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ADHD ~ School? Has anyone put them in and found it better?

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We finally took my oldest out this year (9th grade) and I SO wish that we had done it earlier. As hard as it is at home sometimes, it was infinitely harder for him and for me with him at school. Private school with smaller class sizes and more understanding teachers was better than public school (yes, we've done both), but homeschooling is by far the better choice for him.

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In many ways, my DS did better in PS than at home. He has no problem with any of the academics so doesn't need 1 on 1 attention for that. He is very smart yet doesn't test well so the material was always easier than what he needed. He doesn't whine at his teachers or complain when given assignments and is wonderfully behaved in a classroom setting. He is competitive and having classmates motivated him to do better and more. He always wanted to please his teachers so he always did his homework well and on time. Socially, however, his ADHD issues were making him stand out in a bad way and he begged to be homeschooled.


At home, he is doing work at his level, more interesting subjects that he enjoys, and he is not bored. However, he feels the need to whine and complain and fight about everything with me, he is not motivated to do his best as he has no competition, and he doesn't care if he doesn't finish his work or is late.


I'm thinking about sending him back to school next fall. He'd be in a new school and he's started taking meds for the ADHD, so I'm hopeful that the social issues will be better this time. If I send him and it is just as bad at this school, I'll pull him back out. My DS is more of an inattentive type than a hyperactive type, however. And since he didn't need to pay attention to do well at his school, he always did well.

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He was in school from preK-2nd grade. He's been home for 3rd and 4th and may be going back for 5th. I haven't decided. We didn't have as many issues with him last year. He was so grateful to be home that he was eager to please. Now, there's no more novelty and he just wants to play. Or maybe it's hormones. I sometimes think he enjoys complaining.

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Just curious if anyone has put their child in school and found it to help? Or... tried it and it was horrible? I am really wanting a break :) Just thinking this through :) (My son is 8yrs old... will be 9yrs old in July)


I haven't tried it but can tell you that my ds is very distractable and I don't have to do it to know it would be a disaster.


Saying that there are way more important reasons why I wouldn't put mine in ps. I understand wanting a break/needing a break. Take one. We pretty much school year around for that very reason. When I need a day or a week or a month we take it. I am refreshed and the kids are normally ready to go back to work.

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We tried PS, it was a DISASTER:( IME having an ADHD kid, if they are giving you grief over school its often because the material is not a good fit or how its being taught. These kids are actually being understimulated, yeah, that was hard to wrap my brain around but presenting them with highly visual material that doesn't rely on text or listening skills does wonders for them and getting them to cooperate:) Letting them sit on an exercise/birth ball while working does wonders too lol, yes it drives you nuts but it lets them get the wigglies out while working and after a few days of goofing off they figure out the balancing while working.

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It's not doing school or not, I swear that it doesn't matter what we do.... he's always learning. It's just physically needing a spot to drop him. I know... not a good homeschooler's point of view ;) Just checking around to see what my options are... perhaps just a bit like dreaming :)


:grouphug: It's not always a bad thing. I am in the same place. My daughter will be in therapy next year for rehab from a major surgery and the thought of dragging all the kids with me 1-2 times a day every day for 6 months is the main reason I'm looking into the school for next year. The struggle to keep them occupied at doctors' and therapists' offices combined with the whining about doing work from my DS when we are home might be enough to send me over the edge. On the other hand, it might be easier to deal with the appointments if I didn't have to work around the school's schedule too. It's a hard choice. I think mom's sanity is a valid factor.

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Nayfiesmom, how old is your child? Is he on medications?


I'll tell you why I am asking. WIth both of my adhd kids, their medications had to be changed and/or doses changed over the years. My more severely adhd child had to have this even more than the more moderately adhder. Changing medications or doses may make it easier for you to teach him.

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We put our older son (who has dyslexia and ADHD) into a very small private school in January (middle of 10th grade). In many ways it has been better for him than homeschooling as it keeps his attention more. It has been very difficult for him with regard to organization and planning, though, and in that respect, it would have been good for him to adjust to school and its demands before it counted in high school. However, he needed to be home for academic reasons in 9th grade.


I do think that if I had put him in at age 9 it would have been a disaster.


I'm guessing that this doesn't help much.

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I attempted to homeschool pre-k for my son that is ADHD.. put him in PS, stayed in the classroom it seemed like every day of the week, meeting with counselors, and giving suggestions to the teacher to better teach my son.. One day my husband had enough and said "bring him home.. actually bring them ALL home" we went to the school, checked them out and withdrew them that week. Its been one full year since we brought them all home from PS and I am SO happy we did. We do have some days that I dream of sending them on that school bus. It would be the easy way out for me emotionally (until the phone started ringing, that is)


Its hard to homeschool an ADHD child :( :grouphug:

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