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What words do you use for private body parts?

What sort of language do you use for "private" body parts?  

  1. 1. What sort of language do you use for "private" body parts?

    • Just the facts, ma'am-- I use medical terminology.
    • I use euphemisms with the kids only.
    • I can't even say those words to a grown-up--I always use a euphemism.
    • I never mention those parts at all.
    • Other--please explain.

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I chose the first one but I guess I should have chose other. The kids know the medical terms but we all do use other names too (butt is just much easier to say then gluteous maximus).


When DS was little we used to call his p*nis a petey until it occurred to DH that he may one day meet a Pete or Petey, so for this reason we quit using that term and have avoided referring to it as his willy. DH's name is John so we also don't use the term john to refer to the bathroom.


The kids know that in public they are to refer to these areas as their privates if they must be talked about, and that there are terms Mommy considers crude and unacceptable.


My mom told me a cute story about my older brother. It seems when he was a toddler he had problems with the "S" sound at the beginning of words and often it came out as a hard "C". They were in the grocery store line with a gentleman who was wearing shorts. She could have died from embarrassment when my brother proclaimed very loudly "That man has red c*cks mommy". :lol:

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Yeah, like many people here, it was easy 'til my daughter came along. It was all medically correct terms (even though they still make my DH a bit uncomfortable). Then comes my girl, and suddenly it all seems so complex, and medical terms are just icky. (mature of me, eh?) When I was small it was my bug-a-bug. Anyone with kids young enough to watch Dora the Explorer will understand why that name does not appeal. (In one episode she helps an actual bug--Mama Bug-a-bug find her Baby Bug-a-bugs. Shudder) So I just called it her privates, while I desperately tried to come up with something else. Thankfully, she came to my rescue, and tried to call it her penis. It came out mimi. It is now officially her mimi.

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My friend's 7 yo son once mistakenly referred to them as his "public parts". His mom said over her dead body.


This honestly made me laugh out loud. :lol:


I don't mind the correct terms, and I teach them, but use a blanket 'privates' in general conversation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We use 'willy' and 'balls' for the boys' bits, but the medical words for female bits - there isn't a euphemism for them that I'm comfortable with.


I think I've told this story before, but the word 'willy' is so widely used in Britain that it's surprising to come across anyone who doesn't know it. Mrs Thatcher, when Prime Minister, had a trusted advisor names Willie Whitelaw. In a speech, she stated: "Every prime minister should have a 'Willie'" The whole country fell around laughing, as she was the only PM who didn't have one (willy).



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Peela, do know that I'm not making fun of you. It just makes me laugh to see how things change when you go across continents. "Bugger" is another one that comes to mind. To us, it's just an "affectionate" term for a little critter, or a stubborn something or other (...as in, get over here you little bugger!). But, in England, I believe we'd be saying something pretty darned colorful!


It's used to describe a particular sex act, to tell someone to go away - "B. off" is less strong than "F. off" - but also as a term of affection. The last usage is more common in the north of England.



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We use both... they are learning the correct names, but in normal conversation (yes these things get talked about 'normally' since my ds does not like clothes at the moment) we use other words that don't sound so clinical - parts or junk for ds, bumps and privates for the female.


These came about purely accidentally. When dd was not yet three we were all in the bathroom talking while dh cleaned up in the bath (almost the only time we could have a conversation due to his schedule then) she looked over in the tub, pointed and asked, "What's that?" Dh quickly said with a grin, "That's daddy's junk." He did it mainly to be funny, but the name stuck and was subsequently applied to all males she saw... dogs, hamsters, squirrels, etc. About that same time frame she also asked me why I had bumps on my chest and that term stuck, too!


I have a friend, though, whose mother is from Thailand. She uses the proper Thai word for p*nis for her sons... coi (I don't know how to spell it, but you get the sound). So, it sounds like a euphamism here, but is actually a medical term.:001_smile:

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I said we used the correct terms, but in reality we don't completely. We do use p*nis and v8gina, but we call the gluteus maximus "butt". There's something about cutesy names that makes me shiver. I'm not sure that we've ever called them privates...and ds HAS embarrassed me a few times in public, but not so much as if he were calling it his willie!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

When speaking in private I use real words, in public or if the child is embarrassed, I say "boy parts" or "girl parts" or "private parts." Dh is almost always surprised when he realizes a little one knows the correct words, because he is usually laughed at when he takes a newly potty trained child to the bathroom and the child snickers at him when he says "wee, wee." Can you imagine a 3yo saying, "Daddy, don't you know it's a P****?"

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In fact when we have meatballs here my hubby calls tehm oh look we are haveing balls of meat, and then all the jokes and laughter start flowing. :)


very immature over here.:glare: i guess scrotum is just as funny so I guess we could teach medical terms.


I know shame shame shame on us!!!



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In fact when we have meatballs here my hubby calls tehm oh look we are haveing balls of meat, and then all the jokes and laughter start flowing. :)


very immature over here.:glare: i guess scrotum is just as funny so I guess we could teach medical terms.


I know shame shame shame on us!!!




I know, it's the same way over here, we can't talk about it without cracking up! I remember listening to my granny talk and when something like that would be mentioned, she would put her hand over her mouth and start giggling.:lol:

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We use the medical terms, but I have also told the older two boys all the slang words for all of their parts... so that if someone threatens to "kick them in the balls" they will know what the kid is talking about!


I do something similar. If we're having an actual discussion, we use medical terminology. But my older dd does know quite a bit of slang also. We also talk about why people use slang.

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We use medical terms when serious, and euphemisms the rest of the time. So, I guess euphemisms would win in our house. But our boys know the correct terms for body parts. We just prefer willie, twig and berries, etc. My 5yo actually calls his p*nis a loo. We have no idea where he got that one!

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