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Recommended reading lists


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I'm trying to put together a master list of books I would like my dc to read, by grade. So far, I've pulled from the recommendations in LCC, AO, WTM, and a few other random sources. Does anyone have any other lists of recommended reading that they like?

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I used all of those, plus a great book from BJU Press called Best Books and Jan Bloom's book What Now Shall We Read? They both contain some great older books that you don't hear of enough.


I created two lists: one of assigned reading that must be done each year (the books that showed up over and over on lists,) and one of all the books I would like dc to ever read, so that I could have books for free reading already set, too.


Putting together a master list for all grades, so that I don't have to re-do everything each year is one of the THE BEST decisions I ever made in homeschooling! I highly recommend it to everyone else who reads this thread and hasn't done it already...

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I've recently found Books Children Love (Elizabeth Wilson) to be very helpful. The books are listed by subject rather than grade level, but she includes suggested grade levels with each entry. I found her suggestions to include books that I might otherwise overlook, and they seem to be quality literature without objectionable material.

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Thanks everyone. Those look good, especially Sonlight! This is turning out to be a pretty long list. I think I'll take the other poster's idea of making a required reading list and a free reading list. I'll be happy to share when I get them finished.

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I'm trying to put together a master list of books I would like my dc to read, by grade. So far, I've pulled from the recommendations in LCC, AO, WTM, and a few other random sources. Does anyone have any other lists of recommended reading that they like?


I hope you're willing to share this list after you've put so much work into it, because I'd love to look at it. :001_smile: It sounds like a really great idea.

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Of course if I made such a list the kids would faint because I wouldn't know how to edit it to something realistic.;)


Oh my list is going to be way too long. :D I'm going to put an asterik by the required ones and then the rest will be to choose from for our family read-aloud time and free reading. As I'm looking through all these lists of "classic" books, it's sad how few we read in public school.

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There is a great book called "How to Get Your child to Love Reading" by Esme Raji Codell. It has lots of great themed lists and activities in it for kids of all ages. I love it.





I have that book! It has some great ideas in it.

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I'd be really interested to see everyone else's master lists too.

We don't have one yet (I've been using mostly Sonlight), but creating one is on the to do list.


Mine are at my blog (link below.) They are listed on the left by the different grade levels. My incredibly long, all-the-books-I-will-ever-let-them-read list is handwritten, unfortunately.

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