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One year between WWE and WWS--what would you use to fill the gap?


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DD9 is pretty much done with WWE. She has no problem with the narrations (she hates doing them, but has no problem coming up with them when forced to!) and handles WWE3 dictations easily. She's very tired of the WWE format, and I don't really blame her. IMO, though, she's not quite ready for WWS.


I was thinking that I'd wait a year for WWS (she'd be 11 by then), but I'd like something different to fill the gap in the meantime. I know some people recommend TWSS, but is it worth it to go that route just for a year? I also know some people don't like TWSS, so I'm wondering what others would recommend to mix up our writing instruction for the next 12 months.



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We will have a year gap with my youngest. I think we will do lots of bravewriter stuff, but other than that i am not sure. He loves writing, s i need something a little more "free" than WWS for him next year, something that appeals to a natural writer....he enjoys copywork, so we will do some of that. We may just focus on creative writing.

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Same issue here. Just finished WWE3 with DS9, not planning on WWE4 (he really dislikes WWE).


I think I will fill our "gap" year with IEW's Fun and Fascinating combined with Daily Paragraph Editing 4. He already loves the latter series and has watched DS11 do the former in a class this year and liked it. I thought about doing IEW Level A full-blown but decided it wasn't really necessary. He also does a lot of other writing (narrations, stories he makes up) that offer opportunities for on-the-spot instruction.

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Same thing here - DS9 finished WWE3 with more depth than "required" about 2 months ago.

My plan is to use some of the Sonlight Writing assignments (we use SL history, readers, and read-alouds) with some of the Killgallon books I keep reading about. I could interperse a selection from WWE4 here and there or require a WWE style written narrartion from our core readings to keep fresh. I also might do some SL creative writing assignments, the Killgallon, and start WWS half speed (or less).

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Thank you all! I had forgotten about CW Aesop. It's actually something I'd looked at awhile back for this DD and decided to forgo until later. That may be just the ticket, though Killgallon is also calling my name :D I appreciate all the great ideas. Now I have some research to do!

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We had a gap semester and have been using Killgallon Sentence Composing for Elementary School. We finished WWE 4 in Dec. And will be starting WWS in the fall. Killgallon has been interesting and challenging and a nice break from WWE, which they didn't care for.

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