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Do you ever wish you could just donate the contents of your entire house

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YES. I have this fantasy that a tornado or lightening strikes my house (only mine, though. I don't want to wipe out the neighborhood!) and everything is a total loss. Insurance covers everything and we start over. Except, this "natural disaster" occurs when we're not home, all curriculum, iProducts, and pets are in the car. LOL Not logical, but that's why it's a fantasy!

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Wow, you are serious.


Frankly, I think my Grandma would die all over again, knowing I kept that chair for 20+ years! It's been sat in and used well even though it was uncomfortable as heck and rickety to boot by the time I finished with it. It was time to move on. I have a couple other things of hers. Now...if I had an awesome vintage dresser or something like it, I'd keep it. But that chair ended up being more of a white elephant. My dh keep clothes. ACK! Take a picture and be gone with them! It's the person you remember, not their stuff especially when it becomes a burden.


I love vintage stuff but I don't want to look at them. I want to use them!

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:lol: Yes. I read a decluttering/organizing book not long ago (can't remember the title, my brain is like Swiss cheese these days), and in the beginning, the author pointed out that many clients have mentioned that they wouldn't be too averse to losing it all in a house fire so they could start all over again.


I often fantasize about just sweeping everything on all the surfaces in the house into big boxes and packing them up in the attic. WHY is it so hard?!


I would. Except for my photos and some baby stuff that I hold onto for dear life. :lol: I have OCD and LOVE getting rid of stuff. However, I have family members who mean well but end up dumping tons of stuff off with us. And we can't afford good furniture most of the time, so our stuff is all falling apart (except for our lovely IKEA furniture from when I was getting child support). And our house is small with no good wall space because of radiators. It just feels like I can't get anything clean enough for long or organized decently or just...sigh. it's been a long day.


I'd totally be in for an honest opinion about my house if people would come over or look at pictures. I did NOT inherit a decorating gene!


Has anyone seen this site? I considered joining for a month, but I'm REALLY tight on cash right now. :(

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I would. Except for my photos and some baby stuff that I hold onto for dear life. :lol: I have OCD and LOVE getting rid of stuff. However, I have family members who mean well but end up dumping tons of stuff off with us. And we can't afford good furniture most of the time, so our stuff is all falling apart (except for our lovely IKEA furniture from when I was getting child support). And our house is small with no good wall space because of radiators. It just feels like I can't get anything clean enough for long or organized decently or just...sigh. it's been a long day.


I'd totally be in for an honest opinion about my house if people would come over or look at pictures. I did NOT inherit a decorating gene!


Has anyone seen this site? I considered joining for a month, but I'm REALLY tight on cash right now. :(


I'd like to see a sample of what you'd get for a month. I couldn't find one. Is there one?


I'd also like to know how to have a simple house without it being stark. I like homey, but I don't like a bunch of junk, nor do I like when it looks like nobody lives there or nobody wants to in fear of wrecking anything.


I used to rearrange for fun. It was cheap, required no buying, and kept my house clean and was rejuvinating. But now with the big TV's, entertainment units and houses they now build to put things in certain places only, my cheap fun has gone away, my house is full of dust bunnies and I buy stuff for change instead of moving it around.

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However, I have family members who mean well but end up dumping tons of stuff off with us.



This is my problem. Any piece of furniture my in-laws get rid of ends up in our house. Any potentially useful item at a garage sale is purchased and given to us. I was "told" that a carpet shampooer my SIL was given but doesn't use would be taken from her and given to us because our new home has carpet. I'm never going to shampoo a carpet. (Nevermind the whole maintaining ownership over things you've already given people issue.)


My husband and I were at Ikea yesterday, and it frustrated me that we can't have things we want because we are burdened by all the things we have been given. I decided I would build a second house by myself on our property, and we will only fill it with things we want. Now I just have to get building. :tongue_smilie:

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It's interesting, because I think a lot of people feel ready to practically give their stuff away, and yet if you look at the stuff posted on Craigslist/Kijiji, the prices are bizarre! I mean, do people really expect to get 50% of the price they paid for a used item? I can find *new* stuff for 50% off a lot of the time. I wish people would post items cheaply in the spirit of getting it out of their house while blessing another family.


(P.S. I don't mean you, of course!)


To some extent? Meeting someone on Craigslist is a hassle. I have to get a certain amount for an item or it isn't worth my time and $$ to do it. I'd rather give it away to Goodwill.

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I want to get rid of 75% of DH's stuff. All mine is just fine!


Only partially kidding - he's much more of a hoarder than I am in most respects. He has a good eye for collectibles. This has, at times, helped us survive, but it tends to get a little overwhelming in the meantime.

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This is my problem. Any piece of furniture my in-laws get rid of ends up in our house. Any potentially useful item at a garage sale is purchased and given to us. I was "told" that a carpet shampooer my SIL was given but doesn't use would be taken from her and given to us because our new home has carpet. I'm never going to shampoo a carpet. (Nevermind the whole maintaining ownership over things you've already given people issue.)


My husband and I were at Ikea yesterday, and it frustrated me that we can't have things we want because we are burdened by all the things we have been given. I decided I would build a second house by myself on our property, and we will only fill it with things we want. Now I just have to get building. :tongue_smilie:


Sounds like my house. :glare: And there is no such thing as "No thank you". It's just here. We get rid of so much of it, but sometimes it just piles up and you can't get to it right away. We went from 800 sq. ft (with 4 kids) to 1800 so all of my in-laws told us straight out that now we need to "fill the space". My house went from having room to play and being easy to clean to being so cluttered I just sit and cry instead of deal with it. I appreciate the gesture, but in reality it just hurts us. And it seems like stuff multiplies. I know where the book problem comes from, but everything else must breed when I'm asleep.


I'm starting an IKEA wish list in case my dh's summer class miraculously goes. We just lost over $14k of income, so I'm not hopeful, but man I'm praying! Our couch is so broken that it's downright dangerous and my girls desperately need a bunk bed because their room is too small. I just cleaned the porch. I've been afraid to go out there for awhile. I have a back injury that's feeling better, but I had to get everything off the porch, face the fact that the wood floor is rotting because the last owners remodeled it poorly and now I have to find a way to replace and pay for 1/3 of a new porch, hose and scrub everything, and get rid of toys. If I had boxes around still, or money to decorate, I would totally box everything, repaint, and pretend I'm moving back in. :lol:

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We did donate a great deal of our furniture (to say nothing of a portion of our vast library, many boxes of clothes, and numerous other cartons and bags of "stuff") when we moved to the forever home.


The Misses also sorted and purged.


All of us made good choices, and we only "lost" one important item in the transition. I regret its loss, but it's not crippling, if you know what I mean.


Anyway. After twenty-five years of marriage, it was time to update. Walking through what I often describe as "a grown-up's house," I am filled with a sense of satisfaction -- not in the things, necessarily, but in the sense of rightness and comfort.


Our master bedroom made it through the move, by the way. We love that funny room just as it is. I hope I have it another now twenty-six years, at least. (*smile*)

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We just helped my recently-widowed mom move into a 1BR apt. She donated truckloads of stuff, and has just what she needs, nicely organized (well, waiting to buy a new couch & dresser) and I am SOOOOOOOOO JEALOUS! :drool5:


I also wish the Paper Fairy would magically sort all of my papers and only keep what I really need. I could probably fill 2 or 3 of these paper dumpsters http://www.paperretriever.com/ .

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