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It's official I am old and creaky

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I went today for my physical. Haven't had one since I found I was pregnant with dd4. So this was long over due. My old dr had retired so this is the one I chose to take over my file.


The end result, I am too stinking old already. MY former doctor had told me there was no was I had PCOS due to the fact I have had kids. New dr went through my current concerns, looked up the old info in the file and said "YOu have PCOS" Apparently my unexplainable miscarriages and preterm deliveries could be the result of the PCOS. SO off to have some blood work done for glucose, cholesterol etc since of course the insulin resistance is a risk factor. Okay so that addresses a big part of my issues.


Then we talked about my feet and the plantar fascitis. It has gotten worse. The inability to lose weight (see above) makes it worse. I am at the point now that I have a daily limp, in the morning I can not walk or stand without support etc. So now I have a prescription for physio and for spints to wear on my feet at night. I have to keep taping and using arch supports during the day. Great fun.


Then I talked to her about my crazy fatigue. I have always been tired, I have been sleep deprived for 14 years but these last few months have been extreme. If I sit for more than about 10-15 minutes I start to fall asleep, including when I drive. It is a serious danger. SHe looks through my chart and notes that I have been seen repeatedly for bad headaches, and the CT was clean. She asks if I snore. I don't know I sleep alone. SHe asks if I ever startle myself awake. Yes, I get the falling feeling and startle awake. So now I have a referral to have a sleep study done. She feels I have apnea. The weight does not help that either, but see above.


Also have to go for a hearing test since that has been an issue.


And lastly, she noticed a goiter again. My old dr noticed this years ago but TSH came back normal. She asks if he ever sent me for an ultrasound of it. No. So in addition to the multiple cials of blood I have to give tomorrow my TSH is being tested again to be followed up with an U/S being booked for my thyroid.


SHe says the weight could be just as much of an issue with the thyroid as with the PCOS and that if my thyroid is messed up it could be what has caused much of my depression.


So yeah, I turn 35 in June. And have the body of an old woman. I am falling apart at the seams.


Dr. says when the results are in there will be no calls saying everything is okay, no matter what I will be having a follow up, that she wants me on Metformin, and has suggested I start a diabetic diet no matter what the tests currently say because with PCOS the risk is higher to get Diabetes and my cousin has it and she is concerned that my thyroid is enlarged and has been without proper assessment for 7 years now. Hopefully my pap at least will come back completely normal.


So yeah, Fasting for blood work starting in 5 minutes, having a quick snack right now. Can't I just have my young body back not this old lady one.

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Wow that was a busy appointment!


Seriously though, if your thyroid is out of wack, it could be as simple as a pill a day and you may start to fell better pretty soon!


It could be one cause of the fatigue and excess weight. If you get the fatigue under control, you may feel better and start losing weight. If you start losing weight you may resolve your sleep issue. If you sleep at night, are not fatigued, move around more, lose a bit of weight....your pf may not bother you any more.



Doing just the one thing, starting to take the thyroid med, could be just the catalyst you need to make some major strides in the next year to feeling better!



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This is my life....

Pcos, insulin resistance, hashimoto's etc.


Really, Metformin changed my life.....so did synthroid. Not perfect, but better. I also have fibromyalgia, and wish there were a magic pill for that.




Exercise, a low carb diet, and being nice to yourself.....will make pcos and thyroid problems much more tolerable.


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I have plantar fascitis, too. I also have the morning limp and have to wear very supportive tie shoes with orthotics all day long. It sucks. I'm sorry about that. It's really hard to find cute shoes for my giant duck feet, especially when adding in the orthotics. I just went shoe shopping yesterday, so I feel a little bitter about it right now.


:grouphug: for all the rest of the stuff. I hope they can get you squared away so that you start feeling better. :grouphug:

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Thanks everyone. I know that whether the thyroid is the cuplrit or the PCOS is dealing with those so I can actually lose the weight will make the biggest difference in my overall health. I gave up on losing the weight because it just wasn't happening. I was eating right (actually doing WW type tracking with my old WW stuff) and going to curves 4-6 times a week I was gaining. I left the gym after I could no longer afford it and tried exercising at home. Most were next to impossible after a coupld days because my pain levels were too high in my feet. Switched to Leslie sansone dvds and while not losing still I was able to do them until last month when my left foot got 100% times worse. Dropped all exercise and in a self pity way went back to eating carp because eating right was making me miss all the good stuff with no benefit.


Hoping that whether it is thyroid or PCOS or both that dealing with those will make it possible for me to start losing weight. I hate being big, I hate my feet hurting and being tired etc. Over all none of it is a big deal, but combined makes me feel too old for my age.

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