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Dog Boarding?

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Nervous. Have you ever done this? We have a reputable dog boarding home not far from us.


We are supposed to go camping this next week for four nights/five days. Normally Legend would go with us. However, we have "Ocean School" one of those days and we have NO idea what we would do with him since pets aren't allowed. We absolutely can't leave him at the campsite and we're afraid he'd panic in the car.


I'm open to suggestions.


Dh would like to try boarding. I wouldn't normally hesitate but he is a German shepherd and pretty much a one woman dog. He's in love with my daughter and feels REALLY anxious when she isn't around. As a matter of fact if he is ino our fenced yard on Mondays (co-op day) he will jump the fence and sit on the front porch, waiting, until we arrive home. He can get jump the fence at ANY time but chooses not to - only does it when she is gone.


The only other solution I can see is that we could board him on the coast where we'll be for just ONE day instead of the 4-5 of the entire trip.


Thoughts? Solutions?

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If you don't mind the trouble of bringing him with you, I'd research boarding him for the one day you will be away from the campground.


We've used dog boarding places. We toured them beforehand and our dogs seem to have done fine. Quite nervous, but fine.

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We have done both and generally prefer to take the dog with us and leave him in a kennel for the day. We have only had 1 or 2 bad experiences and we have kenneled many times. Make sure the dog has a bordetella shot several days before you board him.

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We have done both and generally prefer to take the dog with us and leave him in a kennel for the day. We have only had 1 or 2 bad experiences and we have kenneled many times. Make sure the dog has a bordetella shot several days before you board him.


So he's had bordatella (kennel cough) in the last six months as he had a serious vet stay last fall. It is important he gets it in? The reason I ask is because we leave on Thursday. I'm more than happy to get it done but I know precious little about dog vaccines. However, I know that the human immune system needs time to develop immunities and so giving a vaccine this week and exposure next week probably would not be useful on a baby human. But we want to protect him as much as possible... Especially considering his last vet stay was (ahem) both traumatic and expensive.

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Hey Kelly :)


Where are you boarding him? We board ours at a spot called Pet Village Turner Road. They train German Shepherds and what I've heard is that you should board once in a while, when they're still young so it's not stressful. Our dog actually likes the place, and for a bit more they'll do training for you. (That's what I'm thinking of next time I have to leave him for a few days)

I pay a bit for them to take him out each day and play with him.

Do you have his Bordetella vaccine up to date??


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So he's had bordatella (kennel cough) in the last six months as he had a serious vet stay last fall. It is important he gets it in? The reason I ask is because we leave on Thursday. I'm more than happy to get it done but I know precious little about dog vaccines. However, I know that the human immune system needs time to develop immunities and so giving a vaccine this week and exposure next week probably would not be useful on a baby human. But we want to protect him as much as possible... Especially considering his last vet stay was (ahem) both traumatic and expensive.


It's required... the vaccine.... you'll have to show proof.

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Proof isn't a problem. ;) The problem is I think he might have a nervous breakdown somewhere in a kennel... He's never been kenneled and so to be in a new place, without Ana, in a kennel... I think he might seriously lose his mind. I promise I am not one of those people who thinks of their dogs actually AS human. But, if a dog were close to human, this one would be it. :D I'm worried about leaving him in a kennel, especially for the first time, for four days. I'm leaning towards taking him to the coast with us and then just boarding him for one day there.

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I think the one-day boarding sounds like a great plan. Just be sure to have reservations for him and to confirm vaccine/etc requirements.


Yes, ideally, you need 3-10 days for Bord vaccine to be fully protective. But, if he has had the vaccine previously (or the disease), then the booster helps more quickly. Some places require the vaccine any time (even day of admission) and others will require it in advance. At our hospital, we require it at least 3 days in advance of admission, but encourage 7+ days in advance if possible. We will make exceptions occasionally for good clients in emergencies (death in family, etc), but it is not ideal, so we rarely do it. For a non-emergency, we'd only offer hospitalization in our ISO ward which is very expensive. In an emergency, we'd usually put the dog in ISO for the first few days, but we just wouldn't charge for that (and, we'd bump the dog out of ISO if we had a patient who needed it, but that is only a few times a year in our hospital).

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ps. If possible, I'd do the one-day board at a good vet hospital. That way, if the dog really *does* go nuts, they can sedate him and/or treat self-inflicted injuries. It is not rare for dogs to break teeth and/or tear up their paws trying to chew/claw their way out of a kennel. If you think there is any chance your dog might do this, then BE SURE to deliver him in THE MORNING to the kennel so that they at least have a few hours to observe him before they go home for the night. Also, be sure to warn the kennel folks!

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We have a dog/daughter relationship just like that in my house!! I love that you are respecting that...it's a pretty special bond isn't it?!!! :)


The one day boarding sounds like a great idea!


Is there any way that you contact the campsite (or pet sitter's in the area) about hiring a pet sitter to stay at the camp with him for the day?


Good luck!! Whatever decision you make it will all work out great in the end!!!!

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So I'm curious where you're leaving him here, I've seen the place up "in the hills" advertised, but didn't go check it up. I don't know... I count my pup as one of my children, since I only have a few real kiddos :) and he follows me round like a part of me... but when he goes, he gives a slight look back... and then leaves. When he comes back.... he just lays on his bed and sleeps ;)

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