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When do the endorphins kick in?

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:confused:It has been two weeks. I have been working out with dd, 30 min. 5 days a wk.


I am completely exhausted. Its torture. I just want to crash, but tooo much to do.


Help, when do they kick in and I get energy?



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I usually feel them right after my workout after I've had a shower. If you are exhausted after a 30 min workout, then you're pushing yourself too hard too soon. Lighten up on the weights you're using, lower the intensity or cut the length of your workout back a bit. (I don't know what you're doing for a workout so I can't say exactly.)

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No, I don't think so. ;) You really will have to work up to the intensity of those workouts if you aren't using weights. You should feel like you DONE something, but you should NOT be exhausted like you're ready to collapse either. If you get grouchy with everyone, you're overworking too. Ask me how I know! ;)

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I am supergrouchy, but I am getting toned. Dh is noticing. I just dont get energy boost.


I wonder if I should increase protein shakes. Can you od on them.


Hmmmm. Its that or more coffffeeee.




How long have you been doing these workouts?


Yea, for getting toned.....but if you are biting dh's head off (and others), then you really do need to scale it back a bit. More protein might be a good thing. You could try having one right after.

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:confused:It has been two weeks. I have been working out with dd, 30 min. 5 days a wk.


I am completely exhausted. Its torture. I just want to crash, but tooo much to do.


Help, when do they kick in and I get energy?




Never. For me, they never kick in. Regardless of how often, how heavy, how light, how long I exercise, I NEVER get that great feeling so many people talk about having after exercising. I don't know why.

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Could it be pre menopause. The hormones are all funky.





I don't know for sure.....but I would guess that it could be hormone related. It could also be adrenal fatigue. With adrenal fatigue, any amount of exercise can leave one totally exhausted and never rejuvenated. I hope you figure it out!

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Never. For me, they never kick in. Regardless of how often, how heavy, how light, how long I exercise, I NEVER get that great feeling so many people talk about having after exercising. I don't know why.


Not me, either, although I felt pretty good after a fencing class. Otherwise, nope. And I don't lose weight, either. What a waste.

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How do you get that tested. Can a naturopath test it? Hmmm , now I gotta research that.






For adrenal testing, the most accurate way to test it is a 24 hour saliva test. Yes, I would think your naturopath could do it.....mine did. You might want to look into getting all of your hormone levels tested, though. I have very low progesterone, high estrogen (perimenapausal) and low cortisol all across the board (adrenal fatigue). I was put on a natural adrenal supplement (helped somewhat) and natural progesterone (again helped somewhat). I've always struggled with depression and since kids....low energy. The thing that has helped me the most (and I'm off the adrenal supplement and progesterone, not on anti-depressants) has been acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Wow - I have a ton of energy and my long standing depression has lifted. I feel great! I think I've found my medicine.....and I've tried many, many things over the years. Everybody is different though......and thank goodness there are so many different forms of medicine. Some do well with allopathic, some with naturopathic, homeopathic, acupunture or whatever........I hope you find some relief......and I would say that starting with your naturopath would be a good place to start.


take care,

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they don't kick in until after I've been running for over 3 miles. For me that means over 30 minutes and I am really feeling great after 45. Other forms of exercise do not do it for me as far as endorphins are concerned. Other forms of exercise do not make me lose weight either. It something about long slow running that helps me.


Hope you find answers for you!

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