel okay until about 36 hours off the meds? Anyone else have this problem?:confused:


(my dr. does not understand why this is happening, and suggested a visit to the GI dr.)

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I took it when pg with youngest dd (now 10y).


'Back in those days' it was suggested that you only took it on occasion. While it is 'safe', taking it on a regular basis can create a habit of sorts.


Lately more and more of my pg friends and family are prescribed this for REGULAR morning sickness... it used to be reserved for the few who were in danger of becoming dehydrated or unable to eat.


Most of my friends also had a hard time coming off the drug after taking it regularly.


((hugs))... I know how bad it can be... my last pregnancy was TOUGH... Zofran gave me some sort of a life (and probably saved my baby too).

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I took Zofran (and Reglan) with my youngest dd. Initially, we used the Reglan pump and oral Zofran and about 22-23 weeks I was able to come off everything. But, I had to go back on Zofran later in the pregnancy. As far as I know (for what that is worth), the nausea is coming from the pregnancy (yes, I had HG) not the rebound of the drug.

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Yes, I took it my last pregnancy thankfully. I had HG all my pregnancies, multiple hospital admissions. I had to take Zofran right up to the day of delivery, stopped it cold, no problems after delivery. For me, it was not the drug rebound effect at all. I just had vomiting if I didn't take it because of the pregnancy itself. That resolved with the delivery. ;)

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Thank you all. I had no idea so many people have had severe pregnancy sickness too. In real life, I know of no one else that has been as sick as I have been. This is my 4th pregnancy, and I've had morning sickness to some degree with all of them, this one has just been by far the worst.


This is my second day off the Zofran, and I haven't thrown up (yet) this time. I'm just really nauseated. If I still feel like this tomorrow, or start throwing up again, I'll resume the Zofran, and assume I just need to be on it until baby comes. I just though by 25 weeks I shouldn't need it anymore!



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My fourth pregnancy was the worst for nausea and vomiting. It lasted until 32 weeks. I took Zofran with my last 4, and I think it was diclectin (?) with my first. I couldn't function without it and my kids are perfect :) most of the time :tongue_smilie:

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