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I've been on Metformin for a couple of months now and have had to deal with the GI issues. Not fun. But, from everything I've read Met is one of the safer and well tested drugs. It supposedly even has some kind of anti-cancer properties.:001_smile: I'm very anti-drug, but I did give into this one. I've only lost a few pounds while taking it, but for me, that wasn't the issue. I'm just trying to get my blood sugar under control. I've lost 120 pounds over the last few years and still have another 15-30 to go. I was diagnosed with diabetes in February. :confused: You'd think after losing all that weight that blood sugar wouldn't be an issue. Rats!

Anyway, my recommendation ;) would be to go on a very, very low carb/high fat way of eating. Someone else recommended Dr. Bernstein's book, and I second that recommendation. Start doing some online research. There are lots of websites/forums with lots of info. I remember giving you some low carb recipe sites, but if you'd like some recommendations for changing your diet just let me know.

It is so much easier to give up all carbs then to try to cut back. After the first few days you lose the carb craving. Even though you are eating brown rice (mostly) rather than white rice, the brown rice still has a ton of carbs.

When/if you do have an A1C test, it should be in the 5s. A lot of docs are OK with it being in the 6s or 7s, but that is too high for good health. I still have a long way to go, but I'm working on it. It's coming down a lot slower than I'd like it to, but at least it's going in the right direction.

I'm still figuring this all out, too, but for me, I'm convinced that LC/HF is the way to go.


Thanks, Stacy. I'll ask the doctor about doing an A1C test next time I go in.


I do have Dr. Bernstein's book. I'll get it off the shelf and read it again.

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I vote for both metformin and lower-carb lifestyle (though personally, when I'm taking metformin I have to make sure I eat not too-few carbs, in combination with protein). I love metformin and miss it terribly - I have PCOS and have taken it on and off over the years, mostly with regard to conceiving and pregnancy.


FWIW, for those of you who suffer with the side effects of metformin, I vastly prefer the extended release version - far, far less severe in the way of side effects than the regular. Besides, I hated to remember taking the regular version so many times per day. Also, when you first start, increase the dose gradually (e.g. 500/day for a week or two, then add another pill, then another, etc.)


I really, really miss metformin... At some point I'll have to go find a new endocrinologist and get me some more :tongue_smilie:

Edited by wapiti
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My dad is one of those patients that has the GI side effects.


He told me that people have found the generic to not work as well at the brand name. I don't know about that specifically, but I have read an article or two about an increasing number of problems with generic prescriptions because so many are made overseas now in factories with quality control issues. One particular Indian manufacturer had trouble with several drugs - putting in way too much or not enough of the active ingredient. These factories are supposedly inspected by the FDA, but the reality is, they aren't.


So if you try a generic and it doesn't help, maybe try a brand name.

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I did some tweaking today to my diet.


Breakfast - I kept the same because my blood sugar is great after it. This is my meal when I can have a grain (a lite whole wheat bread).


Lunch - salad with protein as usual. My blood sugar is great with this.


Afternoon snack - this is what I tweaked today to have no grains. I had 1/2 c. of grapes and some trail mix. This was an iffy choice. My blood sugar barely scraped by with a 120 after 2 hours but I don't feel like it was good control. I will have to tweak some more.


Dinner - I had a big salad and a half serving of shrimp scampi. I was worried about this because of the angel hair pasta.


After dinner I went to kickboxing.


Tonight I tested. Normally my blood sugar is elevated after dinner/kickboxing.


Tonight it was 107!!!!


Evening snack - I'm having two eggs for protein to hold me over night.


I'm feeling pretty good about my day.

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My dad is one of those patients that has the GI side effects.


He told me that people have found the generic to not work as well at the brand name. I don't know about that specifically, but I have read an article or two about an increasing number of problems with generic prescriptions because so many are made overseas now in factories with quality control issues. One particular Indian manufacturer had trouble with several drugs - putting in way too much or not enough of the active ingredient. These factories are supposedly inspected by the FDA, but the reality is, they aren't.


So if you try a generic and it doesn't help, maybe try a brand name.


This is a good point. I believe I heard this too (though I didn't have a bad experience on the generic - over the years I took both the brand name and the generic, and regular and extended release ER/XR for both).

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This is a good point. I believe I heard this too (though I didn't have a bad experience on the generic - over the years I took both the brand name and the generic, and regular and extended release ER/XR for both).


:iagree:I pay more for it but only take brand name Glucophage, extended release.


Jean, google hemoglobin A1c and you will have a better idea why so many people are pushing for that test. :)

Edited by melmichigan
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My understanding of the A1c test is that it reflects the average of your numbers for the previous three months. Its the best overview, of how you are doing contolling your numbers. I keep telling people I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetes but my numbers really indicate I am diabetic. I am doing what I can to reverse it, and my research to educate myself made me understand that Metformin is one of the good drugs. The GI issues will resolve in a bit.


I successfully did low-carb and lost 30 lbs. I went to About.com, read reviews of all the low-carb diets and chose the one I liked, read all their books, and it worked. I gained a bunch back, when I dropped off the carb-control. The best helps I did find: Stevia packets, Joseph low carb wraps, and Sara Lee low carb bread (both easy to find and inexpensive, no $12 loaves of cardboard-flavored bread for me. I tried baking carb-free bread and its interesting, when I have the time.)


Exercising is like taking a pill....without the pill. It lowers my numbers quickly. Its amazing.


I've got great, great books, have done the research, know what I need to do. I just can't stick to it. Life changes. I need to, I'm terrified of diabetes, and shortening my life. I just fall off the wagon. I gotta do better. This thread has helped me. I feel alone in this. Embarrassed, scared, alone.


Sorry you guys have it, too, but, well, your company helps me feel not-so-abby-normal.

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I've got great, great books, have done the research, know what I need to do. I just can't stick to it. Life changes. I need to, I'm terrified of diabetes, and shortening my life. I just fall off the wagon. I gotta do better. This thread has helped me. I feel alone in this. Embarrassed, scared, alone.


Sorry you guys have it, too, but, well, your company helps me feel not-so-abby-normal.


I understand. I'm actually compliant and have normal numbers 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time just isn't acceptable because it hurts me.

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My understanding of the A1c test is that it reflects the average of your numbers for the previous three months. Its the best overview, of how you are doing contolling your numbers. I keep telling people I've been diagnosed as pre-diabetes but my numbers really indicate I am diabetic. I am doing what I can to reverse it, and my research to educate myself made me understand that Metformin is one of the good drugs. The GI issues will resolve in a bit.


What I am also learning about the A1C is that even though it is an average, it doesn't show the spikes. It's extremely important to keep your (my) blood sugar under 140 (and probably lower than that) at all times to avoid damage. It's really important to be testing several times a day if you can.


I've been dealing with this for four months now and feel like it has totally taken over my life. I guess the alternative isn't good, but this sure isn't fun.


LBS, I've had to finally realize that very low carb can't just be a diet for me. It has to be the way I live for the rest of my life. I LOVE food and cooking and collecting recipes, etc. so this has been huge for me. I did post on another thread a low-carb bread recipe that I love. It's quick and easy to make and doesn't require any weird ingredients. Let me know if you'd like the recipe. I just started making it this week and have had a sandwich every day just because I can.:D After not having any bread, crackers, carbs for 4 months, this was awesome.

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