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Is there a resource that teaches how to create computer games?

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Alice.org might be a good place to start.


My ds is currently working with java trying to make some mods for Minecraft.


I am totally hands off with this stuff, don't have a clue how it all works, and he does this in his spare time. I tried to find a set program of study for ds and he never was that interested, so we've made it totally off school time. He's explored way more than I would have required had it been a "subject".

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Thirding Game Maker as a good introduction to the thinking needed for game development.


DS checked out a great book from the library which walked him through making platform games. It is a drag and drop system, so the kids are not actually coding, but they are learning the typed of elements considered in making a game.

He downloaded the Game maker program for free.


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Just wanted to also recommend the Computer Sci 101 class available for free at coursera.org.


The class teaches JavaScript which is used in web design. Although it is not a class specifically for game programming, it seems to be an excellent first introduction to coding, especially for a student who responds well to video instruction. The class is set up with assignments dye at certain times--the first ones for this class are due Tuesday. My 13 yo son has been enjoying the class.

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Alice.org might be a good place to start.


My ds is currently working with java trying to make some mods for Minecraft.


I am totally hands off with this stuff, don't have a clue how it all works, and he does this in his spare time. I tried to find a set program of study for ds and he never was that interested, so we've made it totally off school time. He's explored way more than I would have required had it been a "subject".


LOL. This is what my son is doing as well. He loves Minecraft and spends hours making mods.

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Alice.org might be a good place to start.


My ds is currently working with java trying to make some mods for Minecraft.




My ds started with Alice. He followed Alice with Lego Mindstorms. He also really enjoyed Minecraft for awhile. I think he is going to do Python next.

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I happened upon this when researching programming classes for my ds. I'm holding on to the link for dd to try when she has some free time:




She has dabbled in Alice and Scratch as well, and enjoyed them. Ds learned GameMaker as part of a K12 class. He liked it too, though he doesn't use it at all anymore.


Gamestarmechanic.com is one a friend uses to create games. Evidently you can put them out there for others to try. I haven't checked that one out, but this girl loves it.



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