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If you use Floradix liquid iron supplement...

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I don't think it did at all. But, a warning. It stains your teeth BADLY. My teeth on the inside were BLACK with stains. I had to get a thorough cleaning from the dentist. So I would drink it with a straw or mix it in orange juice so your teeth do not stain.


And FWIW, it didn't do anything for my iron levels. I know it does for some. I now take Vitron-C. It has Vit C already in it plus I take another Vit C caplet with the pills(I take 3 a day) with OJ. My iron stores went from an 8 to a 48. It is a very long process though. Especially if you are anemic due to having your periods. Which I still do so I still take them. And probably will until menopause hits. And it is very gentle on the stomach. I have been on them almost two years with no issues.(yes it took 2 years for my iron stores to come up. But it is one step forward and 2 steps back.) For me it is worth taking 3 iron pills a day then have someone mess with my uterus, when there is nothing wrong.:D

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Thanks, ladies!

I'm concerned that my very picky eater may need an iron supplement. The doctor ordered blood work today so we'll see what happens.

I like Dr. Andrew Weil's website, and he recommends Floradix. It sounds gentler than the Slow Fe pills that I had to take several years ago but I wasn't sure if the taste might be a big issue here.

Thanks again. :)

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I thought it was kind of tasty, and I love the smell, but that's probably just because it was a happy smell associated with pennies.


(Side note: I read online somewhere that it tastes like liquid pennies, which always makes me laugh!)

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To me it tastes like a mix of orange juice and liquorice but super concentrated so its slightly too strong to be completely pleasant. I generally only take it completely happily for the first few days then it starts to become a bit yucky. There is a tablet version. I stopped taking it because the iron levels in it are not that high so had to find something with more iron in it.

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